^A^I^RIL, 1861, TO OCTOBER, 1862.
W. A. LAEE and W. M. HAETZELL, Publishers.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862. by
In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania.
Military of Alleglieny County.
On the llth of April, 1861, the Secession movements in the South — al-
ready endorsed by Legislative action in Several States — culminated in a de-
mand by General Beauregard, commander of the rebel troops, for a surren-
der of Fort Sumter, in the harbor of Charleston. The refusal of Major
Anderson to surrender was followed, on the 12th inst., by an assault on the
fort, which, after a two days' bombardment, was capitulated, and the Uni-
ted States garrison, comprising less than ninety men, left the fort on the
14th inst. with the honors of war, saluting their flag. ' No loss of life had
occured during the bombardment, but by the bursting of a gun in firing the
salute two men were killed and four wounded.
The most intense excitement throughout the North followed the announce-
ment of the attack on Fort Sumter, and on the 15th of April the President
issued a proclamation calling upon the States to furnish 75,000 militia, to
suppress the rebellion, and summoning an extra session of Congress on the
4th of July following. The quota of Pennsylvania, under this call for
troops, was fixed at sixteen regiments, and the command of the Western
Division of the State assigned to Brigadier-General Negley, for the purpose
of organizing the troops.
The call for volunteers found Allegheny County, like all other parts of
the State, almost unprovided with military organizations. There were in
the two cities ten volunteer companies — the Jackson Independent Blues,
Duquesne Greys, Washington Infantry, Allegheny Rifles, Pennsylvania
Dragoons, Pittsburgh Turner Rifles, Lafayette Blues, Pennsylvania Zou-
aves, National Guards and United States Zouave Cadets — several of which
Military Record
had been organized during the military furore following the visit of the
Chicago Zouaves, in 1860, In the county there were also a few volunteer
organizations — the Pennsylvania Infantry, at East Liberty, Alliquippa
Guards, M'Keesport, Turtle Creek Guards, Turtle Creek, two companies in
Birmingham, St. Clair Guards, Union Artillery, National Lancers, and one
or two others.
The greatest enthusiasm followed the announcement of the call for
volunteers. Scores of companies were set on foot and tendered their ser-
vices to the Governor. On the 15th instant recruiting began throughout
the county, and on the 17th, the first detachment of Turner Rifles, eighty
men, under Captain Amlung, left for Harrisburg. The remainder of the
company, which was organized from the German Turner Association, left
on the following day. On the same day, the Hannibal Guards, a company
of colored men, also tendered their services. On the 18th, Trovillo's In-
vincibles, Robinson' Light Guards, M'Dowell's State Guards, and Gerard's
Pennsylvania Zouaves, left for Harrisburg, followed, on the 20th, by a "sec-
ond detachment," and Rippey's Scott Legion, Gallagher's Shields Guards,
and Alliquippa Guards, of M'Keesport. On the 22d, the first regiment was
organized in Allegheny County by General Negley :
Twelfth Regiment, Penna, Volunteers.
Colonel — David Campbell, of Pittsburgh.
Lieutenant-Colonel — Norton M'Gifiin, of Washington.
Major — Alexander Hays, of Pittsburgh.
Adjutant — G. L. Bonnafon.
Quartermaster — James A. Ekin.
Quartermaster Sergeant — Samuel Walker.
Surgeons— Drs. A. M. Speer, R. M. Tindle.
Chaplain — Rev. J. J. Marks.
Co. A — Jackson Independent Blues, Capt. Samuel M'Kee.
" B — Duquesn^ Greys. " John S. Kennedy.
" C — Firemen's Legion, " John H. Stewart.
" D — Union Guards, " William Tomlinson.
" E — Washington In vincibles,* " James Armstrong.
" F — Lawrence Guards,t " Edward O'Brien.
" G — Monongahela Artillery,^' " Robert F. Cooper.
" H — Lawrence Guards,* " Daniel Leasure.
" I — Zouave Cadets, " George W. Tanner.
" K— City Guards, " William H. Denny.
* Washington county, f Lawrence county.
At the same time a battalion was organized of the companies in excess,
some seven or eight, of which Captain T. A. Rowley, of the Washington
Infantry, was elected Major. A regiment was subsequently organized at
Harrisburg, the tenth company being formed of the men in excess in the
other companies, and Joseph Browne elected captain. This was afterwards
known as the
Of Allegheny County,
Thirteenth Eegiment, Penna. Volunteers.
Colonel — T. A. Rowley, of Pittsburg.
Lieut. Colonel — John N. Purviance, of Butler.
Major — W. S. Mellinger, of Washington.
Adjutant — J. M. Kinkead.
Quartermaster — M. K. Moorhead.
Quartermaster Sergeant — L. Sahl, Jr.
Sergeant Major — Alex. P. Callow.
Surgeons — Drs. James Robinson, Geo. S. Foster.
Chaplain — Rev. A. M. Stewart.
Co. A — Washington Infantry, Capt. David B. Morris.
B — Union Cadets,
C — Negley Cadets,
D — Washington Infantry,
E — Fort Pitt Guards,
F—Rowley Rifles,
G—Taylor Guards,t
H— Butler Blues,t
J — Shields Guards,
K — Duquesne Greys,
John W. Patterson.
Joseph Browne.
William Mays.
William A. Charlton.*
John D. M'Farland.
John H. Filler.
Alex. Gillespie.
William C. Gallagher.
John Poland.
* Resigned at York, succeeded by 1st Lieut. Hamlet Lowe, f Bedford
county. X Butler county.
A number of the companies which had already been sent eastward were
collected at Camp Slifer, Chambersburg, Franklin Co., and others forward-
ed directly to Washington City. Those who reached Washington were or-
ganized into the
Fifth Regiment Penna. Vols.*
Colonel— R. P. M'Dowell, Allegheny City.
Lieut. Colonel — B. Christ.
Major — R. B. Petriken.
Adjutant — R. C. Parker.,
Co. A — State Guards. Capt. G. W. Dawson.
a B— Turner Rifles,' " H. Amlung.
'^ K — United States Zouaves, " George Segrist.
* Seven companies were from Eastern counties.
In Camp Slifer, from the troops sent forward from Allegheny and Berks
counties, was organized the
Seventh Regiment Penna. Vols.
Colonel — William H. Irwin.
Lieut. Colonel — 0. H. Rippey, of Allegheny.
Major — Frank Robinson, of Allegheny.
Military Record
Co. A — Scott Legion, Capt. Maurice Wallace.
" B — Allegheny Rifles, " Casper Gang.
'' E— Allegheny Light Guards, '' H. K. Tyler.
<■<- F — Pennsylvania Zouaves, " Joseph Gerard.
" K— Pittsburg Invincibles, " William H. Trovillo.
The Negley Zouaves, Capt. 0. M. Irvine, were assigned to the 3d Regi-
ment, of which Capt. Irvine was chosen Major ; 1st Lieut. Lawson succeed-
ing to the Captaincy.
The Alliquippa Guards, Capt. Snider, were attached to the 14th Regi-
ment, Col. John W. Johnston.
While these companies were recruiting, the community was in a constant
whirl of excitement. Public buildings, stores, and even private houses
were profusely decorated with flags of all sizes and qualities. Private sub-
scriptions for the benefit of individuals and companies were raised liberally
— amounting in the aggregate to thousands of dollars. Revolvers, swords,
bowie knives, sashes, and other weapons and military decorations were pre-
sented by hundreds, individuals, companies, and corporations vieing with
each other in liberality. By the efl"orts of a few individuals, in some in-
stances, whole companies were uniformed ; but we regret to say, the materi-
als and make, in some cases, soon proved to be of the shabbiest character.
Thus several companies of the three months volunteers were twice supplied
with clothing within a few weeks ; once before leaving home, and again by
the State, with "shoddy" suits, and both of such miserable materials as
to fall to pieces before the campaign had fairly commenced, causing much
needless suff"ering among the raw recruits.
During this period of excitement, the ladies took their full share of lab-
or, sewing gratuitously for the soldiers, making lint and hospital supplies,
and providing such delicacies as their means permitted. Hundreds of have-
locks were made, but the discovery that the white colored stufi" of Avhich they
were made had an injurious efi'ect on the eyes of the rear rank men, put a
sudden stop to the manufacture. Private subscriptions were raised to pro-
vide means both for the outfitting of the volunteers and for the defence of
the city. Messrs. Knapp, Rudd & Co., of the Fort Pitt works, generously
tendering the heavy ordnance for the purpose.
Departure of Allegheny County Troops.
On the 24th of April — eleven days after the President called for 75,000
men — the last detachment (excepting two companies) of the 12th and 13th
Regiments, left for Ilarrisburg. At an early hour in the day the troops
mustered and repaired to the East Common, Allegheny, where a grand re-
view had been announced to come ofi*. A slight rain had been falling,
which increased to a heavy shower as the review was about commencing,
and continued without intermission, interfering greatly with the Command-
ing General's arrangement for a grand demonstration. The review did not
come ofi", the soldiers instead plodding their way, through the muddy streets
and torrents of rain, to the railroad depot, which they reached in dilapida-
ted plight, the column marching through Western avenue, Ohio and Feder-
al streets to the river, across the Suspension bridge, up St. Clair and Fifth
Of Alleglieny Couniy.
streets to Smithfield, thence to Sixth and down to Liberty, where three
trains, consisting of thirty-three cars, were in waiting to transport them to
the State Capital. On the route a beautiful silk flag was presented to the
12th Regiment by the ladies of Allegheny, and received by Capt. R. Bid-
die Roberts, of the U. S. Zouave Cadets. This demonstration took place
at the house of Wm. Bagaley, Esq., on Western Avenue.
Before the troops reached the trains, the arrangements for supplying a
comfortable lunch were perfected. A day's rations of bread and meat had
been placed on each man's seat, and his tin cup filled with excellent cofiee,
most gladly welcomed by the soldiers after their trudge through mud and
rain. In Kier's warehouse, near the depot, a table was bountifully sup-
plied, and but few failed "to pay their respects" to it. Credit for this
timely supply of comfort for the inner man is due mainly to the citizens
who subsequently organized the Subsistence Committee, of which we will
hereafter speak.
About twelve o'clock, m., the first (and largest) train moved off amid the
most enthusiastic demonstrations, waving of handkerchiefs from the win-
dows and housetops, and deafening cheers from the spectators, all cheerful-
ly responded to by the men in the cars. At least ten thousand people had
collected to wave farewell to the "gallant three monthsers." The smaller
trains followed the first at brief intervals, and the crowd was not cleared off
until long after the first car was out of sight.
The first train arrived at Huntingdon at half-past six p. m., and simulta-
neous with its arrival the soldiers were besieged by citizens bearing baskets
of boiled eggs, sandwiches, crackers, cheese, hot coffee, &c. The second
and third trains stopped at Altoona, and the men were there fed at the ex-
pense of the Government.
The trains arrived at Harrisburg between one and two o'clock on the
morning of the 25th, and the men were quartered in churches and in the
capitol. On the afternoon of the same day the regiments were mustered
into the service of the United States, on the square fronting the State Cap-
itol, on each side of which the 12th and 13th regiments were formed in
line. After the ceremony. Gov. Curtin passed in review.
Col, Campbell's regiment, the 12th, left the same evening for " Camp
Scott," at York, and Col. Rowley's left on the following day for the same
At Oamp Scott,
of which Brig. Gen. Wynkoop was in command, were the 1st, 2d, 3d, 12th,
13th and 16th Regiments, numbering in all about 5,000 men. Beside
the Allegheny county companies in the 12th and 13th, another company,
the Negley Zouaves, were in the 3d. The men suffered much for the
want of sufficient clothing, which was not furnished for some time after
their arrival at York.
On the 29th of April Gen. Negley issued his first General Order, assum-
ing command of the 12th and 13th regiments, Capt. Leasure, of Lawrence
county, acting as Adjutant General.
Major General Keim, with his aid, Col. Schaffer, of Lancaster, arrived at
York on May 6th, and assumed control of affairs. Two days after, Captain
8 Military Record
Ekin, quartermaster of the 12th, left Philadelphia, with requisitions for
clothing and accoutrements for all the troops in camp Scott. He returned
on the 12th, having been successful in his mission.
At this time, the bridges on the Northern Central Railroad, (destroyed
by the rebels,) had been rebuilt, and trains began running regularly from
Harrisburg to Baltimore, a special train going through on the 9th.
Gen. Negley, by direction of Maj. Gen. Keim, had added to his brigade
(the Fourth,) the 14th and 15th Regiments, in camp at Lancaster. The
Alliquippa Guards, Capt. Snyder, of McKeesport, were Co. K, in the
The subject of re-enlisting for three years or the war was now agitated,
and excited considerable discussion. The question was not put to the j
men, and the reports that they refused to re-enlist are false. Being half a
month in the service without equipments, when other regiments subsequent- I
ly organized were already in the field, abundantly supplied with everything, |
the men of the 12th and 13th, were in no amiable mood. On the 3d of |
May, Governor Curtin was advised that there were three very fine regi- !
ments in Philadelphia ready to go into service, and was urged to accept ;
them. They were accepted and at once equipped and sent ofi". Wheni
Capt. Ekin visited Philadelphia, he was informed that the 12th and 13th |
regiments were in excess, and that unless they enlisted for three years they |
would be sent home. The acceptance of the Philadelphia regiments had
more than filled the State's quota of three months men, and hence the
12th and 13th, although fully organized in less than two weeks after the
call for troops, were to be crowded out. But, through the active exertions
of one of our Representatives in Congress, Hon. J. K. Moorhead, the Sec-
retary of War set all things straight. Who was to blame for this trouble
we cannot say, but it seems, through somebody's inadvertance or neglect,
that the War Department had not been advised of the organization of the
Allegheny county regiments.
On the 10th of May, (Sunday,) Gov. Curtin, with his Aid, Col. R. Bid-
die Roberts, reviewed the troops at York. Brig. Gens. Negley and Wyn-
koop appeared with their brigades.
The first instalment of overcoats and accoutrements reached York on the
19th, another on the following day, and from day to day until all the
troops in Camp Scott were fully clothed, equipped and furnished with Camp
equipage. The inferiority and absolutely rottenness of the clothing excited
much comment and not a little indignation.
About this time Gen. Negley left York for Lancaster, to see after the
interests of the 14th and 15th Regiments. His separation from the 12th
and 13th Regiments, it was at first supposed, would be but temporary, but
turned out that they were taken out of his command entirely, as he exercised
no control over them from the time of his leaving York, and during the re-
mainder of the campaign lie had but one company from Allegheny county
under his command — the Alliquippa Guards. This was much against his
wishes, as well as against the desire, we believe, of a majority of the Alle-
gheny volunteers.
On the 25th — having remained at Camp Scott exactly one month — the
12th Regiment received marching orders and was stationed along the
Of Allegheny County,
Northern Central Railroad, guarding it from the destructive intentions of
the rebels. The regiment remained there until the expiration of their term
of service.
On the 3d of June, the 13th received marching orders, and on the follow-
ing day left Camp Scott for Charabersburg, at which place it arrived on the
morning of the 7th, and Avent into "Cantonment Rowley," west of the town,
in the Fair Grounds, where it remained a few da3^s, removing thence, on
on the 12th, four miles South, to "Camp Brady." Here the regiment was
placed in the brigade of Col. Dixon S. Miles, U. S. A., composed of the
9th and 16th P. V., and detachments of the 2d and 3d Infantry, (regulars.)
The 15th found the regiment at "Camp Riley," in Md., a mile and a half
from the Potomac, and on the following day it was at "Camp Hitchcock,"
in Berkeley County, Va., two miles South of the Potomac, which river it
crossed, with Gen. Patterson's army, at Williamsport.
Before daylight on the 17th, the regiment, with the brigade to which it
was attached, retreated across the Potomac to Williamsport, and took up
quarters at " Camp Miles," adjoining the town. Here Col. Miles and his
regulars were detached and left for Washington City. The regiment re-
mained at this point, spending the time most agreeably, until the 4th of July.
At the Ledger office, in Williamsport, some of the 13th boys printed a
newspaper, entitled, " The Pennsylvania Thirteenth," dated " Camp
Miles, July 4th, 1861."
M. Swartzwelder, Esq., having paid the camp a visit, witnessed the
spectacle of a company parading in drawers, a supply of which they had
just received. He was convinced, after examining a few of the pantaloons
worn by the soldiers, that it was not the warmth of the weather that in-
duced them (the men) to come out in clean drawers in the presence of spec-
tators, rather than in pants which would not cover their nakedness.
As an evidence of the feeling concerning the "shoddy" clothing, the
" local " of the " Thirteen " thus dilated :
" We advertise for sale a choice lot of rags, (material unknown) formerly
put together as soldiers' clothing. If Mr. Neil, of Philadelphia, wishes to
assist in a speculation, he will find his services appreciated by applying to
the 13th Regiment."
On the day of the publication of the paper, and while Sergt. Maj. Cal-
low was working the press, without positive orders the 13th crossed the
Potomac the third time. Being short of rations, and directed not to move
until his commissary department had been replenished, Col. Rowley formed
the regiment in line on the bank of the river, and put the question to the
men whether they would be content to live for five days on three day's ra-
tions. An affirmative reply was given, and five minutes later the regiment
filed into the Potomac, while Doubleday's guns were belching forth salutes
in honor of the day. Arrived in Martinsburg on the same day, (the sec-
ond after the fight at Falling Waters,) and remained there until the 15th,
when Patterson's army moved to Bunker Hill, twelve miles distant from
Winchester. Here it rested in quietude, barring the nightly alarms, (caused
by timorous picket guards) until the 18th, when the army moved, NOT to Win-
chester, as was generally expected, but to Charleston, in the direction of Har-
10 Military Becord
per's Ferry. Remaining at Charleston for a few days, the line of march
was taken up for the Ferry, where the Potomac was crossed a fourth
time. EncampinfT for a night opposite Maryland Heights, the regiment
headed for Hngerstown, marching some twenty-two miles in nine hours.
The men knew they were going home, their term of service having expired.
At HagerstoAvn they took the cars for Chambersburg, thence to Harrisburg,
arriving in Pittsburg on the 29th of July. They were regularly mus-
tered out and paid oft a few days afterward. So ends a brief history of the
bloodless campaign of the three months men.
The 13th regiment, together with the companies in the 3d, 7th and 14th,
saw quite as much service as any of the three months troops attached to
Gen. Patterson's division, while the 12th regiment did most efficient service
in performing the duty to which it was assigned.
The companies in the 5th remained about Washington City, and were
among the very first troops which arrived to defend the National Capital.
The 7th regiment went from Harrisburg to Camp Slifer, near Chambers-
burg, and was assigned to the Brigade of Gen. Williams. It crossed the
Potomac with Patterson's army, and continued with it in the marches from
Willianisport to Harper's Ferry, whence the three months men were all
sent home.
While at Charleston, the battle of Bull Run took place, and on the day
previous the 13th was ordered to proceed some twenty miles in the direc-
tion of Winchester to burn some bridges and tear up railroad tracks, and
had started on their mission. The order, however, was countermanded,
while Capt. M. K. Moorhead, the Quartermaster, was endeavoring to pro-
cure the necessary tools.
The Alliquippa Guards, of McKeesport, Capt. Christian Snyder and
Lieut. 's F. Shaum and George Haast, — attached to the 14th Regiment, Col.
J. W. Johnston, of Westmoreland, remained at Lancaster for a considera-
ble time, going thence to Chambersburg and participating in the campaign
through the Cumberland Valley and Virginia. On the 14th of July, at
Camp Negley, near Hagerstown, Md., the officers of the Guards resigned,
because, as they stated, no provisions were furnished their men. The re-
signations were accepted by Gen. Negley, who appointed other officers,
viz : Capt. Jas. A. Lowrie, and 1st Lieut. Alexander Forsyth, both of whom
were on the General's staft", and the latter afterwards assigned as Quarter-
master of the 14th Regiment, with James H. Snodgrass, as assistant.
The Negley Zouaves, of East Liberty, Capt. Lawson, also actively
participated in the three months campaign, doing guard duty on the
radroad at Hagerstown for a short time.
Of Allegheny County. 11
Pending the organization of the A^olunteer militia of the county, active
exertions ^vere making in the community in the furtherance of the county's
cause. One of the most important bodies ever organized in the country
was set on foot, and for months afterwards exercised a controlling in-
fluence in all military affairs in the county. The duties of the Commit-
tee of Public Safety were multifarious and laborious, yet they were
attended to with a vigilance and promptitude that will forever reflect credit
on the members. On the 15th of April an immense mass meeting was
held in City Hall. Never before had so many persons gathered within
its walls — never had the same unanimity of sentiment been displayed.
This meeting adopted a series of resolutions pertinent to the crisis, the
fourth of which authorized the appointment of a Committe of One Hun-
dred, to act in all matters pertaining to the "patriot cause." This com-
mittee, which was announced by the venerable chairman of the meeting,
Judge Wilkins, on the 17th, was composed of prominent citizens of all
parties, and temporarily organized by electing Thomas Bakewell, Esq.,
President ; John Birmingham, W. Bagaley, Hon. Thomas M. Howe, Wm.
F. Johnston, C. Zug- and G. W. Cass, Vice Presidents; and T. Steel, C.
McKnight, T. J. Bigham and T. B. Hamilton, Secretaries.
A committee appointed on permanent organization, at a meeting on the
18th, reported the following permanent officers : Hon. William Wilkins,
President ; Hon. Thomas M. Howe, Hon. William F. Johnston, Willijim
Bagaley, James P. Barr, John Birmingham and George W. Cass, Vice
Presidents; Messrs. William M. Hersh, John W. Riddell, George H.
Thurston, Wm, Woods, Jos. R. Hunter and Thos. D. Hamilton, Secretai-ies
and Jas. M'Auley, Treasurer. The committee also reported the propriety
of creating three sub-committees, viz : Finance, Home Defence, and Ex-
ecutive Committees, the organization of which, for obvious reasons, was not
made public. The committees at once entered upon their duties in col-
lecting funds and organizing the residents of the county into companies
and regiments of Home Guards. The duties of the Executive Committee
were of an extremely delicate character. At the outbreaking of the re-
bellion, there were in every community in the North numbers of residents
who sympathized, more or less openly, with the rebels, and continued to
supply them, for some lime, with articles contraband of war. These arti-
cles were forwarded by railroad and express to points in the West, from
which they could readily be distributed to the South. It became the duty
12 • Military Record
of the committee to intercept these contraband shipments, and to put a
stop, as quietly as possible, to the public expression of disloyal sentiments.
For some weeks their labors were arduous, but finally resulted in a com-
plete suppression of the illegal traffic. Hon. Wm. F. Johnston, Hon. Thos.
Howe, Hon. Wm. Wilkins, Hon. John E. Parke, George W. Cass, George
P. Hamilton, Thomas S. Blair, James H. Sewell, James Park, jr., James
M'Auley, James B. Murray, William M. Lyon, Thomas Steel, William R.
Brown, James Herdman, J. R. M'Cune, C. W. Batchelor, Wm. M. Shinn,
William Phillips, Thomas Bakewell, James A. Hutchinson, H. M'Cullough,
Reuben Miller, jr,, Edward Gregg, Samuel Dilworth, William J. Morrison,
Isaac Jones, M. Swartzwelder, William Coleman, Dr, George M'Cook, sr.,
P. C. Shannon, and Edward H. Stowe, formed this committee, of which
William F. Johnston was elected chairman, and Thomas JM. Howe Vice
President, Geo. H. Thurston, Secretary of the Committee of Public Safety
and J. A. Hutchinson, were appointed secretaries. Mr. Thurston, from his
wide acquaintance in the community and his experience in business of a
kindred nature, was enabled to be of great service to the committee in
the transaction of its business.
At a mass meeting of citizens held some time after the formation of
the committee, another committee was appointed to confer with the Execu-
tive Committee, being subsequently consolidated with it. It was composed
of Messrs. B. C. Sawyer, A. C. Alexander, James M. Cooper, Wm. Robin-
son, jr., Wm. K. Nimick, John Harper, Robert Ashworth, Francis Sellers,
F. R. Brunot, B. F. Jones, T. J. Bigham, John Myler, Wm. Semple, Jas.
P. Tanner, Saml. Wickersham and James French. The original committee
was in constant session for several weeks, day and night. The joint com-
mittee was chiefly engaged with business relative to the defence of the city.
The last meeting of the committee was held on Sept. 16th, 1861, there be-
ing no emergency from that date until September, 1862, which required
their attention.
The Executive Committee, or rather, the Committee on Munitions of War,
Messrs. Jos. Dilworth, Geo. M'Cook, E. D. Gazzam, Jonas R. McClintock,
and Robert Finney, on the 25th of April published a notice to shippers, to
report all goods supposed to be contraband to the committee, sitting in
permanent session. The Committee on the Transit of Contraband Goods —
Messrs. George McCook, M. D., Henry Hays, E. D. Gazzam, Jonas R.
McClintock and W. E. Fundenburg, — on the 28th, passed the following
resolutions :
" Resolved, That all goods arriving at Pittsburg, and destined for South-
ern States, be stopped for the present, stored and insured.
" Resolved, That no packages whatever shall be alloAved to go forward to
Southern States till they have been opened and examined by the Committee.
" Resolved, That one or more packers be employed to attend to the
opening of boxes and other packages and repacking the same."
The Committee still exercised a supervision over shipments during the
summer. On the 28th of August, while the Collector of Customs was ex-
amining an Express car load v/f goods and munitions of war, a box of "fric-
tion tubes," used in firing army ordnance, exploded. Mr. James Batch-
Of Allegheny County, 13
elor, a brother of Captain Chas. W. Batclielor, Collector of Customs, who
was standing beside the car, had his leg broken by a splinter. Wm. Mc-
Laughlin, Expressman, John Maher, stableman, and Michael Regan,
laborer, were at work in the car. McLaughlin was frightfully lacerated
about the face and stomach, and one of his eyes badly injured. Maher was
also terribly injured, his right side being lacerated, his left knee laid open
to the bone, and his right arm, wrist and hand torn and mangled. All for-
tunately recovered. The cause of the explosion could never be clearly as-
certained, as the tubes are packed with extreme care.
The Home Guards.
LTnder the auspices of the Committee on Home Defence, preliminary
meetings were held in nearly all the wards of the two cities, on the 20th of
April, for the purpose of organizing a militia for home defence, and during
the fortnight following, organizations were perfected in almost every pre-
cinct in the county. Some of the companies adopted a cheap uniform,
others merely assumed a military cap, while a large number sought no
uniformity of dress or equipment. About the 1st of May, the Committee
were authorized by the State authorities to draw from the arsenal muskets
and rifles for the Home Guards. The arms were accordingly furnished by
Maj. Symington, and, together with a large number purchased by the Com-
mittee, stored in City Hall, which was placed under a strong guard for sev-
eral weeks. Prior to the departure of the last detachments of volunteers,
1139 muskets and rifles were also distributed among them by the Committee.
As the companies of Home Guards were organized, they were reported to
the Committee, inspected and sworn, and on the 3d of May the distribution
of arms commenced, companies of riflemen receiving fifty rifles, and infantry
companies seventy muskets. The muskets were generally old ^' Harper's
Ferry" flint locks, but answered admirably all the purposes of drill. The
rifles were of the old pattern, without bayonets, but in other respects first-
rate arms. Forty-five companies were inspected on the first day, of which
twenty were supplied with arms. In the course of the ensuing fortnight,
all the companies organized were armed and under competent officers were
being actively drilled. On Friday, May 11th, the last company — the
Allegheny Grenadiers, Capt. Wray — were supplied with arms. The com-
mittee then reported a distribution of 2088 muskets and 882 rifles. Five
thousand five hundred men were organized into Home Guard companies.
Before distributing the arms, the committee required bonds from the officers
of the several companies. The organization, as might have been expected,
was made the target of not a little idle and malicious wit, and finally suc-
cumbed to ridicule and loss of novelty. Nevertheless, it had served a good
purpose in thoroughly arousing the military spirit of the people, and its
beneficial effects became apparent in recruiting under the subsequent call
for five hundred thousand men. The immense body, thus enrolled and par-
tially drilled, made but one exhibition of its strength — in the grand parade of
July 4th. It had in the meantime been organized into regiments and bri-
gades, of which we have the folio wmg record : '
14 Militarn Record
Major General — ^William Wilkins.
Aids — John M'D. Crossan, John M. Tiernan, Mansfield Brown.
Inspector General — Thos. M. Howe.
Adjutant General — Jonas R. M'Clintock.
Quartermaster General — C. W. Batchelor.
Commissary General — William Bagaley.
Brigadier General — William F. Johnston.
Adjutant General — Benair C. Sawyer, jr.
Aid-de-Camp — Felix R. Brunot.
Colonel — Samuel M. Wickersham.
Lieut. Colonel — T. B. Hambright.
Major — Jacob Britton.
Adjutant — J. H. Sarber.
Union Cavalry — Capt. Bobt. Patterson.
Scott Rifles — Capt. Britton.
Second Ward Rifles — Capt. Mattern.
First Ward Rifles — Capt. Fitzsimmons.
Union Rifles, S. P.— Capt. .
Duquesne Central Guards — Capt. J. M. Roberts.
Park Rifles— Capt. C. W. Moore.
Eiglith Ward Rifles— Capt. E. S. Wright.
Columbia Rifles — Capt. T. F. Lehman.
Colonel — Joseph E. M'Cabe.
Lieut. Colonel
Major — Andrew Burtt.
East Birmingham Guards — Capt. Cupningham.
Rich Valley H. Guards — Capt. Glenn.
Union Guards, Union tp — Capt. Frew.
South Pittsburg Infantry — Capt. Knap.
Dilworth Guards, Mt. Washington — Capt. Harper.
Ellsworth Guards — Capt. Duff.
Of Allegheny County. 15
Lower St. Clair Guards — Capt. Musser.
West Pittsburg Guards — Capt. Whipple.
West Liberty Guards — Capt. Espy.
East Birmingham Rifles — Capt. Dressel.
Colonel— F. C. Negley.
Lieut. Colonel — Wm. Kopp.
Major — J. R. Hunter.
Arsenal Rifles — Capt. Langdon.
Fifth Ward H. Guards, A— Lieut. Com. Wilson.
Fifth Ward H. Guards, B— Capt. Gangwisch.
Fifth Ward H. Guards, C— Capt. Felix.
Jefferson Guard — Capt. Hamm.
Brigadier General — George W. Cass.
Assistant Adjutant General — Robert Finney.
Colonel — William Phillips.
Lieutenant Colonel — R. W. Jones.
Major — J. B. Sweitzer.
Marion Guards — Capt. Sweitzer.
Howe Infantry — Capt. Bailey.
U. S. Zouave Cadets — Capt. De Barenne.
Koerner Guards — Capt. Holmes.
Bagaley Guards — Capt. De Zouche.
Kensington Guards — Capt. M'Candless.
Second Ward H. Guards — Capt. Appleton.
Ricketson Guards — Capt. Bell.
Colonel — James B. Moore.
Lieutenant Colonel — T. B. Hamilton.
Major — F. Hambright.
Adjutant — B. F. Pettitt.
Keystone Rifles — Capt. Nimick.
Seventh Ward H. Guards — Capt. Ward.
Sharpsburg Rifles— Capt. F. H. Collier.
First Ward (A) Rifles— Capt. Hambright.
Shannon Rifles — Capt. Little.
Arsenal Rifles — Lieutenant Com. Pierson.
Allegheny Grenadiers — Capt. M. M'Gonnigle.
Steuben Guards — Capt. Lenhaeuser.
Harper Zouaves — Capt. Fullwood.
Fort Pitt Artillery, (five guns) Capt Metcalf.
16 Military Record
Colonel — J. M. C. Beringer.
Lieutenant Colonel — James J. Larimer.
Major — John G. Martin.
East Liberty H. Gruards — Capt. Gross.
Glenwood H. Guards — Capt. Cosgrave.
Swissvale H. Guards — Capt. Finney.
Wilkinsburg H. Guards — Capt. Semple.
Braddock's Field Guard — Capt. Smith.
Oakhill Guards — Capt. Baldwin.
Oakland Guards — Capt. Brown.
Versailles Tp. Guards — Capt. Shaw.
Penn Tp. H. Guards — Capt. Beringer.
Brigadier General — John Birmingham.
Aids — G Zug, James P. Barr.
Assistant Adjutant Gen. — J. B. Guthrie.
Colonel — Charles G. Smith.
Lieutenant Colonel — James M. Cooper.
Major— J. W. F. White.
Leet Guards — Capt. Nevin.
Allegheny Greys — Capt. Boisel.
Anderson Infantry — Capt. Duval.
Twin City Rangers — Capt. George Thompson.
Cass Defenders — Capt. Bradley.
Washington Guards — Capt. Steinbrenner.
Ellsworth Infantry — Capt. Miller. i
Sewickley Guards — Capt. White.
M'Clure Guards — Capt. Smith.
Colonel — Matthew 1. Stewart.
Lieutenant Colonel — A. G. M'Quade.
Major — S. K. Rogers.
Madison Guards — Capt. Stewart.
Duquesne Guards — Capt. Jenkins.
Duquesne Cadets — Capt. Williams.
Shaier Home Guards — Capt. Lloyd.
Keystone Home Guards, Indiana tp — Capt. Robinson.
Duquesne Home Guards — Capt. Suttler.
Third Ward (Ally.) Home Guards— Capt. Mohl.
Allegheny Zouave Cadets— Capt. William Griswell.
Of Allegheny County. 17
In the excitement which followed the call for seventy-five thousand mili-
tia, a sufficient number of organizations were set on foot to have furnished
that number from Pennsylvania alone. Notwithstanding the fact that the
State quota was filled in less than a week, these organizations — to the
number of over forty in Allegheny county alone — still held together, though
in many instances at great inconvenience to the men and cost to the officers.
Strenuous efforts were made to induce the State authorities to accept these
companies, and on the 27th of April the Governor decided to form a Camp
at Pittsburgh. The temporary control of the camp was placed in the hands
of one of the sub-committees of the Committee of Public Safety. The Fair
Grounds were selected as a suitable site, and Camp Wilkins organized with
Col. P. Jarrett, of Lock Haven, Clinton county, Pa., as commandant, Henry
A. Weaver, Commissray, and Sam'l. P. M'Kelvy, Quartermaster. Twenty-
six companies were immediately reported as ready to go into camp, of
which we have the following list :
Government Guards,* Capt. Robt. Anderson ; Fayette Guards,* Union-
town, Capt. S. D. Oliphant; Chartiers Valley Guards,* Capt. Charles Barnes ;
Pittsburgh Rifles,* Capt. L. W. Smith ; Pennsylvania Rover Guards, Capt.
Barr; Duncan Guards,* Capt. John Duncan; City Guards, B.* Capt.
C. F.Jackson; Lafayette Blues, Captain Wilkinson; Highland Guards,
Captain Robert Chester ; Anderson Guards, Captain W. A. Ander-
son; Plumer Guards, J Captain A. Hay; Denny Guards, Captain H.
Mackrell; Minute Riflemen,t Pine township. Captain Thos. Gibson;
Allegheny Rangers,* Capt. H. S. Fleming ; Independent Rangers, Capt.
J. T. McCombs ; Anderson Cadets,* Capt. George S. Hays ; Pennsylvania
Life Guards, Capt. Williamson ; Jefferson Riflemen,* Capt. R. E. Johnston ;
Pittsburgh Artillery, Capt. D. .C. Kemmerer ; National Guards, B. Capt.
J. Meyers ; Pennsylvania Life Guards, Captain G. W. Leonard ; Mont-
gomery Guards, Captain M. Brennan; Anderson Infantry, J Capt. Alex-
ander Scott ; National Guards, A. Capt. H. Hultz ; Irish Volunteers,
Capt. John Murphy; Federal Guards, f Capt. J. C.Hull.
Great disappointment was created by the announcement, on Tuesday,
that but six Allegheny county companies could be accepted and provided
for in Camp Wilkins. An impromptu meeting of Captains was held in the
Girard House, at which-forty five companies wxre represented. A meeting
was held on the following day, at which a resolution to disband was dis-
cussed and rejected, and a regimental organization determined on. On
Subsequently admitted, f Now in the 63d P. V. % Went into service in Virginia.
18 Military Record
Thursday, twenty-eight companies, including a number not previously men-
tioned, were represented, and after some discussion two regiments were
First Regiment: Colonel, Alexander Hay; Lieut. Col., Robt. Chester;
Major, Abijah Ferguson.
Second Regiment : Col., H. Hultz ; Lieut. Col., John S. McCombs ;
Major, James Barr.
The Spang Infantry, Captain Scanlon ; Union Artillery, Capt. Large ;
Turtle Creek Guards, Capt. Kunkle ; McKeesport Union Guards, Capt.
Snodgrass, and Monongahela Blues, Capt. Blackburn, were among the new |
companies represented. !
On Friday four additional companies, making ten from Allegheny county, i
were accepted and ordered into camp. They were the Anderson Guards,
Chartiers Valley Guards, Duncan Guards, Allegheny Rangers, Iron City
Guards, Garibaldi Guards, Anderson Cadets, City Guards, B., Pittsburgh
Rifles, and McKeesport Union Guards.* As there had been no provision
made as yet for a reserve corps in the State, the men were entitled, for the
time being, to nothing but their rations. In the mean time the Erie Rai-
ment, three months volunteers, under Col. McLean, took up quarters in
Camp Wilkins, of which Col. McLean took command. A special meeting
of the Legislature, in May, authorized the formation of a Reserve Corps,
and provided for its maintenance until called into the service of the United
States. Troops were ordered into camp from all of the Western counties
of the State, until over three thousand men thronged its confined limits.
It was soon discovered that the location was poorly adapted for a camp, and
on May 25th Gen. McCall was sent by the Governor, with a military com-
mission, to examine the surrounding country and select another site. Rapid
trips were made to Sewickley, on the P. F. W. and C. Railroad, and Brad- |
dock's Fields on the Pennsylvania Central, and on the 2Tth the party, i
composed of Gen. McCall, Capt. Sheets, U. S. A., his Aid, Quarter-masters I
McKelvy and Benson, Commissary Weaver, Capt.'s Duncan, Dick, Barnes '
and others^ and Messrs. James Henderson, James Gibson and Jos. S. Lare, j
proceeded to Hulton, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, and examined the
ground thoroughly, finally selecting it as a site for the new camp, which
was named Camp Wright, in honor of Hon. John A. Wright, aid to the
Governor. The camp was laid out on the 28th, on a broad field in the rear
of the station buildings at Hulton, the ground sloping up to a steep emi-
nence, about three hundred ^^ards from the river. The parade ground was
about one-fourth of a mile below, and fronted directly on the river. On |
the 30th, the first company — the Warren Guards, afterwards known as the
"Wild Cats" — took up its quarters in Camp Wright, which was soon after
filled, — by removals from Camp Wilkins and troops from other counties, —
by over four thousand men.
toward the close of June, forty companies were collected, indluding the
Erie regiment, while ten companies remained at Camp Wilkins. These
* Captain R. E. Johnston subsequontly secured, by personal application, the passage of an act of Legislature
for the admission of his company.
Of Allegheny County, 19
companies had nearly all recruited under the call for three months men, but
previous to their muster into United States
service were required to enlist
for three years. In some companies a great deal of dissatisfaction was oc-||
casioned by the change, but all were finally
sworn into service without the
i necessity of disbanding. In the beginning
of July, the State officers ap-
peared in Camp and organized the companies into four regiments, of which
the Tenth and Eleventh contained no Allegheny county companies :
P. V. C.
Colonel : George S. Hays.
Lieutenant Colonel : S. D. Oliphatit.
Major : John W. Duncan.
Adjutant : H. W. Patterson.
Sergeant Major : Alfred T. Clark, jr.
Quartermaster: Joseph Fricker."^
i Co. A. Armstrong Rifles,
Capt. L. S. Cantwell.
" B. Jefferson Rifles,
" R. E. Johnston.
" C. Anderson Cadets,
" George S. Gallope.
" D. Brownsville Greys,
" C. L. Conner.
" E.
" E. P. Shoenberger.
" F. Hopewell Rifles,
" J. Eichelberger.
" G.
" J. B. Gardner.
" H. Clarion Union Guards,
" Wm. Lemon.
" I. Green County Rangers,
" S. M. Baily.
" K. Hopkins Infantry,
'' A. Wishart.
P.V. C.
Colonel : C. F. Jackson.
Lieutenant Colonel : Robert Anderson.
Major : J. M'K. Snodgrass.
Adjutant : T. Brent Swearingen.
Co. A. City Rifles,
Capt. L. W. Smith.
" B. Garibaldi Guards,
" F. Hardtmeyer.
'• C. Iron City Guards,
" James Shannon.
'' D. Government Guards,
" Robert Galway.
" E. Chartiers Valley Guards,
'' Charles Barnes.
" F. Meadville Volunteers.
" S. B. Dick.
'' G. City Guard, B,
" Brookbank.
" H. New Brighton Rifles,
" Cuthbertson.
" I. M'Keesport Union Guards,
" Wm. Lynch.
" K. Allegheny Rangers,
" H. S. Fleming.
P. V. C.
Colonel: John S. M'Calmont.
Lieutenant Colonel : G. T. Kirk.
Major : H. R. Allen.
^Since detached on signal service.
20 Military Record
Colonel : T. R. Gallaher,
Lieutenant Colonel : J. R. Porter.
Major: S. M. Jackson.
On July 17th the Reserve regiments were supplied with arms — altered
muskets — and uniforms, and on the 23d left for Washington. The entire
Reserve corps was formed into a division under Gen. M'Call, and during
the winter quartered at Camp Pierpont, a portion of the division serving
with credit in the battle of Drainesville. In March they were placed un-
der command of Gen. M'Dowell, in his movement on Fredericksburg, and
in June were transferred to the Peninsula, in time to participate in the Se-
ven Days' Battles. They returned under M'Clellan in time for the battles
under Gen. Pope before Washington, and were again in service in Maryland,
in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. In every action they have
maintained their high reputation, and have earned their veteran stamp at a
terrible cost of life. Since entering the service in July, 1861, the Re-
serves have been reduced from fifteen thousand to about six or seven thou-
sand men. Gov. Curtin has recently submitted a proposition to the Presi-
dent- to bring home these, and other veteran regiments, by detachments, for
the purpose of recruiting their enfeebled ranks to their former standard.
one of the finest bodies of men raised during the war, was enlisted in Erie
and adjoining counties under the first call for 75,000 men. As the compa-
nies were enrolled in widely separated localities, some time elapse'd before
the regiment was organized, and it was then too late for acceptance in the
State's quota of sixteen regiments. Several of the companies were en-
camped for some time in Erie county, but on the organization of the regi-
ment, so great was the reluctance of the State authorities to order its dis-
banding, that it was finally determined to retain it for State service, and it
was accordingly ordered into camp at Pittsburg. The regiment entered
Camp Wilkins on May 2d, with the following organization :
Colonel: John W. M'Lean.*
Lieutenant Colonel : Benjamin Grant.
Major : M. Schlandecker.
Adjutant : Strong Vincent.
Surgeon: J. L. Stewart. •
Commissary : J. V. Derrickson.
Quartermaster: S. B. Benson.
Co. A. Capt. T. M. Austin. Co.
" B. " II. L. Brown.
" C. " John Graham.
" D. " J. L. Dunn.
" E. " J. A. Austin.
Col. M'Lean took command of the camp, and of the companies subse-
quently ordered into it, until the transfer of the main body of the troops
C. B. Morgan.
D. W. Hutchinson.
J. Landrath.
Frank Wagner.
J. Kirkpatrick.
*Killed <at Gaines' Mill, while in command of the 83d P. V.
Of Allegheny County 21
to Camp Wright, wlien Col. George S. Hays assumed command of Camp
Wilkins. The Erie regiment was mainly uniformed, the liberality of the
citizens of Erie supplying the means. The uniform was a showy and hand-
some one, and added greatly to the military appearance of the regiment.
Prior to the transfer of the regiment to Camp Wright, great excitement
was occasioned in the county and along the Monongahela valley, by a rebel
raid, supposed to threaten Morgantown, and the regiment, together with
one or two detached companies was ordered under arms, for the defence of
the valley. The order was countermanded in a few hours, and the com-
panies relapsed into their accustomed repose. It was transferred to Camp
Wright, soon after the opening of that camp, and remained there for near-
ly two months, incessantly annoyed during that time by orders and coun-
termands. During the "Morgantown scare" arms were provided for
them, but not distributed, and the regiment was consequently never armed.
It was never permitted to form a permanent organization, and at length
Col. M'Lean applied directly to the War Department for acceptance. He
was informed that his regiment would be accepted for three years, if ready
to march at once. On his return. May 13th, Col. M'Lean announced the
result of his mission, on dress parade, and the matter was taken into con-
sideration by the officers. On laying the proposition before the men, how-
ever, a majority in nearly every company refused to enter service for three
years. Many had enlisted for three months who could not leave their bu-
siness for a longer time, but by far the largest portion were thoroughly
disgusted by their treatment in camp. On July 19th the regiment was
paid off and on the following day set out on its return to Erie, having
spent three months in forced inaction. The regiment, as such, was never
re-organized, but nearly all its members re-enlisted under the subsequent
calls, Col. M'Lean organizing the 83d Pa. vols. He was subsequently kill-
ed in action, before Richmond.
The Unaccepted Companies.
It has already been stated that under the three months' call some forty
or fifty companies were raised in excess of the county's quota, and that an
attempt was subsequently made to organize these companies into indepen-
dent reserve regiments. Under a heavy "outside pressure" Gov. Curtin
finally agreed to establish a camp at Pittsburg and to order six Allegheny
county companies into it. Strenuous efforts were made by all the captains
to secure quarters in camp for their men, but out of over forty applicants
only four were successful. Meetings of the captains were being held daily,
and the selection of ten companies became a theme of angry comment
among those not selected, or as they were afterwards known, the " Unac-
cepted Companies." Committees were appointed to wait on the Committee
of Public Safety, on the Governor, and every one in fact, to whom the com-
panies could look for assistance in their difficulties. The meetings were
not always harmonious, and utterly failed in advancing the cause for which
they were held, becoming at length merely gatherings for the purpose of
venting contending views. The position of many of the officers was ex-
tremely trying. Some had recruited companies with their own funds, at
22 Military Record
the very outset of the excitement, and had supported the men, mainly at
their own expense, for several weeks. Others who had made their appear-
ance in the field later, had recruited companies and been ordered into camp,
where they would at least be maintained without cost to the officers. This
fact, especially, became a subject of bitter comment, and charges of unfair-
ness and partiality were freely bandied by the unsuccessful. The selection
of the ten companies, as may be supposed, had an extremely bad effect up-
on the "unaccepted" which gradually began to decline. It was discovered
at length that no aid could be obtained either from the State authorities or
the community, and the companies began gradually to disband. As already
noted, a portion, embracing twenty-four of the companies, had been
organized into two regiments, and a proposition was macle to the Commit-
tee of Public Safety to maintain these organizations, if the community
would furnish the necessary supplies and shelter for the men, Linden
Grove being selected as a camping ground. The Committee declined to as-
sume the responsibility, having no fund for the purpose, and the organiza-
tions at length yielded to inevitable fate, and disbanded. The last meet-
ing of the captains, of which we have any record, was held on May 22d,
and adjourned to meet at the call of another committee appointed to wait
upon the Governor. Whether this committee ever reported we do not know,
but as the companies were already entering the organizations of other States,
it is not probable.
Had any concerted effort been made at this time by the community, there
is no doubt that two or three regiments might have been maintained at
comparatively trifling cost, until required under the second requisition for
volunteer troops. Gov. Curtin, although he had recommended the forma-
tion of a reserve corps, refused to sanction the formation of companies for
such an organization, until forced to do so by popular opinion. In New
York, on the contrary. Gen. Sickles' brigade was established, although vol-
unteers came in so slowly from the State that companies from other States
were willingly accepted. Western Virginia too, which was just beginning
to assert its loyalty, found the mustering of the State quota of volunteers
extremely difficult, and at length established a camp on AVheeling Island,
to which volun1?lers from all the surrounding States were invited.
In the meantime it had become apparent that the rebellion could not be
put down in three months, nor by seventy-five thousand men, and the loyal
community anxiously awaited a second call. Among the independent or-
ganizations and unaccepted companies, the subject of a three years enlist-
ment had already been broached, and was generally concurred in.
The tAvo independent regiments formed of the unaccepted companies of
Allegheny county were pledged to three years' enlistment, if taken into
Government service. The inducements hckl out by Virginia and New
York, at length proved too strong for the companies so anxiously awaiting
employment at Pittsburg, and men began to leave by squads, and finally by
companies for Wheeling.
On May 14th the first squad of thirty men left for Camp Carlile, on
Wheeling Island. It was subsequently announced that all companies would
Of Allegheny County. 23
rendezvous at Wellsville, and on Virginia soil re-organize as Virginia com-
panies, by re-electing their officers.
On the 9th, fifty volunteers from different companies, some of them
disbanded, followed to Wheeling and entered Virginia companies. On the
22nd, the Spang Infantry, Captain Scanlon, and AVoods Guards, Captain
Hays, left for Wheeling, followed on May 2nd by the Jackson Guards,
CaptainFlesher. The Plummer Guards, Captain John D. Owens, (now Lieut.
Col. 139th Pa., Vols.,) a company exclusively organized and uniformed by
Jos. Plummer, Esq., of this city, started for Camp Carlile on June 5th,
in company with the Anderson Infantry, Capt. Alexander Scott, subse-
quently known as the Belmont Guards. The Firemen Zouaves were organ-
ized in Camp Carlile on June 10th, by Capt. Robt. Gibson. On the 6th
and 7th of June, the Friend Rifles, Capt. Brunn, a company organized and
uniformed by Porter R. Friend, Esq., and the U. S. Zouave Cadets, Co.
B., under Captain John P. Glass, left for New York, where they were subse-
quently organized in the Sickel's Excelsior Brigade — the former as Co. A.,
3d regiment, and the latter as Co. A., 5th regiment. A few days after
the arrival of the companies in New York, two members of the Zouaves,
Lieutenants Ahl and W. W. Wattles, returned and organized Co. C. of the
Cadets, which left for New York on the 21st of June. Lender the auspices
of Captain Brunn, a second company of Friend Rifles was also recruited |
in a few days, and left under command of Capt. Alex. Hay, for New York,
on the 21st, in company with Co. C, of the Zouaves. Some difficulty took
place on their arrival in New York, and the two companies, or the major
portion of them, returned to Philadelphia, and were organized in the cele-
brated Geary's Regiment, since claimed as a ''Philadelphia organization,"
The Pittsburgh Independent Scouts, Captain Anderson, started on the
20th of June for Reading, where they were incorporated in a cavalry regi-
The falling off of men to join the reserve companies in Camp Wilkins,
and those who entered service in New York and Virginia regiments, so
reduced the unaccepted companies which still retained their organization
as to render their disbanding an imperative necessity. One of the first
companies disbanded — the Pennsylvania Life Guards — had already cost
Captain AYilliams for maintenance §600.
Circumstances have since shown what a fatal blunder was committed in
allowing these companies to enter the service of other States, without mak-
ing any provision for their recognition by the authorities of Pennsylvania.
Many hundreds of men left the county in organized companies, and there
can be no doubt that nearlj^ an equal number left singly or in small detach-
ments and entered companies formed in other States, thus leaving no trace
whatever of their military service. The neglect of the county to provide
an efficient organization and to furnish support to the " Unaccepted Com-
panies" has reduced the list of troops furnished, on which it has relied to
avoid a draft, nearly three thousand men. A carefully prepared list of the
companies which entered the service outside of Allegheny county regiments
24 Military Record
shows but eight or ten infantry companies — including those of Captains
West, Ewing, Gibson, and Scott in the 2nd Virgini
The Clothing Fraud.
No history of the "three months' campaign" would be complete without
a record of the celebrated "clothing fraud case." It will be remembered
that on the outbreak of the rebellion there was on hand in the country but
a small supply of "military goods," such as heavy blue cloth for uniforms,
blankets and shoes. In purchasing supplies for the State troops it became
necessary, therefore, to adopt a difierent standard of goods, and in the haste
requisite to fit out the quota of Pennsylvania immediately, the ordinary rou-
tine of advertising for proposals was abandoned, opening a wide field for
corruption and rascality. The troops had been but a few weeks in camp,
after receiving their uniforms and equipments from the State, until com-
plaints became rife of the miserable quality of the clothing and shoes.
Many of the suits furnished were so rotten and poorly made up that they
fell to pieces in a few days, putting the wearers to the most absurd shifts
to cover their nakedness. Shoes were found to have been constructed with
an "insole" of shavings or wood, and so slightly put together that the
outer sole would part company on the first day's wear. The blouses were
made up of materials so loosely woven as to resemble in some respects bolt-
ing cloth, and decidedly better fitted for sifting grain than protecting the
wearers from the inclemency of the weather. The material used used for
this clothing was that generally known in trade as shoddy, a stufi* made up
by machinery from old woolen cloth. On May 21st, the first exposition of
the frauds connected with these clothing contracts appeared in the Phila-
delphia Inquirer. A bill for $22,585 had been presented by Frowenfield &
Bros., of Pittsburg, who had obtained a contract for a large number of
uniforms through an individual named Charles M. Neal, an " Agent " for
the State of Pennsylvania, and on whose endorsement the bill was " pass-
ed." The bill read as follows :
2,085 uniforms at $10, . - . . $20,850
347 pairs of pantaloons at $5, . . _ 1,735
The " uniforms " spoken of included, it is supposed, a coat or "blouse"
and pantaloons, though the separate charge throws some doubt on the last
item. Subsequent inquiry has utterly failed to show by what autliority
Mr. Neal acted in this matter, as Gov. Curtin entirely repudiated any
"agencies" save those legitimately appointed — Quartermaster General Hale
and Commissary General Irvin. The quality of the goods for which these
enormous charges were made, and the relation of ]Mr. Neal to the contract
were afterwards fully shown by legal investigation.
Wc have already noticed the operations of the Executive Committee of
the Committee of Public Safety, and soon after this statement was publish-
ed, an investigation was commenced by the Committee. On Tuesday, May
28th, M. Swartzwelder, Esq., at a meeting of the committee offered a pre-
Of Allegheny County, 25
amble and resolutions, alluding to the charges of fraud in general circula-
tion, and providing for the appointment of a committee to investigate the
charges. The resolutions were adopted, and the following committee ap-
pointed : M. Swartzwelder, Esq., Thos. Bakewell, Esq., Hon. Wm. F.
Johnston, and Wm. M. Shinn, Esq.
This committee addressed a note to the Messrs. Frowenfeld inviting their
attendance at the examination, on Wednesday, May 29th, but as neither of
them appeared, the committee sent a second note by Mr. Riddle, one of the
Mayor's police. To this note an insolent reply was returned, that the par-
ties accused would have nothing to say, and an mtimation that the bearer
of the note would be shown the door. Messrs. Frowenfeld had a few days
before published a note in relation to the charges made against them, and
requested a public investigation ; as they now refused to appear, the Com-
mittee proceeded without them. They examined but five witnesses, on
whose statements the matter was brought before the Grand Jury on Tues-
day, June 4th. M. Swartzwelder, Esq. and Thos. Williams, Esq., were re-
tained as prosecuting counsel.
The Court met on June 3d, and the Grand Jury organized, after an able
charge from Judge M'Clure, in which the rascality of contractors was se-
verely commented on, and the jury charged to regard the furnishing of
improper food or rotten clothes as giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
On Monday, June 25th, Mr. Marshall, counsel for the Frowenfeld's, moved
for a continuance of the case until the next term of Court. Messrs. Thos.
Williams, M. Swartzwelder and J, H. Miller appeared for the Common-
wealth, and Hon. Chas. Shaler, Thos. M. Marshall, F. H. Collier; S. W.
Black, J. M. Kirkpatrick, Jno. Mellon, and John Coyle, Esqs., for the de-
fence. The case was argued on the same day, on the ground that Alfred
Slade, J. N. Shannon and Jos. Lee, material witnesses for the defendants,
were absent. The Court withheld a decision until the Monday following,
when, the docket having been meantime cleared, the case was taken up,
and two of the "necessary witnesses " were brought into Court. The third
proved to be of no im^portance, Neal's bail had been forfeited, but was
now renewed by his counsel, Mr. Brewster, of Philadelphia. To the intense
surprise of the community, the case was here closed by a certiorari to the
Supreme. Court, and an allocatur from Judge Lowrie, the defendants hav-
ing sworn that the President Judge was so f;ir prejudiced against them that
they could not obtain justice. Such a grave impeachment of the venera-
able and upright Judge of the Quarter Sessions Court as was contained in
this affidavit, should never have obtained credence from the Supreme Court, .
and the surprise of the prosecuting attorneys may well be pardoned. A
rule to show cause why the certiorari should not be rescinded was argued
before the Supreme Court on July 2nd, and the case was regularly trans-
ferred to the Supreme Court, and a hearing fixed for the first Monday in
September. At this time a continuance was asked by the Commonwealth,
Sylvester W. Murphy, a clerk of the Frowenfeld's, and a very important
witness, inasmuch as the prosecution was in a great measure based on his
testimony before the Grand Jury, being absent. The case was continued til
the 18th inst. On that date. Murphy being still absent, a nolle pros was enter-
26 Military Record
ed, with the intention of entering a new bill on the re-appearance of the wit-
ness. Murphy was subsequently arrested in Philadelphia, on his return from
his trip to Europe, but this extraordinary case was never tried, although
the fact that the suits were not worth half the money charged was well
substantiated. Their estimated cost was $7,00; actual value for wear $00.
One of the most important acts of the special session of Congress called
by Mr. Lincoln, was to authorize the President to accept the services of
500,000 A^olunteers for three years. Under this act, arrangements were
made at once for re-organizing the three months' regiments then in the
field. Unfortunately, the experience of the Pennsylvania troops had not
been such as to induce them to favor the project. Many were utterly dis-
gusted with the organization of their companies and regiments, scores of
men holding commissions as field and line officers who were wdiolly unfit for
the positions they occupied. Many were so dissipated that during the en-
tire campaign their commands derived no benefit whatever from their in-
structions. Others were dissatisfied "with the treatment they had received
at the hands of the State authorities. Towards the close of their term of
service, the general management of the State quota was greatly improved,
but the rotten clothes, and still worse, the rotten food, supplied at- the out-
set of the campaign, were still fresh in the memories of the outraged troops.
The principal objection, however, originated no doubt in the utterly idle
and unprofitable character of the campaign just closing. For nearly three
months, the men had lain idly in camps or had been fruitlessly marched and
countermarched until completely worn down. AVe have already given in
detail the campaign of the four regiments in which the Allegheny compa-
nies were organized, and an ample illustration of all of these causes of com-
plaint will be found in this brief sketch.
As we have already noted, the troops composing the Allegheny county
quota reached home on the 29th of July, and 1st of August, scattered de-
tachment detachments having arrived during the previous week. The re-
s'erve regiments had been sent to Washington a few days previous, but the
city was by no means cleared of military.
Of Allegheny County, 27
On the 29th, a camp for regular cavaby was established at Linden Grove,
under Colonel Emory, and several of the unaccepted companies which had
maintained their organization were pressing forward.
On the arrival of the disbanded three months men, recruiting oflSces were
at once established, and after a few days of comparative quiet, recruiting
proceeded almost as briskly as in the earlier days of the war excitement,
although men were already beginning to thoroughly comprehend the trials
of the service and the magnitude of the task before the Government.
On the 25th of July, Gen. Geo. B. M'Cleilan — who up till a few days
previous had held a comparatively unimportant command in Western Vir-
ginia, and had been called to Washington to assume the task of reorganiz-
ing the army- — passed through the city. He was received at the Allegheny
Station by an immense crowd, and was e&oorted to the Monongahela House
by the Twin City Rangers, Capt. Geo. Thompson, and Allegheny Greys,
Capt. Boisel. Nearly all the Home Guard companies in the two cities were
in the line of procession, which was closed by the companies composing the
Fire Department. The Fort Pitt battery, divided into two sections and sta-
tioned on Cliii street and Seminary Hill, fired a Major General's salute on his
arrival. At the Monongahela House he was welcomed by Judge Shannon,
and replied briefly. Col. Saml. YL Black, who had returned a short time
previous from Nebraska, of which territory he had been Governor, also
made an eloquent address, closing the ceremonies of one of the most bril-
liant and enthusiastic receptions ever given by the city.
On the 23d inst. an immense mass meeting was held in City Hall, in ref-
erence to the proposed increase of the army. S. F. Von Bonnhorst, Esq.,
was called to the chair, and Thomas P. Bakewell and Bev. John Douglass
were appointed Vice Presidents. Resolutions were adopted urging the col-
lection of funds to aid in filling up the companies recruiting, and to provide
for the families of volunteers, and the follovfing gentlemen appointed on the
Committee: Hon. T. M. Howe, H. M'Cullough, Esq., Dr. J. Carothers,
Vfm. Thaw, Esq., John Scott, Esq., and Alexander Nimick, Esq. The
Committee set actively about the duties entrusted to them, and on the fol-
lowing week the recruiting of a regiment, to be under command of Col. Oli-
ver H. RijDpey was commenced. A regiment was already partially recruit-
ed for Col. Samuel W. Black, and Col. Rowley, of the 13th P. V., began
the reorganization of that regiment, Lieuts. Foster and MTlwaihe recruit-
ing companies. On Saturday, August 3rd, the first three years regiment
left for Washington under Col. Black. It has since been known as the
Colonel — Samuel W. Black.
Lieutenant Colonel— T. F. Lehman.
Major — J. B. Sweitzer.
Adjutant — Joseph Browne.
Co. A. Federal Guards, Captain J. C. Hull.
'^ B. M'Kee Rifle Cadets, '^ James W. Patterson.
'• C. Lyon Guards* '' Thomas B. Monks.
" D. Finlay Cadets, " W. 0. Beck.
" E. Reimersburg Guards* " Thomas Kerr.
28 Mint art/ Record
• F. Eighth Ward Guards, A. Capt. E. S. Wright.
• G. Kramer Guards, '' F. C. O'Brien.
• H. St. Clair Guards, ^' Thomas Espy.
' I. Jefferson Guards,! " R. B. Means.
• K. Eighth Ward Guards, B.J " A. M'Donald.
• L. Chambers Zouaves, " S. II. Holmes.
j * Clarion County, f Armstrong County. % J»ffereon County.
On August 21st the first detachment of Washington Infantry, A., Capt.
J. Heron Foster, Col. Rowley's regiment, left for Washington, together
with detachments of the Butler Infantry, Union Artillery, and Washing-
iton Infantry, B., of the same regiment.
On the 26th, the cavalry and infantry companies which had rendezvoused
I in Camp Wilkins, left for the East. The cavalry companies from Alleghe- 1
• ny county were, the Union Cavalry, Captain Robt. H. Patterson ; J. K. M. '
I Cavalry, Capt. James E. Heron, the Moorhead Cavalry, Capt. L. Sahl,
I Jr., and the Pennsylvania Dragoons, Capt. H. P. Vierheller. The Infantry
I companies will be mentioned hereafter, as they were organized into regi-
I ments atHarrisburg and Washington. The National Cavalry, Capt. Boyce,
1 from Upper St. Clair and Finlay township, left for the East on Aug. 28th.
I Detached companies were afterwards added to regiments at Harrisburg,
rendering it a matter of extreme difficulty to follow their course. We give
the organizations as far as we can obtain them :
Colonel — Thomas A. Rowley.
Lieutenant Colonel — J. M. Kinkaid.
—John Poland.
Adjutant — Joseph Browne.
Co. A.
Washington Infantry, A.,
J. H. Foster.
' B.
Union Cadets,
Jos. Bishop.
' C.
Birmingham Zouaves,
Thomas H. Duff.
' D.
Pennock Guards,
C. W. Enrinrht.
' E.
Union Cadets,
J. W. Patterson.
' F.
(No name given,)
Johnston Cadets,
Wm. M'llwain.
' G.
J. H. Coleman.
' H.
(From Butler county,)
' ' I.
Iron City Zouaves,
0. M. Loomis.
' K.
Vierheller Infantry,
H. Lowe.
' L.
Rowley Rifles,
Jno. D. M'Farland
' M.
(No jiame given,)
S. L. Fullwood.
U. S. Zouave Cadets, Captain George W. Tanner.
Colonel — John W. Geary.
Lieutenant Colonel — De Corpcnay.
U. S. Zouave Cadets, Captain Thomas Ahl.
* Organiwd in Philadelphia.
Of Allegheny County,
M' Knight Guards, Gaptain James Barr.
Sewickley Rifles, Captain Conrad U. Meyer.
Elizabeth Mountaineers, Captain Copeland.
Fort Pitt Artillery, Captain J. M. Knapp.
Colonel — John F. Knipe.
Frisbee Infantry, Captain W. L. Foulk.
Pittsburgh Rifles, Co. B., Capt. B. W. Morgan.
• Organized in narrisburg.
Colonel— C. F. Campbell.
Yerner Greys, Capt. J. B. Moore.
Colonel — 0. H. Rippey.
Lieutenant Colonel — Frank Robinson.
Adjutant— W. G. Miller.
Co. E. Simpson Infantry,
*' — Marshall Guards,
" — Barnhill Guards,
" K. Pennsylvania Zouaves,
" F. Allegheny Guards,
" C. Baxter Guards,
'' B. Ellsworth Legion.
" G. Lyon Guards,
'' — Walton Guards,
Captain Alexander Hay.
James Calhoun.
J. H. Elliott.
Joseph Gerard.
Isaac Wright.
G. W. Dawson.
L. Redenbaugh.
H. W. Duval.
Charles Bryson.
These nine companies were subsequently consolidated into six, as lettered
Colonel — Alexander Hays.
Lieutenant Colonel — A. M. S. Morgan.
Major — Maurice Wallace.
Adjutant — George P. Corts.
Co A. Kelly Guards,
Sharpsburg Guards,
Butler company,
Fire Zouaves,
Etna Guards,
M'Cullough Guards,
M'Keesport Greys,
Hays Guards,
Captain J. M. C. Berringer.
" William S. Kirk wood.
" Jason R. Hanna.
*' H. 0. Ormsbee.
^' John A. Danks.
" Bernard J. Reed.
" Charles W, M'Henry.
" Charles B. M'Cullough,
" James F. Ryan.
'' C. W. Chapman.
Military Record
Colonel — A. Schimmelfennig.
Lieutenant Colonel — Freybold.
Major — John Hamm.
Adjutant Becker
Co. B. Turner Rifles,
Kossuth Guards,
Alliquippa Rifles,
Sigel Guards,
Lyon Guards,
Pittsburgh Infantry,
Hooveler Zouaves,
Captain A. Meckelburg.
" Schmidt.
'' F. Blessing.
" H. Amlung.
" John Risser.
" C. F. Lucius.
" John Hamm.
* Compvny K. waa made up of the company of Optain Deiseroth, of Birmingham, and a Philadelfihia detaoh-
mtnt. There wa:3 one fall company from Philadelphia in the regiment.
Colonel — F. S. Stambaugh.
Co. B. Captain Thomas E. Rose.
" E. '' Robinson.
* There was but one Allegheny company, that of Captain Rose, in the regiment on ite departure for
Kentucky. Captain Kobiuson joined the regiment after the battle of Shiloh. Numerous equads of AUe-
ghenians, however, are in the several companies.
Colonel — Joseph H. Wilson, of Beaver.*
Lieutenant Colonel — D. B. Morris, of Allegheny.f
Major : Hoard, of Tioga.
Co. A. Duquesne Zouaves,
B. from Tioga co.,
C. from Beaver co.,
D. from Bedford co.,
E. from Allegheny co.,
F. from Beaver co.,
G. from Allegheny co.,
H. from Beaver and Butler co.,
I. M'Farland Rangers,
K. from Adams co..
. D. M. Armor.J
W. Lowry.
Jas. Chalfant.
Chas. May.
G. W. Bowers.
*Died near West Point, Va., on the 30th of May. 1862, of typhoid fever.
fLi'Mit. Col. Morris connnunded at Fair Oaks, where lie was severely wounded, and waa subsequently commi»-
Biont'd Colonel of the K( pmcnt.
JCapt. Aniit r was promoted to the Majorship, and subsequently commiesioned as Lieutenant Colenol, whici
position he holds at prcaent.
J. K. M.
•Afterwards commanded hy Colonel James W. Child*, who wa." killed at Antietam
fResigned at Washington ; succeeded by Capt. Williams, who also resigned
Capt. James A. Herron.
" J. Q. A. Young.
'' A. Faith.
♦' Geo. r. Vierheller.t
Benj. F. Blood.
Of Allegheny County. 31
Moorhead Calvary, Capt. Leopold Sahl.
Union " '' Robt. H. Patterson.
These companies, from WasMngton City, were transferred to Lamon's
brigade at AYilliamsport. Hampton's battery was subsequently added to the
brigade. Men were enlisted in the county for the regular service, in cavalry !
and infantry companies, and as marines for the navy, or for gun-boat ser- j
vice. Many Germans were enlisted for "German regiments," who were;
afterwards mustered into regiments raised in the eastern counties, or in |
other States. Of those who entered service in Virginia, we have the record I
of but five companies ; of those who entered New York service, but two i
companies ; of those who joined Geary's regiment, of four companies. |
The cavalry companies organized in this county were generally mustered
into service in regiments made up from all parts of the State, but numbers
joined regiments of other States, as those of Sahl, now E;edpath, and Pat-
terson, now Stewart, which form part of the First Maryland Cavalry regi-
ment. It would probably be below the mark to say, that in addition to the
558 men reported as having enlisted from the county, in outside organiza-
tions, nearly two thousand have gone of whom we have no trace. The
companies sent from the counties were not in any case, save the 6 2d,
organized into regiments before leaving, though a tacit understanding exist-
ed in some instances, as in the 61st and 102d, ("old 13th.") The compa-
nies of Capts. Ahl, Ball, Copeland and Meyers were early consolidated
with Geary's regiment, and participated in its entire campaign. It lay for
some months at Point of Rocks and Harpers' Ferry, during which time it
drove the rebels from Bolivar Heights. During the first campaign in the
Valley of Virginia, it participated, with Knapp's battery. In the second
advance from Harpers' Ferry it took part in the battle of Cedar Mountain,
and in the subsequent battles under General Pope. On the re-organization
of the army, it took part in the brief Maryland campaign. The companies
in the 1st and 2d Virginia regiments, and those in Blenker's division parti-
cipated in the entire campaigns of 1861 and '62 in Western Va., skirmishing,
guarding railroads, marching and countermarching, and spent the winter,
partially quartered and poorly supplied, on the mountain ranges. In the
spring of '62 they crossed the mountains and joined the corps under Fre-
mont. The main body of the troops enlisted here, however, spent the win-
ter in the Army of the Potomac, surrounding Washington. Company's A,
Capt. Foster, and D, Capt. Enright, were detached from the 102d (old
13th) regiment, on picket duty, under command of Capt. Foster, and lay
for some months at Great Falls, Md., guarding the Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal. During their occupation of " Cantonment Rowley," a paper was
published regularly by the "Dispatch Mess," being a continuation of the
paper published by the "old 13th" at Williamsport.
In Llarch, the Army of the Potomac commenced its advance on Rich-
mond, in which the 61st, 62d, 63d, 101st and 102d (old 13th) regiments
participated. Several other regiments embracing Allegheny County
companies took part in the campaign, from the taking of Yorktown until
32 Military Record
the siege of Richmond, the Reserve regiments joining the army just before
the bloody seven days' battles. After the removal of the army from the Pen-
insula to Fredericksburg, the Allegheny troops were engaged in one or oth-
er of the actions during Pope's retreat to Washington. They were subse-
quently re-organized under M'Clellan, and participated with honor in the
battles of South Mountain and Antietam. One company of Allegheny
volunteers, under Capt. Thos. E. Rose, was organized as a portion of the
77th regiment, Col. Stambaugh, and embarked for Kentucky under Gen*
Negley. They took part in the campaign of last Spring and Summer,
were in the battle of Pittsburg Landing and at the siege of Corinth. They
are now in the force operating under Gen. Buell. The Anderson cavalry,
made up of representatives from all parts of the State, and one of the finest
bodies organized in Pennsylvania, also participated in the Kentucky cam-
paign as Buell's body guard, and in other special service. The names of
those enlisted here for the original Troop were : Sergt. Frank B. Ward,(now
Major in regiment;) Corporal Wm. T. M'Clure; Privates "VYm. Strain,
Robert Henderson, James C. Sproul, Henry J. Toudy, Walter F. Austin,
John S. Murray, John E. Skillen. The Troop has recently been increased
to a full regiment.
A full record of the casualties during this bloody campaign will not be
made until the information is officially given by a publication of the army
rolls. We find published the following names of commissioned officers lost
in battle or by sickness ; of the long list of privates and non-commissioned
officers carried off by disease or the chances of battle, our space would pre-
clude the publication, even could the information be procured.
1st Lieut. Alfred Wechsler, Young's Cavalry, died in Pittsburg, Sept.
8, 1861.
1st Lieut. Alfred Sickman, Co. G., 2d Va., killed at Cheat Mountain,
Dec, 1861.
1st Lieut. E. R. Darlington, Co. A., 9th Pa. R. C, died at Georgetown,
D. C, Oct. 21, 1861.
1st Lieut. W. J. Phillips, Co. L., 102d Pa., died at Washington, D. C,
Dec. 11, 1861.
Capt. Leopold Sahl, Jr., Moorhead Cavalry, thigh terribly shattered at
Slippery Creek, near Springfield, Hampshire co., Va., on the 4th of June,
1862, and died at Cumberland on the 17th, thirteen days after. He was
returning from a scout Avith his company and fell into an ambuscade.
Capt. C. W. Chapman and Lieut. James M. Lysle, (Quartermaster) of
63d Regt., was killed while reconnoitering outside the picket lines near
Pohick Run, Va., on the 5th of March, 1862.
Capt. Jacob Brunn, Co. E. (Friend Rifles) 3d Regt, Excelsior Brigade,
killed at the battle of Williamsburg, Va., on May 5th, 1862.
Lieut. Mart. Miller, of same company, was killed in the same engage-
Col. Oliver H. Rippey, 61st P. V., was killed at the battle of Fair Oaks
or Seven Pines, May 31st, 1862.
Capt. Jos. Gerard, Co. K. 61st., Lieut. W. B. Kenney, Co, D., 102d,
Capt. G. W. Gillespie, Co. B., 103d, Lieut. Scott, 61st, were also killed in
the battle at Fair Oaks.
Of Allegheny County
Col. Samuel W. Black, at battle of Gaines' Hill, June 28th, 1862. Body
not recovered, and buried on the field.
Major John Poland, 102d P. V., and Lieut. Thomas Mooney, killed at
Malvern HiU, July 1st, 1862. Lieut. Beatty, Pittsburg Bifles, 9th Be-
i serves, was killed in the same action.
I Col. Jas. H. Childs. 4th Cavalry, killed at the battle of Antietam, near
i Sharpsburg, Sept. 17th, 1862.
Capt. Jas. T. Shannon, Co. C, 9th Reserves, died at "Washington City,
on the 14th Sept., 1862, from the effects of a wound in the head, received
at the second battle of Bull Bun, August 21.
Eecruiting Service.
Capt. J. Heron Foster and Lieut. W. B. Kennej, Sergts. Wilkinson and P. P. Baer, and A.
P. Cullow, of the 102d (Col. Rowley's) regiment, were jietailed on recruiting service in
January, 1862, opening offices on the 1st of February — Capt. Foster, on Fifth street, Pitts-
burg, and Lieut. Kenney, on Federal street, Allegheny. There were enlisted from Feb. 1st
to April 10th, one hundred and fifty-five recruits, which were distributed amongst twenty-
seven Penua. regiments. More than one-half of the recruits were obtained by Capt. Foster
and Lieut. Kenney, although all the men enlisting with them did not join the 102d.
The second detachment of recruiting officers arrived in August, and are yei in the city.
Capt. E. S. Wright, of the 62d, one of the number, was appointed provost marshal, and is
acting in that capacity at the present date, having his office in Lyon's building, 5th street,
removing thence from 67 Fourth street.
Eelief Committee.
Soon after active recruiting commenced, in April, 1861, a number of prominent citizens
called upon Gen. Negley and authorized him to publish the statement that the families of
volunteers would be provided for in their absence, by the community. In pursuance of this
pledge, meetings were held in Pittsburg and Allegheny, and under the auspices of the Fi-
nance Committee, of the Committee of Public Safety, collections commenced, and rooms
were opened for the transaction of business. On the 15th of June the Committee was dis-
tributing relief to 570 families, and the number was considerably increased after that date.
Besides providing for these families, the Committee, in accordance with a resolution of the
banks, which subscribed $3000 to the fund, purchased 1800 percussion muskets. Many
subscriptions of large sums were made by indi-viduals and corporations, but our limits for-
bid a publication in detail. Sub-committees for collection were appointed in all the wards,
boroughs and townships, and to these committees was entrusted the duty of hearing and
determining upon applications for relief. Many of the precincts returned comparatively
small sums, although their subsequent claims for relief were large. We give below the
names of collectors and sums collected in twenty-nine districts. In the remaining districts
! the sums reported by collectors were small. The total amount coUscted, in cash, dry goods,
groceries, etc. was $24,251 90, which was disbursed during the Summer. In cash $18,500,
was distributed and in dry goods, etc. $2,200.
In the Autumn, the fund having been exhausted, the Relief Committee was organized as
i required by Legislature, and the county assumed the distribution of relief. The Coramis-
I siouers, wlio had levied a two-mill tax and appointed collectors, subsequently revoked the
1 appointments, recalled the books and borrowed the requisite funds. In order to meet press-
ing claims for relief, the two-mill tax not being paid into the Treasury for some time, $26,-
&01 were paid out of the funds in the Treasury. For the year 1861 the sum assessed was
$55,775. Under the Relief act sub-committees were appointed for each ward, borough and \
\ township, by whom the relief claims were examined and reported, and the relief funds paid
i OBt. The first relief rolls were presented in September, ISGl. The tax assessed in 1862
[was $54,927. The sum collected was exhausted in the first seven months of the year, and
^ the last relief wag paid out in August. The exact amount paid by the county is not known,
as the accounts are not yet audited.
Military Record
Collectors for tlie Volunteer Fund,
1. Allen Cordell, Caleb Russell,
2. Minas Tindle, Jas. M'Cabe,
3. Jackson Duncan. C. L. Magee,
4. C. West, W. H. Edmonds,
5. James Dain, B. Bueikle,
6. A. B. Berger, J. C. Cummings,
8. B. Presion, B. C. Sawyer, jr.,
9. James M'Cune, W. 0. Davis,
1. Simeon Bulford, Saml. Dyer,
2. J. J. Moore, W. A. Reed,
3. John Swan, John Brown,
4. John Morrison, Henry Anshutz
Duquesne, W. C. Miller, Lewis Fel
South Pittsburg, Evans Davis, F. C
MoDongahela, Richard Peary, J. D
% 3,500
, 868
% 37
West Pittsburg, David Edwards, G.
Birmingham, 1st Precinct, Daniel
Berg, A. B. Stevenson,
" 2d Precinct, Danl Mc
Cutcheon, J C. Shaffer, 1
Manchester, B. A. Sampson, Cyrus
Townsend, jr.,
Temperancevilie, Jno. Smitley, Dr.
Pitt, James Maginnis, Geo. Ewart, %
Penn, C. Snively, David Collins,
Lower St. Clair, W. Dilworth, Jos
M'Clure. H. L. Bollman, T. Farley,
Wilkins, H. Chalfant, Jas. Kelly,
Versailles, Jno. J. Muse, Col. W. L.
Finlay, A. R. Brown, Dr. Pollock,
Reserve, Rev. A. D. Campbell, W.
430 00
65 00
The tliird requisition, for three hundred thousand men, and the draft
ordered for an equal number, may be treated as a single event, as but few-
volunteers were secured until after the second order was issued. In several
states the orders were considered as a call for six hundred thousand men,
and apportioned among the districts as a single quota. In Pennsylvania
the recruiting of the quota has been so mismanaged that no definite policy
can be said to have been pursued relative to it. It is quite probable that
the governors were notified on the issuing of the third requisition that an
order for a draft would follow, but no public or official notice to that effect
was given, although rumors of a draft proceeded the publication of the order
several days.
On the 28th of June, a letter was addressed to the President by the Gov-
ernors of the loyal States, requesting him to take measures for an immedi- 1
ate increase of the army. In pursuance of this request, the President, on
the 1st of July, issued his third requisition, calling upon the loyal States to
furnish three hundred thousand volunteers. In some of the States immedi-
Of Allegheny County, 35
ate steps were taken for recruiting the quota required, but in Pennsylvania
the volunteer movements were proceeding very leisurely on the 21st, when
the Governor issued his proclamation, calling for twenty-one regiments of
volunteers in the State. He had in the interim secured an order for the ac-
ceptance of nine months, instead of" three years volunteers, and of recruits
for the old regiments for twelve months. Congress at its previous session
had fixed a bounty for volunteers of one hundred dollars, one-fourth to be
paid at the time of enlistment and the balance at the close. It had also sanc-
tioned the payment of one months' pay in advance, making an enlistment
bounty of thirty-eight dollars. In several States the Governors, in order to
hasten enlistments, had added to this a State bounty of fifty dollars or
more ; but in issuing his proclamation Governor Curtin announced that no
bounty would be paid by the State. The quota of Allegheny county by
this proclamation was fixed at fifteen companies of nine months' men. Im-
mediate measures were taken throughout the State to hasten recruiting, and
on July 25th, in pursuance of previous notice, an immense mass meeting
was held on the West Commons, in Allegheny City. At least fifteen thou-
sand people were assembled and the utmost enthusiasm prevailed.
Four stands had been erected on difi'erent portions of the Common for
the convenience of the crowd, and at one o'clock the meeting was organized, at
the main stand, by the Committee of Arrangements, and the following list
of officers announced :
Stand No. 1. Hon. Wm. Wilkins, President, assisted by a great num-
ber of Vice Presidents ; Robt. Finney, J. R. Hunter, S. Harper, E. A.
Montooth, Wm. B. Negley, W. C. Moreland, Thos. M. Bayne, and H. E.
Davis, Secretaries.
Stand No. 2. Gen. Wm. Robinson, jr., President, assisted by Simon
Drum, John Morrison, C. T. Ihmsen, J. M'D. Crossan, and Thos. M'Kee,
Vice Presidents.
'Stand No. 3. Thomas Bakewell, Esq., President, assisted by B. C. |
Sawyer, G. L. B. Fetterman, John Birmingham, J. Sampson, and B. A.
Mevay, Vice Presidents.
German Stand, G. G. Backofen, President, assisted by N. Voeghtly,
Francis Felix, Major D. Fickeisen, Dr. A. H. Gross and A. Holstein, Vice
Proceedings opened with prayer by Rev. Dr. Howard. Hon. P. C.
Shannon then introduced Judge Wilkins who read a stirring address. Gov.
Curtin, who was present on the stand, followed in an able but brief speech,
at the close of which a series of resolutions were read and adopted.
The resolutions set forth the duty of loyal men to rise to the support of
the Union in its hour of peril ; the determination of Pennsylvania never to
retire from the contest until the rebellion was crushed ; calling on the au-
thorities for an energetic employment of every means in their power to re-
establish the authority of the Constitution ; that the gratitude of the peo-
ple of the State was due to Gov. Curtin for his labors in support of the
Government ; that a subscription be raised for a $50 bounty to volunteers ;
and that citizens of the county be earnestly requested to call meetings for ,
the encouragement of recruiting. The tenth resolution provided that to '
36 Military/ Record
raise the necessary funds for paying the bounty and assisting in preparing
troops for the field, the following Committee should be appointed to collect
and disburse :
Messrs. Thomas M. Howe, Thos. Bakewell, James Park, Jr., Geo.
W. Cass, Isaac Jones, B. F. Jones, Wm. K. Nimick, John Harper,
Thos. S. Blair, P. C. Shannon, John H. Shoenberger and James B.
The adoption of the resolutions was followed by a speech from Hon. W.
F. Johnston, the audience havinor already divided to the several stands.
Hon. Wilson M'Candless, Judge of the U. S. Court, Prof. S. J. Wilson, of
the Western Theological Seminary, Rev. James Prestly, Hon. John Co-
vode, T. J. Bigham, John H. Hampton, Wm. C. Moreland, Capt. John A.
Banks, of the 63d regiment, Hon. Robt. M'Knight, J. R, Hunter and oth-
ers also addressed the meeting:.
The impulse given to recruiting by this meeting was quite marked.
Companies for nine months and for the war were immediately set on foot
in both cities. On the 28th an order was issued revoking the permission
given Governor Curtin to recruit nine months regiments, on the ground that
the time of service was too short to be effective, and that, as a similar
privilege could not be extended to all the states, the discrimination would
justly provoke complaint. The mustering officer was instructed to continue
mustering in nine months' men until August 10th, and on that date the
time was extended, to permit regiments already formed to recruit to the
regular standard, until the 23d inst. In the interval thus allowed a suffici-
ent number of companies were organized in Allegheny county to fill its
quota under the first call. At the same time the recruiting of three years'
men was rapidly progressing. In Allegheny city an impetus was given to
the nine months' enlistments by the organization of the " Clark Infmtry,'/
a company under Rev. J. B. Clark, a clergyman of the 2nd United Presby-
terian Church, in that city. Scores of men whose dread of the irreligious
surroundings of the soldier had deterred them from enlisting, rushed to his
standard, and his company was soon filled to overflowing. A second, third
and fourth — one under command of the Mayor of the city, Simon Drum,
Esq. — were organized in a few days, and on the date fixed by the Govern-
ment a regiment was organized, of which Captain Clark was elected Colo-
nel. Three years companies were also being organized, and under the
auspices of William M. Semple, of Allegheny, the Semple Infantry was or-
ganized by William H. Moody, a similar "rush " resulting in the formation
of four companies. We may here remark that no man in the community
has displayed a more genuine spirit of liberality than Mr. Semple, who in
donations to the companies bearing his name and in other forms has ex-
pended nearly $3000 towards the formation and equipment of the 139th
regiment. Edward J. Allen, well known as the author of the "Oregon
Trail," which appeared in the Daily Dispatch some years ago, also set
about the organization of an Engineer regiment, which was subsequently,
we believe, nuistered into service as Infantry. The organization of these
regiments will be given below :
Of Allegheny County.
37 i
Colonel— John B. Clark.
Lieutenant Colonel — F. Gast.
Major — H. Danver.
Co. A. Cass Infantry,
Captain F. Gast.
" B. Butchers Infantry,
" H. Danver.
'' C. Clark Infantry, K.,
" J. B. Clark.
'' D. Walker Infantry, B.,
" H. K. Tvler.
" E. Clark Infantry, B.
" D. Boisei.
'' F. Tarentum Infantry,
" J. Boyd.
" G. Powers' Infantry,
" R. Humes.
'' H. Clark Infantry, C,
" S. Drum.
'* I. Howe Engineeers,
" D. E. Adams.
" K. Watt and Butchers Infantry " H. Maxwell.
Colonel — Thomas M. Bayne, of
Allegheny Co.
Lieutenant Colonel — Isaac Wright, of Allegheny Co.
LTnion Infantry, Captj
lin Isaac Wright.
Sumner Infantry, ''
E. J. Seibert.
Keystone Infantry, "
T. M. Bayne.
McClintock Guards, "
H. W. Larimer.
* Four companies of this regiment were nine months' volunteers from AUeghenj^ county.
Colonel— F. H. Collier.
Lieutenant Colonel — John D. 0^
Major — William H. Moody.
Adjutant — A. M. Harper.
Semple Infantry, A.,
Captain Joseph R. Oxley.
" B.,
" Robert Munroe.
" E. M. Jenkins.
" James M'Gregor.
Graham Rifles,
" J. M. Sample."
Rudd Infantry,
" John Donald.
Logan Guards,
" G. W. Marsh.
Armstrong Guards*
" J. L. M'Kean.
Dudley Infantry,*
" J. G. Parr.
Mercer Guards,t
" A. H. Snyder.
* From Armstrong county, f From Mercer county.
Colonel — Edward Jay Allen.
Lieutenant Colonel — James Collard.
Major — J. H. Cain.
Hilands Guards,
Captain A. L. Pierson.
Howard Rifles,
" B. B. Kerr.
Kier Rifles, A.,
" J. Collard.
Kier Rifles, B.,
" F. Van Gorder.
38 Military Record
John Ewing.
Park Zouaves,
Park Engineers,
M'Auley Guards,
Clarion Rifles,*
Clarion Guards,*
* Clariou Co.
The 123d regiment left for Harrisburg on the 20th day of August, and
was followed on the succeeding day by the companies subsequently organ-
ed into the 136th. The 139th left September 1st, and some days after, the
155th followed it. During this period two heavy artillery companies, the
Pittsburgh Artillery, Capt. Young, and Staunton Artillery, Capt. George
W. Henderson, were recruited and left for Fort Delaware, Delaware river.
A battalion for the Anderson troop was recruited and forwarded to Carlisle,
in this month, by Sergeant, now Major Frank B. Ward. Detachments
were also recruited for Hampton's, Knap's, Daum's and other battalions in
the field. These regiments had been but a few days in the field when the
rebel raid into Maryland took place, threatening the safety of the Pennsyl-
vania border. Fifty thousand militia were instantly called out by the
Governor, and in less than a week a far larger number had assembled at
Harrisburg. An immense war meeting was held at the Court House on
September 6th, and measures were adopted for a rapid organization of the
militia. Companies were hastily organized in Allegheny county, and on
September 16th, 1066 men, principally from Allegheny, left for Harrisburg.
A regiment had been organized, of which Robert Galway was Colonel,
James M. Cooper, Lieutenant Colonel, and A. H. Gross, Major. Compa-
nies continued to rush Eastward during the ensuing week, from all the
Western counties, until nearly two regiments had left Alleghen}^ county
alone. Fortunately their services were not required, and after a rapid
march toward the State Line and return to Harrisburg, the companies were
dismissed. They will assist, however, in maintaining an organization.
Permission having been given by the War Department to recruit a cav-
alry regiment, and a regiment of Infantry in Allegheny county, the " Cor-
coran Regiment " was set on foot, as announced, for service under General
Corcoran. It proved unsuccessful, however, and the men recruited were
subsequently added to other organizations, a company under Capt. Powers
joining the 101st regiment. Colonel Morris. The Stanton Cavalry, Col.
Schoonmaker, is still at Camp Howe, (formed for troops under the Third
Requisition, at Linden Grove.) The men have been equipped, and will
soon be ready to march. A regiment under Colonel Stockton is also filling
On the 1st of August, the long anticipated order for a draft was pub-
lished. The State authorities had already called upon the County Com-
missioners for a statement of the number of militia in the county
subject to draft, but on this subject no accurate record had been kept,
and in reply, the commissioners forwarded a statement compiled from
the report of the County Assessors, giving the number of persons liable to
military duty in the county as 12,359. Subsequently the commissioners
determined to order a regular enrolment of the County, which was accord-
Of Allegheny County, 39
inglj made. There was much discussion as to the regulations which should
govern the enrolment, but we believe the state laws were followed by the
assessors, who returned the number of militia liable to duty.
At its session of 1861-62, Congress passed an act authorizing the Presi-
dent to order a draft of the militia of the States for nine months service,
fixing the limit of age between 18 and 21 years, and empowering the Pre-
sident, in case any State should not have the proper laws for putting the
act in force, to issue regulations for a draft in such States. Under the State
law, the exempts were persons in the army and navy, ministers, professors
and school directors, judges, persons discharged from the U. S. service, and
officers honorably discharged from militia service. The President of the
United States is also exempt, and all Government officers, Custom House
and Post Office officers, stage drivers and ferrymen on post routes; all
Inspectors of Customs ; all pilots ; all sailors actually employed in the
service of any citizen or merchant of the United States ; with such others
as are exempt by disability or chronic diseases. To secure accuracy in the
enrolment, an act was passed imposing heavy penalties on all tavern or
boarding house keepers or others refusing information to the Assessor, and
for giving false information respecting themselves or the parties liable to
On the 9th of August the President issued his instructions for the draft,
as directed by act of Congress. These instructions provided for places of
rendezvous for drafted men, and the enrolment of all able-bodied citizens
between the ages of eighteen and forty-five. A commissioner was to be
appointed for each county, and his duties prescribed as follows :
'' The enrolling officers shall immediately, upon the filing of the enrol-
ment lists, notify said Commissioners that said lists have been so filed, and
the Commissioners shall thereupon give notice by handbills posted in each
township of his county, of the time and place at which claims of exemption
will be received and determined by him, and shall fix the time to be speci-
fied in the order aforesaid, within ten days of the filling of the enrolment from
which the draft shall be made, and all persons claiming to be exempt from
military duty, shall, before the said days fixed for the draft, make proof of
such exemption before said Commissioner, and if found sufficient, his name
shall be stricken from the list by a red line drawn through it, leaving it
still legible. The Commissioner shall, in like manner strike from the list
the names of all persons now in the military service of the United States —
all telegraph operators and contractors actually engaged on the 5th day of
August, 1862, engineers of locomotives on railroads, the Vice President of
the United States, the officers, judicial and executive, of the Government
of the United States, the members of the Houses of Congress and their re-
spective officers. All custom house officers and their clerks; all Postofficers
! and stage drivers who are employed in the care and conveyance of the
mails of the post offices of the United States; all ferrymen who are employ-
ed at any ferry on the post roads; all pilots; all mariners actually employed
in the sea service of any citizens or merchants within the United States;
all engineers and pilots of registered or licensed steamboats and steam-
ships, and all persons exempt by the laws of the respective States, from
40 Military Record
military duty, on sufficient evidence, or his personal knowledge that said
persons belong to any of the aforesaid classes, whether the exemption is
claimed by them or not. Exemption will not be made for disability unless
it be of such prominent character as. to render the person unfit for service
for a period of more than thirty days, to be certified by a surgeon appointed
by the Governor in each county for that purpose."
Under these instructions a second enrolment of the County was made.
James L. Graham, Esq., was appointed Draft Commissioner, but declined
the position, and at his suggestion, the appointment was transferred to Wm.
B. Negley, Esq. The Deputy Marshals appointed were the Assessors of
the several precincts, who were supposed to be eminently qualified for the
duty — a mistake, as it afterward proved that one man could not perform
thoroughly a duty so onerous — and the enrolment proceeded rap-
idly. On the 20th it was announced that the total enrolment of the coun-
ty was 37,099, divided as follows :
Pittsburg 11,187 1 Allegheny 5,709 | Boroughs 6,870 | Townships 13,333.
The apportionment was thus announced :
Pittsburg. Allegheny.
Quota, 3,277 1,609
Credit, 2,016 1,354
Deficiency, 1,261 255
The total number of men reported as having enlisted in Pennsylvania or-
ganizations was 8,392, to be taken from a quota of 10,593 leaving a defi-
ciency of 2,201, Five hundred and fifty-eight were reported as having en-
listed in regiments not belonging to the State, and were therefore not cred-
ited on the quota.
The appointment of a Draft Commissioner was followed by the appoint-
ment of a Surgeon, Dr. A. C. Murdoch, to examine applicants for exemp-
tion on the ground "of physical inability to bear arms. A room was assign-
ed him in the Court House, and for several weeks his labors were most
arduous. Private examinations were made in Dr. Murdoch's office, both
before and after his office hours at the Court House, frequently protracting
his labors far into the night. For the examinations in his private office
fees were charged, giving rise to a great deal of dissatisfaction in the com-
munity, and suspicions of unfair dealing. None of the rumors were sub-
stantiated by direct charges or a legal investigation.
The labor of preparing for the draft, making the necessary calculations,
etc., was so heavy that the clerks in the Draft Commissioner's office were
kept busy night and day. The date fixed for drafting was twice postponed,
once to Sept. 1st, and again to Thursday, Oct. 16th, the Governor, on the
last occasion, announcing that the delay was occasioned by the difficulty of
properly deciding th*e claims for exemption presented by Philadel})hia and
other cities. In Allegheny coimty great dissatisfiiction was expressed in
many districts at the defective returns of the Deputy Marshals, and permis-
sion was given to amend these returns up to Sept. 1st. After that date, the
Commissioner refused to receive any additional returns, save those of '*new
enlistments" — i. e. those enlisted subsequent to the returns of the Marshals.
Of Alleghenif County, 41 i
These additions required the certificate of the mustering ofiicer that the par
ties were actually mustered into service. !
A meeting held in the Third Ward subsequent to the date fixed by the ,
Commissioner resulted in a return from the ward, by "block committees," ofi
some three hundred names, in addition to those reported by the Deputies. '
These names the Commissioner declined receiving and the matter was re-
ferred to the Governor, who placed the decision entirely at the discretion of
the Commissioner. Mr. Negley accordingly revised the returns, and ac-
cepted 132 names. In other wards, a large number of enlistments were
found to have escaped the Deputy Marshals, but it did not become neces-
I sary to present them. The deficiency reported from the first returns of the
I Marshals was gradually reduced by the amended returns, until, on Monday,
I October 13th, the announcement was made that no draft would be required
I in Allegheny county.
j The Pittsburg Subsistence Committee.
I This noble organization owed its existence to the wants of soldiers coming into and passing
I through our city. When the lamented Col. Samuel W. Black was raising his regiment, sev-
i eral companies from the surrounding counties arrived here, and were quarterd at various
I houses of entertainment. It was expensive, and as there was no camp opened in the vicin-
j ity, and no public provision made for subsisting the men, it was necessary that some one
j should become responsible for their expenses.
I James Park,j r., coming to the knowledge of this state of affairs, with the liberality that
j has distinguished him, at once gave directions, that until further orders he "would become ||
! responsible." Mr. Park, in connection with Hon. Thomas M. Howe, then proceeded to raise |i
a fund and to devise means to feed volunteers substantially and at a less cost than could be
done at the hotels.
A meeting was held at City Hall and the following Committee appointed : — Hon. Thomag
M. Howe, Chairman, B. F. Jones, Esq., George Weyman, Esq., Wm. Thaw, Esq., and John
Scott, Esq.
The duty of the Committee was to attend to the subsisting of such companies as were
forming, until they were regularly mustered into the U. S. service. After subsisting Col.
Black's Regiment for some ten days, until they left for Washington City, the attention of
ttie Committee was directed to the wants of the regiments and companies passing through
our city. On the 28th of July, 1861, the first Regiment, the 24:th Ohio, was fed by the Com-
mittee. This Regiment was ordered to report at Washington city, and passed through our
city Saturday evening, July 27th. They had gone but a few miles when they were ordered
back to Western Virginia. They were quartered Saturday night at City Hall, and on Sun-
day morning a breakfast was given to them by the Committee. As no rooms had been as
yet fitted up, the meal was given to them standing in the street. The following week, the
Committee had the '' Old Leech Warehouse," corner of Penn and Wayne streets, fixed with
tables, &c., for accommodating a regiment at one time. On Sunday morning. August 3d,
1861, the first regiment, the 20th Indiana, Col. Brown, was furnished with a substantial
meal of bread and butter, ham and coffee. A number of young ladies and gentlemen was
appointed by the committee to take charge of this part of the work — the giving of a meal to
regiments and companies on their way to the seat of war, and on the l7th of August, 1861,
the Committee resigned into the hands of these ladies and gentlemen the whole manage-
ment of its operations. The following ladies and geuttemen were appointed and are still
acting in that capacity, under the name of the Pittsburg Subsistence Committee.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE- Wm. P. Weyman, Joseph Albree, Henry M. Atwood.
R. C. Albree, A. H. Lane, B. F. Vandevort, B. F. Weyman, Frank Semple, George Little,
0. Lemon, H. Robinson, W. B. Edwards, J. McQ. Woods, E. Schwartz, W. Young, Edward
H. Nevin, Chas. Caldwell, Thos. Carnagie, Geo. W. McClure.
Misses A. Thaw, M. Morehead, E. P. Albree, J. B. Haynes, H. K. Weyman, K. Dennison, S.
Townsend, B. Kennedy, A. Kennedy, M. Bryan, L. Thaw, E. P. Lane, Mrs. M. Albree, H. Moor-
head, M. Bruchlocker, R. Howard, M. Howard, M. Robinson, M. Park, E. Atwood, S. Lemon,
Marv Maitland, S. Breed.
Military Record
Early in October, the City Councils granted the use of City Hall to the Committee, and
on the 16th of October, the first regiment was fed in City Hall. The Committee has, since
its organization, furnished meals to over 76,000 soldiers. Of this number, 5768 were sick
and wounded. These were provided with medical attendance, and all comforts their situa-
tion demanded.
The Committee, after receiving several appeals for supplies from some of the Hospitals of
our Array, on the 15th of January, 1862, opened depots for receiving donations of Hospital
Supplies. They have forwarded, up to Oct. 1st, 320 large cases of supplies to the different
Hospitals East and West, containing 54,946 articles. Amongst the articles there were 4800
shirts, 2140 drawers, 2025 pillows, 1450 cans fruit, and other articles in proportion. The
ladies of the Committee nnder the management of Miss A, Thaw, meet every Wednesday
afternoon, at City Hall, where they cut out work and give it to any persons willing to make
it up. In this way over 2,000 shirts and pairs of drawers have been made during the past
six months. The Committee depends altogether on voluntary contributions for its support.
Amount of contributions of cash for Feeding Fund, $5,500
" " Provisions, 500
Amount of contributions of cash and articles for Hospitals, $31,250
We can only say, in conclusion, that Committee has performed its work well and thor-
oughly, yet without public demonstration. They have earned the warm gratitude of thou-
sands of way-worn soldiers, who, without their kind assistance," would have gone on their
journey uncheered and unrefreshed. Verily, they have earned their reward.
The number of pages of religious Books and papers distributed at the rooms of the Com-
mittee amongst soldiers passing through our city was 246,000.
We publish below a classified list of the sums subscribed to the fund for paying a bounty
of fifty dollars to volunteers from Allegheny county. The list includes all subscriptions
above $50, our space forbidding the publication of smaller sums. In some eases the amounts
returned from wards include sums above fifty, and where these could be obtained they have
been included in the classified list.
Pittsburg BTink,
Exchange Bank,
Merchants & Manufac. Bank,
Citizens' Bank,
Allegheny Bank,
Knapp, Rudd «k Co.,
Clarke & Thaw,
Iron City Bank,
Mechanics Bank,
P., Ft. Wayne & Chicago RR.
Farmers' Deposit Bank,
Pittsburg Trust Co,,
Dollar Savings Bank,
James Park, jr.,
Thomas M. Howe,
Wm. Bagaley,
A. & W. Nimick,
Singer, Nimick & Co.,
Airy. Suspension Bridge,
Q. &. J. H. Shoenberger,
Zug & Painter,
Isaac Jones,
Western Insurance Co.,
Graff, Bennett & Co.,
Bollman & Garrison,
Pittsburg Gas Co.,
Mrs, Harmar Denny.
Adams Express Co.,
J. K. Moorhead,
White, Orr & Co.,
Jones & Lnughlin,
Knapp, Wood & Co.,
John Bissell,
Eliza Shields,
Ilanna, Hart & Co.,
llavs k Stewart,
M'Cord& Co.,
M'Candless, Jamison & Co.
Jno. Dunlap«fe Co.,
John I. House & Co.,
Wilson, M'Elroy & Co.,
S. Jones & Co.,
Wilson, Carr & Co.,
Everson, Preston & Co.,
Hailman, Rahm & Co.,
Lloyd & Black,
N. Holmes & Sons,
Wm. M'Cully& Co.,
Lewis, Dalzell & Co.,
Monongahela Navigation Co.
Watt & Co.,
Moorhead & Co.,
James H. Hays,
R. Patrick & Co.,
H. Childs & Co.,
Thos. A. Scott,
R. H. Hartley & Co.,
James Wood & Co.,
John B. Semple,
B. A. Fahnestock,
James B. Lyon,
A. & D. H. Chambers,
Arbuthnot & Shannon,
John Dean,
Robinson, Minis & Millers,
Monongahela Bridge Co.,
R. T. Kennedy & Bro.,
Of Allegheny County
Thos. Bakewell,
lAnderson & Phillips,
1 W. W. Martin,
Livingston, Copeland & Co.,
Mair & Davidson,
John W. Spencer, j
Spang, Chalfant & Co.,
William Morrison,
Preston & Porter, :
Kramer & Rahm,
William Semple,
George P. Hamilton, i
Geo. W. Jackson,
James A. Hutchison,
Thomas D. Messier, j
King, Pennock & Co.,
Hon. William Wilkins,
Kelly, Glass & Co., [
J. xM'Cully & Co,,
W. E. Schmertz & Co.,
Jos. Woodwell k Co., i
Miller & Ricketson,
Mitchell, Herron & Co.,
J. L. Carnahan,
George W. Cass,
1 Hostetter & Smith,
Wm. H. Smith & Co.,
John B. Jones,
Andrew Fulton,
Maffitt & Old,
James W. Woodwell, {
John Fiojd,
Pennock, Hart & Co.,
Lucesco Oil Co., j
S. S. Fowler & Co.,
D. Fitzsimmons & Sons,
Altenburg, Reddick & Co.,
J. P. Hanna & Co.,
George Albree.
Ardesco Oil Co.,
jDilworth, Porter & Co.,
Wm. G.Johnston & Co., i
j James L. Graham,
J. F. Hamilton & Co., |
1 James Marshall,
Forsyth Bro. & Co.,
Fitzsimmons & Morrow, j
Union Banking Co.,
1 Citizens Insurance Co.,
Reuben Miller, jr., j
Wilson k Gorman, j
j Monongahela Insurance Co.,
A. Bradley,
Samuel M, Lane, \
1 Eureka Insurance Co.,
Robert Lea,
German T. & S. Bank,
H. B. Wilkins,
Hill, M'Clurg & Co., .
William Dilwortb, jr.,
Morganstern k Bro., j
J. L. Marshall,
Duncan, Dunlap k Co., :
James M. Cooper.
S. Blackmore & Co.,
Dr. J. A. Reed, ;
Samuel M'Kee, (9th ward)
J. k H. Phillips, !
M'Donald k Arbuckle,
A. Holstein, |
Birm. & Pitts. Bridge Co.,
J. K. Wilson,
Shumaker k Lang, !
John P. Pears,
R. D. Cochran,
F. Bausman, !
Weyman & Son,
Henry W. Oliver,
North American Oil Co., !
S. Riddle & Co.,
E. H. Irish,
John Arthurs, |
T. H. Nevin & Co.,
D. R. Galway,
Fleming Brothers,
Pittsburg Insurance Co.,
S. Harbaugh & Co.,
John McDevitt,
Bryce, Richards & Co.,
R. L. M'Grew,
A. Frowenfield k Bro.,
Joshua Rhodes,
Alexander Speer,
John A. Renshaw,
E. Edmondson k Co.,
Wm. M. Shinn,
C. A. Dravo,
Robert Finney,
Thompson Bell & Co.,
A. H. Harvey & Co.,
T. B. Young k Co., '
Penna. Salt Manuf. Co.,
Mrs. Ann Beard,
Kean & Keller,
Lippencott & Co.,
William S. Haven,
Andrew Ackley,
Thomas Wightman,
Bissell & Co.,
Jared M. Brush,
R. S. Hays,
Olnhausen, Crawford & Co.,
James Rees, j
James Dalzell & Son,
Rev. E. McMahon,
J. S. Liggett k Co.,
W. & H. Walker,
John A. Caughey,
Caldwell k Bro.,
Chess, Smith & Co.,
Robert Beer,
S. Severance,
Charles M Knight,
John Graham,
Hartupee & Co.,
j Delaware Mutual Ins. Co,,
William B. Haslett,
Long k Duff",
Pennsylvania Ins. Co.
C. L. Brennan,
George A. Berry & Co.,
John S. McMillen,
W. k D. Rinehart,
Wra. Mackeown,
C. W. Batchelor, 1
Aladdin Oil Co.,
Reymer Brothers,
Charles J. Clark,
Logan & Gregg,
Neeb, Bauer & Co.,
Elias D. Kennedy,
W. H. Lowrie,
E. Simpson,
Andrew D. Smith,
John Harper,
James S. Craft,
Wm. M. Faber & Co., j
Neville B. Craig,
A. H. English & Co.,
Kay k Co., i
A. M. Wallingford,
R. C. Loomis,
Henry Collins, !
T. & J. T. M'Cance,
Head k Metzgar,
Alexander Gordon, '
j Joseph Home,
Robert Dalzell,
D. Z. Brickel, !
1 F. Sellers & Co.,
Alex. H. Miller,
Wm. Pickersgill, |
William Wilkins,
Wm. McClintock & Son,
Nicholas Voeghtly, rt
i Postley, Nelson & Co.,
G. W. Coffin,
R. F. Leech, j]
Whitmore, W^olf, Dufif & Co.,
W^ood & Lukens,
Geo. B. Jones, !
Means & Coffin,
■ ^ _
Samuel Gormley,
B. P. Bakewell, 1
Military Record
J. p. Haigb,
Davage k Roberts,
J. A. Mazurie,
Foster & Fleeson,
Richey & Finkbine,
B. F. Collins,
James P. Barr,
James Thorn «& Co.,
T. A. Evans & Co.,
R. H. Palmer,
C. Burchfield,
F. M. Gordon,
J. M. S^ov^^dea& Co.,
Samuel Cooper,
Thos. Graff,
Wm. Cooper & Co.,
John Orr & Co.,
Samuel Wilson,
Grahara k Thomas,
John Irwin,
Wm. M. Roberts,
J. W. Barker & Co.,
M'Quewan k Douglass.
J. M. Tiernan,
W. Bryant & Co.,
Carroll k Snyder,
Grobe & Moretz,
J. Laughrey & Co.,
John R. M Cune,
Jacob Hoffman, Gov't Con-||
A. Mcearland,
H. Kleber k Co.,
tractor, not paid.
Thomas Moore,
Lambert & Shipton,
Jas. Caldwell,
Wm. M. Gormley,
White Brothers,
A. Hobson,
Watson & Armstrong,
D. Gregg & Co.,
Samuel Gordon,
Wm. Harbaugh,
W. & D. Hugus
W. D. Riddle,
Robinson k Co.,
Thos. Arnold,
John H. Mellor,
B. C. & J. H. Sawyer,
P. H. Kauffman,
J. McD. Crossan,
John Sampson,
Mrs. Wm. Semple,
Marshall & Bro.,
J. k D. Frazier,
Geo. G. Negley,
H. Woods,
Phelps, Park k Co.,
Wm. S. Brown,
W\ S. Bissell,
Fred. M'Kee,
Douglass k English,
Tiernan & Getty,
Ch. Ihsen,
Guthrie & Sill,
J. D. Baldwin,
Thomas M'Kee,
William Rea,
J. Voeghtiy & Co.,
John P. Pears,
J. H. Jenkins,
H. Sproul,
James M'Kee,
J. B. Hubley,
A. Cameron,
Christian Siebert,
Haworth k Bros.,
; R. H. Davis,
Samuel H. Keller,
W. Haslage k Co.,
' Robert McKnight,
Joseph Patterson,
J. Henderson k Bro.,
A.M. Marshall & Co.,
John P. Scott,
C. Yiager,
James Gardiner,
: Thompson & Groetzinger,
J p. Henderson,
Hammer & Dauler,
1 H. P. Schwartz,
Jos. Meyers k Bro's.,
Nicholas Needer,
D. L. Shields,
J. H. Robinson,
Forrester & Megraw,
J. A. Kaercher,
John Xevin, jr.,
James P. Sterrett,
Mrs. L. M. D. Detheridge, ||
W. B. Pusey,
J. H. Demler,
Jacob Booberger,
G. E. Warner,
John H. Oliver,
Edw. Ditheridge,
Henry Palmer,
W. H. Whitacre,
A. Clendenning,
Alex Miller, (Uhiotp.)
A Guckheimer & Brs.,
Wm. M. Hersh,
Thos. Mellon,
J. Brooks,
Henry Whitfield,
1 John Scott,
Samuel Bradley,
Conway & M'Gowan
R. C. Grier Sproul,
J. R. Weldin,
Edward Wilkins,
N. J. Smith,
Z. Wainright,
Joseph n. Hill,
W. T. Purviance,
R. L.Ewalt,
1 George R. White,
George Shiras,
David Holmes,
John Roup,
L. P. Hitchcock,
James Irwin,
John Liggett,
Cornwall & Kerr,
Smith & Earle,
J. & D. E. Bayard,
George H. Anderson,
Joseph Schmidt,
Hays & Getty,
S. F. Von Bonhorst,
Pastor of St. Philomina's jj
Fleming & Torrens,
John Ogden k Co.,
Watson & Monroe,
J. J. Siebeneck,
- $1,055 00
Tarentum B
384 00
3d Ward, Pittsburg,
- 4,531 00
do, - - -
969 00
4th Ward, Allegheny,
- 1,102 00
Patton Towr
127 00
1st Ward, Pittsburg,
- 7,504 00
Crescent d
3., - - -
131 25
5th Ward, do.
1,073 25
Findlay d
3., - - -
479 00
4th Ward, do.
3,802 00
Duquesne B
368 00
2nd Ward, do,
6,330 00
Reserve To^^
555 00
8th Ward, do.
618 00
Upper St. CI
air do.,
90 00
3d Ward, Allegheny,
- 1,371 50
680 00
6th Ward, Pittsburg,
615 60
M'Candless 1
78 00
Peebles & Collins Tps.,
1,763 50
Mechanics B
ank, Allegheny, -
2,850 00
Of Allegheny County.
Subscription to Loans.
For still further proof of the loyalty of Allegheny county to the Union, we give Ihe
amounts subscribed by her citizens to the different loans, National and State :
To the 7-30 G-overnment loan, three hundred and twenty-seven subscriptions were made,
amounting in the aggregate to $520,404 89, from Sept. 16th to Dec. 2d, 1861, at which time
the books were closed.
To the Six per cent. Government loan $532,432 was subscribed from May 21st to Oct. 14,
1862. We could not obtain the number of the subscribers, a convenient record not being
These subscriptions were made at the office of Joshua Hanna, Esq., of Hanna, Hart & Co.,
Bankers, corner of Third and Wood streets. At least $500,000 additional was taken in the
east by parties resident in the county.
Of the $3,000,000 State loan, authorized by an act of the Legislature, approved May 15,
1862, the following amounts were taken by Banks of this city :
Bank of Pittsburg, $90,000 ; Exchange Bank, $90,000 ; Merchants & Manufacturers'
Bank, $50,000 ; Citizens Bank, $50,000 ; Iron City Bank, $40,000 ; Allegheny Bank, $40,-
000 ; Mechanics Bank, $30,000. Total, $390,000.
The aggregate amount taken of the loans by citizens and corporations of Allegheny
county, (including the half million taken in the east,) is $1,942,283 89.
Subscriptions to the six per cent, loan are still being made, our report of the amount
taken, as given above, being up to the 14th of October last.
Uniforming the Three Months Men.
No provision having been made, either in this city or in Harrisburg, by the authorities, in
1861, for uniforming the three months volunteers, the men demurred from going until they
were suitably clothed. B. F. Jones, Esq., assumed the task of equipping one company, and
depositing his check for three thousand dollars, ordered the clothing to be furnished,
and set about collecting the amount to reimburse himself With what success his labors
were crowned will be shown below. Over thirteen thousand dollars were collected in a day
or two, and with this ten companies were uniformed.
Beside these, several other companies were supplied with uniforms, by private subscrip-
tion, of which, however, we can find no record.
This sum was subscribed with the understaLdiug that it should be refunded by the State,
and the larger part of the donors have agreed, in case it should be thus returned, that it
should be appropriated for the relief of distressed families of vulunteers. As yet, the State
has done nothing either in this case, or in that of Messrs. Morganstern k Bro. who furnished
one entire company, for which they have never received one cent. The members of the Leg-
islature for this county should see that this just claim against the Commonwealth be not
allowed to slumber during the approaching session. The amount subscribed for the cloth-
ing will undoubtedly inure to the benefit of some one of our War charities.
In some cases uniforms for commissioned officers were furnished out of this fund, a fact
that should be stated in justice to the contractors, as otherwise the disparity between the
prices charged per suit would attract attention.
Bank of Pittsburgh,
Thomas Wightman,
IB. F.Jones,
M. K. Moorhead,
Joseph Plumer,
James Herdman,
Joseph Dilworth,
Francis Sellers,
A. Bradley,
John Bissell,
C. W. Bicketson,
Semple & Jones,
Clarke & Co.,
Kean & Keller,
Spang, Chalfant & Co.,
Lloyd & Black,
Everson, Preston & Co.,
Singer, Nimick & Co.,
Nimick k Co.,
Graff, Bennett & Co.,
James A. Hutchison,
Chess, Smyth & Co.,
James Wood k Co.,
A. & D. H. Chambers,
Wm. M'CulIy k Co.,
Bakewell, Pears k Co.,
Park, M'Curdy &Co.,
John I. House & Co.,
Livingston, Copeland k Co.,
Phillips k Best,
Isaac Jones,
Lvon, Shorb k Co.,
Zug k Painter,
Wm. Bagaley,
James Laughlin.
M'Knight & Bro.,
B. A. Fahnestock k Co.
.John Holmes,
Hailman, Bahm & Co.,
James Dalzell & Son,
A. Fulton,
Fleming Bros.,
Thos. L. Shields,
Penn'a. Salt Manufacturing Co.
S. H. Keller,
Arbuthnot & Shannon,
John Scott,
B. L. Fahnescok & Co.,
John Anderson k Son,
Military/ Record
Wm. J. Morrison,
Jones, Wallingford & Co.
S. H. Hartman,
Bailey, Brown & Co.,
S. M. Kier,
Wm. Carr,
Wm, B. Hays & Co.,
John McDevitt,
Watt & Wilson,
Jacob Painter & Co.,
Jas. McCully & Co.,'
John Floyd & Co.,
J. & J. W. Wood well,
Wm. M. Gormley & Co.,
Robert Dalzel & Co.,
Felix R. Brunot,
Head & Metzgar,
Bissell & Co.,
James O'Hara,
H. Childs & Co.,
McCord & Co.,
Mair & Davidson,
J. C. Bidwell,
Wilson, Carr & Co.,
Bryce, Richards & Co.,
James O'Connor,
Hanna, Hart & Co.,
Wilson, McElroy & Co.,
S. Jones & Co.,
D. Gregg & Co.,
W. Bryant,
R.H. Hartley & Co.,
Rhodes & Verner,
Charles H. Paulson,
Kramer k Rahm,
Thomas M. Howe,
McClurkan, Herron & Co.,
Lewis, Dalzell & Co.,
G. & J. H. Shoenberger,
Alexander King,
James B. Lyon & Co.,
xM'Candless, Jamison & Co.
Fitzsimmons & Morrow,
0. Blackburn,
T. & J. T. McCance,
William Cooper & Co.,
J. M. Little,
James C. Watt,
C. Yeager k Co.,
W. McClintock,
Mitchell, Herron & Co.,
Brown & Kirkpatricks,
Lambert & Shipton,
McDonald & Arbuckles,
J. R. M'Cune,
Lucisco Oil Co.,
Bollman & Garrison,
Morganstern & Bro.,
C. Ihmsen & Sons,
N. Holmes & Sons,
George W. Jackson,
James M'Auley,
S. M'Kee & Co.,
A. Frowenfield & Bro.,
Shriver & Dilworth
ILavely, Park & Co.,
W. W. Martin,
Long & Duff,
John Moorhead,
Caldwell & Bro.,
James H. Hays,
J. S. Liggett,
jJames Holmes & Co.,
'S. Dilworth & Co.,
Lippincott & Co.,
Cunningham & Co.,
Newmyer, Graff & Co.,
Richard Hays,
Harbaugh & Co.,
Hitchcock, M'Creery & Co.,
Daniel Wallace,
Samuel MCrickart & Co.,
John Parker,
Knox & Parker,
Francis G. Bailey,
R. Robinson & Co.,
Geo. R. White,
A. Speer,
Geo. A. Berry & Co.,
Reyraer& Brothers,
Shacklett, M'Lain & Co.,
Wm. Dilworth, jr.,
John A. Renshaw,
M. De Lange,
J. J. Gillespie,
Beck & Lazear,
J. Henderson & Bro.,
S. George & Co.
E. H. Myers & Co.,
Wm. H. Smith t Co.,
James Boyd,
Means & Coffin,
M'Whinney, Hare & Co.,
B. Wolff, jr.,
Wm. M'Cutcheon,
Disbursed as Follows :
DUQUESNE GREYS, Co. A., Capt. David Campbell,
Paid Morganstern & Bro., for 85 uniforms, under garments, overcoats and
blankets, - $2,523 TO
DUQUESNE GREYS, Co. B., Capt. John Poland,
Paid Morganstern & Bro., for 82 uniforms, 1,130 00
UNION CADETS, Capt. John W. Patterson,
Paid Louis Kiehneison, for 82 uniforms, - . . - $720 00
" 84 caps, 84 00— 804 00
WASHINGTON INFANTRY, Capt. T. A. Rowley, Comp'ys A, B, C,
Paid J. M. Little, for 250 uniforms, 3,960 00
Paid Merganstern & Bro., for 82 uniforms, 1,055 50
Paid J. C. Watt, for 92 uniforms, 1,104 00
FIREMEN'S LEGION, Capt. John H. Stewart,
Paid A. Frowenfield & Bro., for 90 uniforms, 1,228 00
IRON CITY GUARDS, Capt. W. M. Gormley,
Paid J. C. Watt, for 77 uniforms, 1,162 50
84 caps, 92 40— 1,254 90
Of Allegheny County. 47
Paid for Recruiting Expenses, -- -- 142 20
SHIELDS GUARDS, Capt. W. C. Gallagher,
Paid for Recruiting Expenses, ---. loo 00
SCOTT LEGION, Capt. 0. H. Rippey,
Paid for Recruiting Expenses, - - - - - - - - -lOOOOi
Paid C. H. Paulson, for 360 caps, - 279 20
$13,681 50
Any attempt to condense the record of the last eighteen months — a period so full of im-
portant events — into the brief limits of a pamphlet, must necessarily be imperfect. The la-
bor of collecting the facts presented in the foregoing pages would not be credited by any
one not familiar with the confused state of affairs which marked the periods of recruiting
following each call for troops. There exists in Allegheny county no official or reliable record of
ike troops iL-hich have left it, and the columns of the daily newspapers — accessible to but few
and necessarily inaccurate — furnish the only data in relation to the regiments of gallant men
now in service. The errors and omissions in our record must be attributed to this ftict.
At the conclusion of the Draft Commissioner's labors it was shown that twelve thousand
six hundred and ninet}' men were in Pennsylvania service from Allegheny county, and we
have no doubt that the members in service in organizations not belonging to the State, will
increase this number to fifteen thousand men. The Committee has paid $50 bounty to 1664
men, and $10 bounty, with county bond for $50, to 2326 men. Total 3990.
The liberality of the people of Allegheny county has been displayed, since the outbreak of
the rebellion, by contributions of money and other necessary articles for the outfit of troops,
care of sick and wounded soldiers, supplying traveling regiments, supporting families of ab-
seatTcen, and contributing to the support of the government by loans of money. Our rec-
ord shows the collection of the following amounts :
Of 7:30 and 6 per cent, loans taken in the county . . . . $1,942,283,89
For volunteer's bounty fund, under Executive Committee _ _ _ 129,225,05 i
Voluntary Subscriptions to Relief Fund _----.. 24,251,90
Subsistence Committee in food and Hospital supplies - - _ - 27,250,00
Subscription to private fund for uniforms - - - _ - > 13,681,50
Total 2,136,692,34
This sum, it will be remembered, does not include the sums given by individuals to
companies, nor the hundreds of private benefactions cf every description, which probably
have not been less than one hundred thousand.
In closing our sketch of the events transpiring ia and around our city, in relation to the
rebellion, we deem it but a fitting tribute to those worthy gentlemen, who have served their
country and the cause so efficiently, to say that by the active and unremitting spirit of com-
paratively a few of our citizens, was the abundant patriotism of Allegheny County given
shape and direction. To Hon. Thomas M. Howe, James Parke, Jr., John Harper, Hon. Wm.
Wilkins, Thomas Bakewell, Reuben Miller, Jr., Isaac Jones, James M'Auley, F. R. Brunot,
Wm. F. Johnston, Geo. W. Cass, W. M. &hinn, James A. Hutchinson, and some others
equally deserving, do we owe the origin ition, and the successful development, of the great-
er part of the plans which have resulted in placing in the field nearly 14,000 soldiers from
Allegheny County, and for placing their families, at least, beyond the reach of want.
And without desiring to seem invidious, we may say that no two soldiers in the field have
rendered their country greater service than Hon. T. M. Howe and James Parke, Jr., have
done in the business departments of war matters at home. Possessed of business ability in
an unsurpassable degree, above suspicion for sinister motives in the way of seeking or con-
trolling business patronage, Mr. Howe has at all times been found ready and willing to sac-
rifice every domestic comfort, every private consideration, for the public good. At present
he is the A. A. A. General for Western Pennsylvania, a position which could certainly con-
fer no honor upon the worthy ex-Representative of this great manufacturing district, and
which he was only induced to accept at the earnest solicitation of the Executive. His ser-
vices have indeed been* arduous, and that they have been productive of good fruit, the
honorable exemption of Allegheny County from the operations of the draft is a living proof.
48 Military Record^ &e.
Of Mr. Parke's services, little less can be said. As in the case of Mr. Howe, his purse
strings were always open, and however distasteful it may be to these really unobtrusive,
yet public spirited gentlemen, to be thus brought to notice, we would deem ourselves derelict
in our duty as faithful chroniclers, were we to pass them over.
Some ill-feeling has been created in the community by the number of persons exempt
under the " disability " clause of the law. The proper course, it is now conceded, is to put
ALL names in the wheel — drafting a sufficient number to cover the loss by examination — and
permit all who can to make good their claims to exemption. But this was not the law, and
of course the preliminary examinations ordered, had to be made. That a large proportion
of volunteer recruits become inmates of military hospitals, before leaving their camps of
instruction, is well known, and a worse state of affairs was to be expected among the drafted
men. It should be remembered that among the volunteer force much the larger portion
have been from the working classes, men who by daily manual toil generally escape func-
tional disorders — while the drafted troops will include ^ considerable number of mercantile
and professional men — a class subject to such disorders. It was desirable to avoid, as far
as possible, the drafting of men whose liability to constitutional or functional disorders
would render them unfit for service on the first exposure, and in view of these facts the De-
partment ordered the preliminary examination. A duty so delicate as the decision on claims
of physical disability, necessarily involved a liability to occasional error, and the only alter-
native was to decide as carefully, yet as leniently, as justice would permit. Some may have
been exempted in this county who were less unfitted than others who entered no claim, but
they were unquestionably forced to present the strongest proofs of their allegations. This
the law requires — beyond it, the Surgeon could not go, whatever professional jealousy may
have insinuated to the contrary. Those who have joined in the murmurings against Dr.
Murdoch, the Examining Surgeon for this county, should bear these facts in miud, and as
a simple act of justice learn the proofs on which each case was decided^ before prejudging
its unfairness.
Of the Sanitary Commissions of Allegheny County we had intended to speak at length,
but were compelled to forego so doing, having failed to obtain any definite data. Our citi-
zens sent commissions at various times to Eastern Virginia, (on the Peninsula) and also to
the South-West, to ascertain the condition and wants of our soldiers, and fully prepared to
render all aid necessary to their comfort, whettier wounded, sick, or in want of clothing or
the necessaries of life. Steamboats were sent to Tennessee, shortly subsequent to the battle
of Sbiloh, with physicians and nurses and an abundance of hospital stores, returning ja
due time, after having rendered very efficient aid in properly providing for invalid soldiers,
transporting some 400 from the immediate scene of that sanguinary struggle. Of this espedi- j
tion F. R. Brunot, Esq., had the superintendence, and most faithfully and satisfactorily dis-
charged his trust.
On page 28th, in speaking of the National Cavalry, Capt. Boyce, we should have added
that the company was attached to the 1st Penna. Cavalry, Col. Bayard, and participated in
some brilliant dashes in the vicinity of Fredericksburg and on the Peninsula. Capt. Boyce
resigned on account of ill-health, and 1st Lieut. Williams succeeded to the command.
Another company of Cavalry, under command of Capt. Ormsby Robinson, composed ex-
clusively of Allegheny county men, is attached to one of the Pennsylvania regiments, and
saw active service on the Peninsula, under Col. Averill. The cavalry company of Capt. j
Faith is in the 5th Regiment, Col. David Campbell, not in the 4th, lately commanded by Col. j
J. II. Childs. Capt. Patrick Kane also recruited a cavalry company, which he took east and j
there joined a regiment in an Irish brigade. Capt, Hays raised a company, which was at-
tached to Col. Emory's Gth (regular) cavalry. '
We have omitted to speak of Thompson's battery, composed of Allegheny county men, and I
recruited under the auspices of Gen. W. H. Lamon, authorized to raise a brigade, in which,!
however, he did not succeed, the troops temporarily under his csntrol, being assigned to ;
different corps. j
Five steamboats were fitted out at this port, as rams, during the present year, viz : Miago, j
Capt. Bausman ; Lioness, Capt. Shroades ; Samson, Capt. Porter ; D. Fulton, Capt. Dal-
zell ; T. D. Horner, Capt. Cadman. These boats took away 110 men as crews.
Note. — We have been requested by Dr. A. C. Murdoch, Examining Surgeon for Allegheny;
Co., to state that the name of Alexander Addison Miller, of Pitt Township, which appears I
among the names of those exera])ted upon a disability certificate, appears in that light, upon !
the record of Commissioner Negley, through a mistake, Mr. Miller having never applied fori
exemption, through any cause whatever.
1 i
! ■ . 1
Abbreviations. — d.
3., disability certificate; c
. a., over age; en. e., en- '
rolled elsewhere ; m. c,
mail carrier; tel. op., telegraphic operator; p. m.
postmaster; s. d., school director; p. d., poor director; dis. discharged from
the army.
1 Chas Burkhardt, al
Timothy Maloney, d c
Peter Folen, dis
j Isaac Bierman, d c
Dennis O'Connor, alien
Peter Foley, dis
; Chas Biernian, d c
Peter Pile, d c
John Gross, dis
I Jacob Benswanger, d c
Sam G Patterson, eng'r
Jas Hickey, o a
Owen Clark, alien
John L Pichl, pensioner
Myers Hanaur, d c
I Bernard Carr, d c
George Rice, d c
Peter Hetzler, alien
Morgan Conely, o a
John W Reynolds, dis
John Johnston, alien
i Arthur Clinton, d c
John E Rheams, d c
Michl M'Donough, alien
Richard Cass, d c
Samuel Rheams, d c
John M'Graw, d c
Hugh Dickson, d c
Edward Ryan, dis
Owen M'.Cabe, d c
; Jacob Diamond, d c
Benj W Robbins, o a
Daniel M'Gonnigle, d c
Wm V Diehl, d c
Clemens Ropp, d c
Aug M'Elachy, d c
Sol J Dehaern, al
Patrick Ragan, d c
Jomes M'Arree, d c
Thos Fahertj, d c
Samuel Rheams, sr, dis
Milton M'Clelland, d c
Pat Fitzsimmons, d c
John Stone, d c
Wm Noble, alien
Wm Frank, d c
Andrew Sumaker, d c
Owen O'Neill, alien
Abraham Fryer, d c
Thomas Sloan, dis
Benj Oppenheimer, d c
Neal Gaines, d c
John Slyder, d c
Wm K Oglesbee, d c
Adams Getty, d c & s d
L E Smith, eng'r
Christian Starz, alien
Gustave Graefner, d c
George Maixell, d c
John F Stockdale, d c
John Gete, d c
Philip Hout, d c
George Shaw, alien
Peter Horty, o a
Westley Couthart, d c
Frank Snyder, d c
Mart Holran, alien
Lawrence Cavanaugh, alien
Emil Schauberth, alien
Jno Hanlon, alien
Patrick O'Connor, d c
John Shaler, d c
Benson P Jones, d c
Leopold Cohn, d c
Valentine Sheter, d c
Peter Jacobs, d c
Simon Citran, alien
Edwin Strain, alien
Henry Krusman, o a
Chas P Caughey, d c
John H Sarber, d c
Wra Kohlbepp, o a
Wm D Cooper, d c
Jerry Tool, alien
John King, d c
Saml P Collins, s d
John Wanderly, d c
Edwin Kincaid, d c
Chas Ennant, d c
Eph Worsner, o a
Patrick Keefe, alien
Robert C Elliott, d c
Samuel Werthermer, d c
Edwin Lowe, o a
David L Evans, dis
Isaac Werthermer, d c
John Lavely, d c
Saml M Evans, d c
Jacob Wells, o a
Joseph Levaler, alien
James Foley, o a
Lewis Walters, d c
Patrick Murray, d c
John Funk, d c
Alex Walker, alien
Jas R Myers, d c
Patk Foley, dis
Patrick Welsh, alien
List of Exempts.
Addison Arthurs, d c
Jas Matthews, pilot
j Thos Irwin, d c
Biddle Arthurs, d c
BM'Glaughlin, d c
{ Geo Irvin, d c
J C Bojd, d c
Wm M'Kenna, alien
P M Kirwan, alien
A F Brackemejer, d c
C C Mellor, d c
Michl Keenan, alien
Moses Beatty, alien
W S M'Dowell, dc
Francis Kennedy, alien
Hugh Bojle, alien
Jas M'Clelland, d c
J G Kendal, tel op
Alex Behler, d c
David Morgan, alien
Christ Kimmer, alien
Wrn Barrett, d c
T G M'Cormack, n r
Wm Kyle, o a
C C Cochran, teacher
C Mensinger, d c
W K Pierce, d c
-Michl Carroll, o a
E B Matthews, d c
C F Porter, d c
Jos G Caldwell, m c
D J M'Donald, d c
Wm Pinkerton, d c
A M Byers, d c
L Morganstern, d c
S Paisley, alien
Henry Burch, alien
J Morganstern, o a
E Reineman, d c
W W Burchfield, d c
C W Millard, eng C RR
John Roxbury, alien
Geo M Bliss, o a
Thos Moore, d c
Jasper E Sergeant, d c
Geo W Beltzhoover, o a
H H Nieman, d c
H Samson, d c
Con Harkins, alien
J Necomer, o a
C A Stevens, eng'r
Robt P Biddle, d c
Jas Orr. d c
E Slatterick, o a
Jno Cunningham, d c
Daniel O'Neill, d c
H Stamm, d c
Tim Cadman, o a
James O'Neil, d c
Harry Shirls, d c
Jas Dolans, d c
W Owens. Jr, d c
Daniel Steen, d c
Josiah F Day, d c
John O'Keef, o a
Solomon Stein, n r
T W Davis, d c
Jas Phelan, d c
Samuel Seeds, alien
C M Davis, arsenal
Andrew Goering, d c
Jos Sperry, d c
T B Davitt, 0 a
David Gilgey, d c
Edw Seither, d c
Ed M Davis, arsenal
A F Gahler, en e
David Stein, o a
Ed Donelly, o a
R J Grace, o a
Wm Skillett, alien
Morris Eisner, d c
John Herron, d c
J A Teece, alien
Leopold Eisner, d c
Leo Highbruner, d c
Albert Thomas, d c
H Fleshman, d c
C Hasbrouck, s d
John Torrence, d c
Ferd Fisher, d c
Lucius.W Henry, do
Patrick Tighe, alien
Stephen Falls, en e
Henry Hartman, d c
H Thorthurn, alien
Robt Fife, alien
Jacob Ilershfield, d c
S Williams, d c
Dan Kinzee, d c
J A Harton, eng'r
D Woolslsyer, d c
J B Kilgore, d c
T M Harton, d c
W Weyman, d c
C H Kinkerly, d c
John Hanly, alien
H 0 Wefing, d c
H J Lance, alien
Wm Harpin, d c
Henry Wolker, alien
Geo Lang, d c
Pat Goghegan, d c
R S Waring, d c
Dennis Manshin, alien
0 Hickman, alien
J Winterburn, d c
Wm Means, d c
D H Hazen, d c
G Ernest, dis
W C Murphy, d c
Thos Hulings, d c
James M'Laughlin, alien
L Markle, pension agent
Wm H House, d c
Kennedy Marshall, d c
J K Morange, d c
W S Jackson, d c
John R Bangorst, p o elk
W P Marshall, d c
Lewi? Jaroslowski, d c
C A Von Bonhorst, p o elk
B M'Mmoman, d c
Wm Jenkins, alien
Wm Woods, poor director
Felix M'Closky, d c
Jas Irwin, d c
Michael Malone, d c
Patrick M'Afee, d c
Henry A Fryvogle, d c
Jos Larkin, d c
John Coffyy, o a
James Herley, alien
Florence Sullivan, o a
John Hooper, alien
Wm Ryan, o a
Fred Bushman, o a
John Fitzgerald, o a
Wm S Lavcly, o a
Patrick M'Carthy, alien
Timothy Kinney, d c
Peter Caveney, d c
Thomas Hamilton, alien
Hugh Duffey, d c
Patk Leonard, o a
Jeremiah Downey, d c
John Mooney, d c
Michael Lynch, alien
A Harland. jjreacher
Jeremiah Sullivan, d c
John Sullivan, alien
Andrew B ILiyden, d c
Alex Wells, nr
John Donavon, d c
Christopher Hellyraer, d c
W VRSmith, dc
Edward P Kearns, d c
Garnet Bultman, d c
John Burngerst, alien
Frederick Gross, d c
List of Exempts.
Henrj- Lang, d c
Peter Brown, o a
Jos G Pollock, d c
Anthony Dougherty, alien
Uriah S Bokoler, n r
Sidney G Stewart, d c
Thos C Warrington, alien
John Griffen, d c
Edward Fannell, alien
Oscar M'Millan, d c
E J Smith, d c
Lincoln Oldshue, d c
Patrick Regan, alien
Patrick Donnelly, d c
Thos Comraond, o a
Patrick Flinn, d c
William Smith, d c
Thos Cowell, alien
Jas B Williams, d c
Christian Diehl, d c
Jacob F Sceele, d c
Frederick Rust, d c
Stephen Barton, d c
Joseph Anchem, alien
Francis MGrath, o a
Frederick Roenig, d c
Michael Egan, d c
Chas Gross, d c
Fredk Anderson, alien
John Dunn, alien
Thomas Day, alien
Philip Phillipson, alien
Fred Gerberding, d c
Patrick Mellon, d c
Moses Godhelp, d c
Leopold Addler, d c
Jacob Fink, d c
Jas Henderson, d c
A H Wenzle, d c
Michael Conrad, alien
Henry Haggerman, d c
Davik Paisely, o a
Wm J Montgomery, s d
John Reynolds d c
Geo W Leonard, d c
James Sutherland, d c
Levi Deroy, d c
Bartholomew Auth, d c
George Miller, alien
Christ Geisse, o a
Tim O'Leary, o a
Lawrence O'Connell, o a
Pat Russell, alien
John M'D Glenn, d c
Thos Pepperday, o a
Alex M Pollock, d c
Anthony Brun, o a
Saml Hesson, d c
Henry Haley, d c
Dennis M'Mullen, d c
Danl M'Mullen, d c
Jos Heasiiugs, d c
Alex Potter, arsenal
WmMurdock, alien
Wm P Richards, alien
David Steinheim, alien
Abram Lipuer, d c
Lewis Aaron, alien
Daniel J Carroll, d c
Francis M'Laughlin, d c
Robt G Brinker p o elk
Thos M Coliff, o a
Wm Barry, o a
Jereminh O'Brien, d c
John Kane, d c
Robert Muuu, o a
Owen Owens, o a
Thomas Riley, alien
Michael Quinn, alien
Joseph Shoeb, d c
Robert Newell, alien
Edward Newell, alien
Michael Carroll, alien
James Tobin, d c
Michael Keefe, d c
Albert Jones, d c
Robeet Kirkpatrick, d c
Joseph Dougherty, d c
Michael Bagaley, alien-
Michael Mead, d c
Patrick Guarin, d c
Augustus Kunz, alien
John Kroch, alien
Wm Newell, alien
Michael Keefe, d c
Jacob B Sigfried, d c
John L Pfeifler, d c
Herman Schroeder, alien
Henry Schanderlein, alien
John D Thompson, d c
John Mullen, d c
Reuben Swain, o a
Dennis Sullivan, d c
Jefi" Douglass, o a
B Rogers, minister
Francis Edwards, do
Andw M'Closkey, do
lanatus Trainor, do
Philip Cussiday, do
Anthony Gould, do
Domenec Fleming, do
John Fahey, alien
Wm Tully,' alien
Michael Flannery, alien
Michael Melody, d c
Peter Fahey, alien
James Muiison, alien
Patrick Price, alien
Isaac Pope, d c
M Ehrgott, d c
Thomas Donnelly, alien
Andrew Monahan, d c
John Sevelle, d c
Michael M'Graw, d c
Josep Linder, d c
Casper H Bruggeman,d c
Alex Morrison, d c
Francis Rooney, o a
Wm Matthews, alien
John Hannahan, alien
Bernard Raflferty, d c
Francis Gazzola, d c
Louis Cella, d c
Michael Cella, alien
Wra H Campbell, d c
Charles Nevue, d c
I John Finnerty, o a
Patrick Shaughnossy. d c
John Robinson, d c
Thomas Kelly, d c
Philip Mertz, d c
Patrick Geoghegan, alien
Wm H Small, d c
Michael Coyle, d c
John J Gallagher, d c
Thos Pender, s d
Daniel Pender, eng'r
John B Eyth, d c
John Kenna, d c
Wm M'Bride, d c
John Finn, alien
Jas Dain, o a
Dennis Allen, d c
James Burns, d c
Wm Lindsey, o a
Matthew Bressner, d c
Thos Wait, n r
Robt M'Clelland, alien
Henry T Bowen, d c
Patrick W^ard, alien
Jacob H Miller, d c
H Michels, mail carrier
Peter Madonnel, alien
Patrick M'Dermott, d c
Beuj F Shueb, d c
Andrew Johnson, o a
Wm Ricketson, o a
A Frowenfeld, o a
Timothy Finin, d c
Gotleib Ludwig, d c
Math C Fullertou, d c
A C Ely, d c
John Mish,jr, d c
John Curran, d c
Wm A Halleck, d c
Joseph L Russell, o a
James Finch, d c
Daniel Fuller, d c
Jas S King, d c
Tim M'Carthy, o a
John M'Cann, o a
I Timothy Sullivan, alien
[John T Odam, o a
I John Lowe, d c
I Richard Sherridan, alien
! Wm Bennett, d c
John Hart, alien
Chas W Lewis, s d
Thos Connor, o a
AlexHunter, d c
Dennis Shannon, d c
Joseph D Herr, minister
List of Exempts,
Thomas B Hamilton, d c
George Reineman, d c
John H Cassiday, o a
' Christian Kirchner, alien
Wm Stewart, d c
Thomas J Flood, deaf
Wm Kirchner, alien
James Williams, d c
Patrick Higgins, d c
S J Nolan, o a
Jacob Klee, d c
Simon Johnston, d c !
A M'Cambridge, o a
Morris Flinn, d c
Joseph Seibert, d c
Reinhart Ulrich, d c
James Burke, alien
John Davis, alien
John Hare, d c
James O'Brian, d c
L Reineman, d c
Peter Schott, d c
J G Seibenick, near sighted
James M'Kibben, d c
Patrick Dunn, alien
Edwin Moreland, d c
Henry Voskamp, d c
Michl M'Laughlin, alien
Jas M'Closkey, o a
Wm M'Claren, o a
! Jos W Simonton, d c
James Talbot, o a
John R Voskamp, d c
Lawrence Ebbert, alien
John Douglas, minister
James B Barr, d c
Lewis Miller, o a
Wm Kioeger, alien
A H Thomas, minister
Daniel Donahue, d c
Peter Brady, s d
Jos Werckle, d c
Julius Benstein, d c
Patrick Dewyre, d c
Gotleib Ludwig, d c
; Benj H Succop, o a
Martin O'Connor, alien
John Curran, d c
1 Fred Followaj, alien
Sampson Goldman, alien
Josesh Newell, d c
' Myer Fink, d c
Frederick Feldner, d c
Casper Beman, d c
1 James Hague, alien
Edward Devlin, d c
Joseph Shoeb, d c
1 Adrian Siedle, alien
Charles J Wade, d c
[ Wm Drum, o a
Chas Watt, o a
Jas Dolan, o a
i John Martin, alien
M Kern, alien
Jas Reed, alien
John M'Kee, alien
P H Stout, d c
Pat Savage, d c
, Peter C Renier, d c
D Fleming, o a
Thos Ryan, o a
1 Dennis Martin, alien
G W Treets, mail carrier
H Oppenheimer, d c
' Peter Nardie, alien
M Bentz, d c
E Lynch, o a
i John Griffin, d c
Jos Lyons, alien
Wm Carson, d c
' W H Wortz, d c
Wm Saddle, o a
W Harman, d e
! Jos Freeh, o a
J F Beckham, d c
James Gimiff, d c
1 Louis Pichard, d c
James E Ross, d c
Redmont G Ledlie, d c
|Tho3 Woods, do
H R Long, d c
John B Jones, d c
1 S Richards, d c
D Johnston, d c
AT Schmidt, 0 a
i Max Hirsh, alien
R Cool, d c
L C Wilmarth, d c
1 John Fulton, d c
Jake Walton, d c
G R Gardirce, d c
I J Montgomery, d c
Solomon Shirey, d c
John Whalon, o a
C Nordheim, alien
W N Chessman, o a
Francis Whalon, alien
Jas M'Mahen, alien
John Neeson, o a
Isaac Abrams, d c
i A V Crouch, d c
W J Church,' do
Julius Reisser, alien
[ W D Dutfy, d c
Jas Parkinson, alien
Israel Rosenbloth, alien
j David Agnew, d c
H C T Lease, alien
Jacol) Backrach. alien
1 P M'Kenna, d c
HBidwell, d c
Moses Oppenheimer, alien
D W Long, s d
A Frowenfeld, d c
I Copelens, d c
James D Verner, d c
W K M'Clintock, d c
Alex Walker, alien
Michael Jones, o a
L H Voight, d c
James Gilnor, d c
J S Gray, d c
F E Chuffart, alien
C West, d c
L Gleisencamp, d c
Wm Sumner, d c
M Hunnings, d c
Henry Happ, alien
J Westbay, o a
Wm Roaney, d c
Wm Colson, o a
John Duily, o a
A O'Leary, d c
Mark Hersh, alien
John Mattett, d c
GF Shuchman, dc
E S Warner, d c
M B Fetterman, d c
James Clemens, alien
Jas Laubie, d c
Jas Duffy, d c
Mason Bavington, dis
James Jones, d c
Patrick Martin, alien
G L B Fetterman, d c
R Cunningham, d c
James Sweeny, alien
Jason Noble, d c
Matthew iSniith, engineer
Morris M 'Bride, d c
Thos Brown, d c
Pat Conoway, alien
List of Exempts.
Thomas Arnold, d c
Clem Kesler, d c
Richard Dean, o a
James Alston, d c
James Kain, d c
Louis Debitz, alien
Felix Ager, alien
Pat Kain, d c
Thomas Dain, o a j
Wm Adolph, ea e
Chas Kennedy, d c
Henry Dunton, alien
Alex Adams, o a
W D Kearns, d c
Joseph Darrah, eng
Barney Brean, d c
Rudolph Keunich, alien
Michael Dousley, alien
Joseph Brenstone, alien
Chris Kountz, o a
Franz Dorncamp, alien
Arthur Belk, alien
G M Kaufman, alien
John Dillon, o a
James Black, d c
Wm Meik, alien
Sebastian Dorn, d c
Geo Brickner, o a
John Nelson, d c
Albert Evans, d c
John Berger, d c
Wm M Negley, en e
Christ Evers, alien
Peter Baker, dis
Wm Nelson, d c
Jacob Fogle,. d c
John Brown, dis
Thos Newman, alien
Patrick Fitzpatrick, d c
Geo Bader, d c
David Nieman, alien
R S Fergeson, eng
David Beck, d c
Henry Otte, d c
Lenhart Florich, alien
Richard Brengson, d c
Pat O'Brien, alien
Peter Forsyth, d c ^
Dorsey Bollow, eng
Wm O'Brien, alien
John Grein, alien
John Bruner, o a
James Pillers, d c
Jacob Godran, d c
James Bannon, d c
Thos Parker, d c
Joseph Gress, alien ,
Nicholas Behr, d c
Jos Putmeyer, d c
John Gemmer, d c
Janatius Balluf, alien
Thos D Patterson, d c
Wm Gray, eng
B B Bishop, d c
Barnard Poulich, alien
Henry Hunter, d c
Jacob Brickner, alien
Wm Puter, d c
Fred Kirsch, d c
Alois Brickner, alien
B Reahy, d c
Wm Klemmons, dc
James Bothwell, d c
Marker Rush, crippled
Abrah Katz, o a
Andy Boyd, d c
Jas Relley, arsenal
John Kearns, d c
Thomas Brown, alien
Fred Roxberry, alien
Wm Kirby, o a
George Bell, alien
Henry Rule, d c
David Kaye, o a
John Bangart, d c
S B Reed, minister
John Kamplouse, d c
Thomas Boothe, d c
W J Radcliff, d c
Jackson Link, o a
James Bennett, alien
Peter Roth, d c
Math Larimer, alien,
E P Carr, d c
Thomas Stewart, alien
Jacob C Lang, d c
Henry Cleaver, d c
Robert Stevenson, alien
Adam Lauber, arsenal
J O'Connor, o a
Wm Slack, alien
Henry Leonard, alien
James Carr, d c
Isaac Sawyer, minister
Joseph Lang, d c
Robert Curry, d c
Powell Schewl, alien
Wm Leinlord, d c
Thos Graham, alien
Geo Spear, do
J E Millenbraugh, alien
Henry Grine, d c
Geo Spratt, cripple
D F Malony, d c
W G Griffith, alien
Adam Trap, d c
Fred Miller, d c
Wm Gallaher, d c
Felix C Negley, s d
Chas Meyers, d c
John Gelson, d c
Thomas Thompson, d c
John Miller, d c
Fred Heines, o a
Jos Thomjison, d c
M'Connell Moore, en e
John Henderson, oa
Edwd J Taylor, d c
Arnold Miller, d c
L Holtzman, d c
Danl Taylor, p o clerk
Chris Menciner, d c
David Hays, alien
Bonaventure Zaringer, d c
David Mitchell, d c
John Haffey, d c
M Glockner, alien
Wm Montooth, cripple
J Helraproscht, minister
Wm Cook, alien, in the coun-
Thos Malony, d c
Geo Hemmer, d c
try 18 years
Wm Morgan alien
F H Hartraan, en e
Hiram Corant, d c
Jacob Mixner, d c
Julius HoflFman, alien
Danl Cornman, d c
Adam Milbert, d c
Jos Heckold, one leg off
James Carothers, o a
Mc McConnell, o a ;
Wm C Henney, eng
Saml Carothers, o a
Pat McCollough, d c
Peter Huelz, d c
Edwin Cohn, alien
James McTighe, d c
Wm D Hamilton, d c
August Clopfer, alien
Anthony McTighe, alien
John Hodenfeitor, o a
F P Coffey, d c
Jas xMcKenna, d c
David Hannah, en e
James Colbert, d c
John Nihlstein, alien
Peter A Heyer, d c
Arthur Carr, d c
Thos Ryree, d c
Anthony Huppy, o a
M Connor, d c
Jacob Rees, d c
Timothy Haley, alien
James Creighton, d c
David Richard, d c
Thos Hemlock, alien
Michael Driscol, o a
Nic Snyder, d c
John Jackson, d c
Henry Dorncamp, alien
Joseph F Sower, alien
List of Exem'pts.
Anthony Springer, d c
Isaac Snyder, eng
J W Woodcock, arsenal
Amond SluifFer, o a
Richard Swaringen, o a
Jacob Weiget, minister
Ebberhart Sbibben, alien
Saml Smith, crazy
Thomas Whiteman, en e
Jacob Sower, alien
Avin Schmidt, alien
Joachim Weisser, d c
Robert Shuler, d c
Wm Stewart, d c
John Wort, alien
Abraham Schlossberger, alien
Peter Swan, alien
Chas Wiftioger, d c
Nic Seibert, d c
Joseph Schillinger, d c
Peter Winters, d c |
John Stroudenineyer, d c
David Thompson, d c
Fred Wilharm, o a
Sebastian Schultz, d c
Jacob Utsler, o a
Peter Wilson, alien 1
John Supp, d c
Martin Verzinger, dis
John Wood, alien
John Scullej, alien
Thomas Wright, alien
John Wiland. d c
1 • •
William Hughes, alien
Richard Jenkins, d c
John Sherman, d c
William White, dis
John Rath, d c
F Thompson, dis
Robert Gibson, alien
Rush B Hawkins, d c
Fred Suck, d c
James Casey, dec'd
Adam Bell, alien
Robert Coyle, d c
Henry Till, dis
Thos Mulvehill, eng
J P Smith, eng
Hugh Rice, o a
John Bigly, eng
H Lambert, o a
Wm Walker, dec'd
Jas M Vandegriff, c h clerk
James Sahl, d c
Joseph Dougherty, dis
Wm Myers, alien
Geo W Verner, dis
Anthony Heley, aliea
Jas MrCabe, d c
F H Bushman, d c
Geo Bailey, arsenal
A Berkemeler, o a
Wm Cluley, d c
Oliver Brooks, dec'd
Jesse Young, dis
J M Burns, o a
Danl Craig, alien
Thos Miller, d c
H K Colton, d c
John H Johnston, dec'd
T McGregor, mail carrier
H H Niebaum, d c
John Gittanan, d c
G H Zackariah. o a
N Swartzelder, o a
Thomas Edgar, alien
Fred Stetlander, d c
Edward Duncan, alien
Nathaniel Nelson, d c
John Smith, d c
Michael Shannon, arsenal
Michael Murphy, dis
Saml A Hill, d c
H R Geilfuss, dc
Thos Hardy, alien
Saml Ramsey, alien
John H Succup, d c
Alex M'Cracken, d c
David Edger, o a
Alfred Wright, d c
Thomas Roberts, s d
Jas M'Kenney, d c
Patrick Murphy, d c
John Wilson, d c
Valentine Sidney, d c
Joseph Writer, d c
Wm Boland, d c
Wm Dodds, d c
Anthony Fretig, o a
Saml Hobbs, d c
A C McCallum, o a
Francis Buskuff, d c
Wm M'Devitt, d c
Geo Wilson, o a
Barney Sander, d c
Chas M'Devitt, d c
Steele Turbett, dis
E Buhtold, d c
Wm Young, o a
Chas Neel, d c
Chas Martin, o a
Robt Flinn, o a
WmShortel, d c
Patrick Burke, o a
S H Stevenson, d c
James M'Gregor, d c
Henry Millen, o a
Solomon Mumma, d c
Wm Rossiter, d c
Alex Seaner, d c
Ernest Dietrich, d c
S L Burnap, d c
John Row, d c
Jacob Deitrich, d c
W Collingvvood, o a
John Kirkpatrick, dis
Frederick Seigimer, d c
Edmund Grier, o a
George Culp, o a
James Hopper, m d, alien
W C Stewart, d c
John Keife, o a
Westley Hutledge, d c
H H Truby, d e
Saml Greer, o a
Wra Guimme, alien
James Graham, o a
Robert M Carge, o a
John Cook, d c
Archibald Wallace, d c
Patrick Donahue, dis
Anderson Hagan, d c
Levi Dillow. d c
John Wilson, d c
John Phillips, s d
Ebenezer M'Kuight, d c
James Blackmore, d c
John Scott, 0 a
James Murray, o a
W F Murdock, o a
F Sullivan, o a
Benj M'Guire, o a
Abram Weslervelt, d c
Thos Ralferty, alien
Frank Conley, d c
Chas Ilossiter, d c
Wm Smith, d c
Burwell Hunnicut, d c
J Y M'Laughlin, oa
Thos Kelly, o a
Wm MAdams, dis
J R Niebaum, d c
Patrick O'Hara, o a
James M'Closkry, eng
Geo Berger, alien
Reuben King, d c
Robert Fleming, alien
Henry Backeldink, alien
F J Ribbeck, alien
Stephen Keef, d c
D Z Brickell, s b captain
Jas Bowden, d c
Henry Cluley, d c
Chas B Mowry, eng
Geo Arnold, o a
Wra Backindick, alien
Joseph R Hughes, d o
Alex Shank, d c
Christian Kruse, d c
List of Exempts.
John Rebman, d c
Wm Vietmer, d c
Matthew Carrell, jr, dis
William H Whitney, d c
John "Walters, alien
Edward Nugent, alien
Robt Moffit, sr, o a
S W Owens, d c
Wm Hays, d c
James Stewart, alien
George H Thurston, d c
James Kennedy, d c
R Seidle, d c
Joseph Shaepaner, d c
Richard Keefe, o a
C A Ammon, d c
John Hamon, o a
Francis Goodwin, d c
George Armor, dis
Conrad Shipp, dis
Richard Hinds, o a
Graham Scott, s d
F D Giest, d c
Morris Marra, alien
Wm Wilson, d c
H Gordon, dis
Brant Shannon, dis
J H Niebaum, d c
Wm Martin, o a
Frank Brady, d c
Wm Gleen, d c
Theo Snyder, alien
Lewis Allen, d c
Hugh Campbell, d c
Joseph Hardy, d c
Samuel Logan, dis
Patk O'Learj, o a
R R Garrison, dis
Joseph Patterson, alien
Wm H Ebbert, d c
Alex M'Hwain, d c
James Kinlon, o a
Geo Hfcnly, alien
John Miller, o a
James Gilmore, eng
E C Smigt, d c
A J Foster, o a
L Patterson, eng
Francis M'Graw, d c
James Kell}', o a
John Park, o a
Francis W Clulej, d c
James Harding, d c
Michael Grant, alien
Henry Gaw, alifen
J A Cochran, d c
Wm J Wilson, dc
Jas Lindsey, o a
J Althouse, 0 a
Henry Herd, d c
Theo Woods, d c
John Kern, d c
John Eness, d c
Wash Gallagher, dis
Steven McHwaine, d c
Geo Tanner, dis
James C Elliot, eng
Wm Farley, dis
Geo B M^Kee, o a
A Hosman, o a
Matthew Carrell, d c
R M'Adaras, o a
Francis Allen, o a
Wm Jackson, d c
James Pownell, arsenal
Wm Edmonds, alien
Patrick Kerr, d c
Theo Patterson, pilot
Henry Boden, d c
Fred Kraff, d c
JohnPuricher, o a
Ed Bryce, d c
Thos Kraff, o a
Conrad Robb, d c
Danl Coleman, alien
Henry Lingerfelter, d. c
Chas A Shafer, d c
Jas Cattemole, o a
James L Walles, alien
Henry Snively, s d
Matthew Crawford, alien
John Lippincott, d c
John P Shall, d c
Ed W Doty, s d
Stewart M'Kee, o a
Augustus Siefert. pilot
James Kastley, d c
Patrick M'Stein, o a
James Sewall, alien
Henry Eairing, d c
George M'Clowry, d c
John Sweeny, o a
Jas B Fleming, d c
Joseph Myers, d c
Ben Turner, d c
Thos Gibson, o a
Chas Meyran, d c
Job Whitell, d c
John Groatzinger,
Edward M'Govern, d c
David Wesler, d c
Chris Harlow, alien
Geo B Miller, o a
John Coyne, d c
Geo Hubely, o a
Andrew Nesbit, arsenal
Thos Keef, o a
Wm Haunon, d c
Noah Potts, eng
James Corbett, d c
Evan Evans, alien
Robert Weinder, d c
Crawford Armstrong, d c
J\nthony Farrell, alien
J Kerr, d c
J Devine, d c
J \mes M'Garvy, d c
J Hannen, d c
J Carey, alien
Thos Snowden, eng
Pat Hannen, d c
R Jones, d c
J P Estep, d c
Barny Kane, d c
Pat May, o a
Albert Windburst, d c
J M'Avoy, alien
James Watson, d c
J D Fackiner, d c
W Reamen, d c
Edward Hutchison, d c
Patrick Byrne, o a
T Neely, s d
D Quinlin, d c
W H Devore, d c
J A Kaercher, d c
A Byrne, alien
P Duffy, alien
J L Hamilton, s d
John Muilin, d c
Wm Burns, d c
Fred Shroeder, d c
James Kodgers, d c
P Coyne, d c
Chris W Smith, d c
J M'Guire, alien
L Sweeny, alien
D Day, o a
James Brown, alien
T Johnson, eng
Pat Harper, d c
John Quigley, alien
Squire Cook, d c
Joseph Adams, d c
Thomas Conaor, alien
Wm Zimgan, d c
Chris Shultz, dc
lAst of Exempts.
Stephen Dobbins, d c
P Killillay, alien
John Kerr, o a
Mauus xM'Fadelin, alien
B Haley, alien
J Aramon, d c
T O'Hara, alien
Wm M'Garvey, d c
Peter Kaltenfern, dis
F Wbiting, d c
John Hook, d c
Jacob Rosenwig, o a
J M'Quilin, alien
Fred Bowman, d c
Ernest Sagaman, d c
M Farrell, alien
Louis Berkowitz, d c
Thos Conlon, d c
Peter M'Quillin, d c
Aug Reossler, d c
John M Killen, d c
1 J Kitz, d c
Jacob Cashbaun, d c
H H D Armon, d c
J Daugherty, d c
Geo Younger, d c
H B Brocket, d c
G Racbe, d c
Henry Walker, alien
Peter Weldon, d c
J Adams, d c
Hugh M'xMaster, d c
Fred Weigaudt, d c
H B Beazele, eng
Wm Anderson, d c
Edw Rutledge, d c
Chris Christy, d c
Jas S Black, dis
Wm Coleman, d c
Mich Sullivan, alien
Jas S Wright, dis
T Buetyon, teacher
James White, d c
Fred Doerr, dis
Anthony Byrne, eng
Henry Rebel, alien
John Hugo, d c
J H Stevenson, d c
R Keef. o a
Stephen Baker, alien
Wm Jones, eng
Wm Sontag, d c
Edward Barber, alien
Joseph L Roberts, d c
Henry Yerkins, d c
Francis Newmont, eng
James Lees, alien
David Dillon, alien
Martin Campbell, d c
Wm Kenworthy, alien
Peter Costello, eng'r
Jacob Leise, d c
John Brown, d c
Thos Hinds, d c
Jacob Barllett, o a
Joseph H Nobbs, s d
Elias Peak, d c
Arch Gilmore, eng
Wm Holroyd, d c
John Murray, d c
Joseph Pressfll, d c
Danl Colclasser, en e
John Drummond, d c
James M'Caffrey, d c
Thos Shriver, d c
Thos Ball, alien
Robt Hughes, d c
John W^elsh, s d
Phillid Dahlen, d c
Jos Boilman, arsenal
James Horacks, d c
George Mullen, d c
Jno T Bear, d c
Fred Fleck, eng
Jas F Martin, do
Wm Ott, eng
Harry Elliot, dis
Robert Sproul, d c
Jas Wright, o a
Wm Wills, eng
Joseph Fehrer, d c
Michael Zeek, d c
George F Irwin, eng
James Bourke, alien
Danl Dick, eng
F M De Armitt, dis
Jocob Staub, d c
Chas Parkin, alien
Jacob Angus, eng
Thos Grogan, over age j
Jos B Cherry, d c
William A Pitzer, en e
Vincent M' Gadden, d c
Edwd J Hughes, d c
Alexander Boyce, do
Louis Berger, alien
Louis Weaker, arsenal
W^illiam Dixon, alien
Tomes Llttell, s d
Thos M'Connell. alien
John Carson, alien
Joseph Irwin, d c
Danl Colbert, d c
Edward Stewart, d c
John Tibby, 31 years in coun-
Wm Cain, d c
J Klingensmith, engineer
try, alien
Jacob F Geist, alien
C B Holmer, d c
Jacob Alters, d c
John Lutz, dis
James Neeson, d c
John Lowe, alien
John Ridley, eng
Robert Bond, d c
Henry Kouverman, d c
Louis Walthour, eng
William Lingell, d c
Henry Kurga, over age
Augustus Wentz, d c
Shultz Spellman, engineer
Frederick Dietman, d c
James Smith, eng
Frederick Dobbenmyer, d c
Richard Birkeybile, d c
Wm Kerr, d c
Samuel Robinson, d c
John M'Intyre, d c
Hiram Engler, en e
Andrew Dobbenmyer, d c
Robert Algeo, d c
David Kerr, eng
Frederick Rommell, d c
David Wallaker, d c
Henry Hudson, eng
Alexander Hannah, d c
Augustus Wolf, eng
Jacob Frankhouser, eng
Nicholas Stipple, d c
John Harrison, s b
Phillip Klingermau, eng
Patrick Cook, alien
Abraham Campbell, d c
Watson Campbell, eng
Martin Nichol, alien
R P Hare, en e
Joseph Hood, en e
L Falkcnhagen, d c
Wm Hudson, en e
John Widinthal, d c
Jose[»h Bergoon, d c
Sanil B M' Keugh, eng
Richard Allen, eng
John Major, engineer
Edward Barten, d c
Wm C Johns, d c
M Sweeny, engineer
Wm Gcbhart, d c
William Evans, alien
William Williams, engineer
Isaac Walters, dis
Edward Kenna, o a
Rich'd 0' Connor over age
Jacob Wingard, d c
James O'Rourke, eng
David Connell, alien
Joiin S Miller, b d
List of Exempts,
Michael Bright, d c
Samual Dougerty, dis
G Leguillen, d c
Hugh Diamond, d c
William Burns, alien
Benj Naylor, alien
Henry Allen, alien
Samuel Geer, d c
Wm Johnston, d c
John White, alien
E Derar, eng
E Griffith, over oge
Reub Mnssailon, over age
Thos Wilson, eng
Theo Powers, m c
C Simmerman, alien
Luman Rogers, d c
Henry Cassidy, eng
Edward Landy, dis
Jas Robinson, d c
Davis Minster, eng
Edward Layton, eng
Jos Paterson, overage
Sam Dougerty, dis
John Albneght, d c
Mathew Connell, d c
David Campbell
Joseph L Havins, dc
Chas Rethmiller, d c
Jaseph Cullen, d c
James Carroll, over age
Wesley Greir, d c
John Stormer, d c
Thomas M' Donald, d c |
Jas Potts, over age
Martin Bracken, en e
^ T. T. E a H E ]sr Y.
Henderson Wiley, eng
John Shearer, d c
James McCune, alien
Wm A Charlton, dis
Sol Joseph, alien
James F Reno, d c
James Bell, eng
John Kitchen, over age
Henry Naughton, alien
John Agy, eng
Ed Butten, over age
Lewis Reno, pilot
John Ragen, pilot
George Alexander, d c
RobtM Boles, pilot
Wm Campbell, dis
Sam Peacock, alien
Thomas Sanders, d c
Pat L Ward, d c
Stephen Kindle, alien
Wm P Bardell, d c
C J F Buckley, alien
Jesse Robinson, tel operator
George W Lyon, d c
John Walsh, d c
William E Cowell, do
Thos H Bew, alien
Sam Riddle, postmaster
William Lloyd, alien
Charles A Hodgkiss, d c
Geo N Miller, eng
James Patten, alien
Leonard McCandless, tel op
Sam R Davis, d c
Henry Lank, d c
Edward Barr, d c
Wm Fish, pilot
Charles Tuttle, dis
James Oldden, dis
George W Moore, eng
David Acor, d c
T Costamagna, pensn'r
Wm McCune, alien
And M Matthews, d c
John Husler, eng
Benj J Haddington, d c
Walter Thompson, alien
Wm Mahoon, d c
James Hamilton, pilot
Sam Brown, alien
S D King, eng
David Hunter, d c
John Philron, dc
Charles Dallmeyer, d c
Wm Park, d c
H D Reymer, d c
Thomas Pratt, d c
Samuel Crow, d c
John Magoffin, d c
Josiah Lowe, alien
Archibald Richey, eng'r
Alexander Taylor, d c
Harris Babcock, d c
Benj Hawk, d c
Wm W Martin, over age
Samuel Parker, alien
Levi Clouser, d c
John Hazlett, pilot
John Grant, d c
Charles Rice, d c
Wm H Smith, d c
Patrick Campbell, alien
Ebenezer Searle, d c
John Sullivan, d c
James Powell, d c
Henry Ackley, d c
George W Reed, over age
David Ross, engineer
JOS Golden, d c
George Gipner, d c
Wm Sprague, engineer
James Orr, d c
Wm A Lee, over age
James Simpson, d c
John B Garrett, eng'r
Henry Dalmyer, d c
Joseph Ross, engineer
J W Roberts, d c
List of Exempts,
Wm Cooven, eugineer
Henry Wymend, d c
David Dennison, d e
Will Bergoyne, d c
Hugh Johnston, eng
Samuel Wheeler, d c
1 John Wilson, alien
Henry Israel, eng
James J Scott, engineer
Erastus Gray, eng
Oliver Feecber, ove.r age
John Hunter, alien
n C Ricbinond, eng
John Whitehead, alien
Wm West, alien
^ P G p]llings, d c
David Dorman, eng
John Campbell, d c
T F Grubbs, d c
Michael Murphy, alien
John Turmile, alien
Cbas H Cutler, d c
John Martin, alien
James C Brown, d c
John Lane, d c
Michael A Barnes, d c
George Kimberlin, alien
1 Geo McKnlgbt, alien
Edward Upstill, d c
John Arbuckle, engineer
Henry Gorman, d c
F M Cooley, engineer
Charles Huzzard, engineer
Jesse K Scott, d c
Emanuel Greenwalt, alien
P Reymer, d c 1
J L Smith, p 0 clerk
Joseph Allender, d c
Jeremiah Galerest, d c
' C R Church, eng
Francis Murray, engineer
Richard Higgen, d c
John L Crawford, d c
John C Anderson, d c
Thomas Brady, alien
Richard Pegg, alien
Owen Gosens, alien
Henry Merrick, d c
Alexander Leech, over age
Thomas Lucy, d c
C W^ Ramsey, engineer
William Gee, over age
Daniel Lucy, alien
Thomas Miller, d c
Dennis M'Eleer, d c
James B Edie, over age
John Peters, d c
George Sims, over age
Edward Price, non res
HHockstein, d c
William Gilland, d c
John Caldwell, engineer
Fred Zetum, d c
Wm J Ford, engineer
James H Sewell, over age
Anthony Longbitz, alien
Benj Ford, engineer
Carney McCartney, alien
Fred Keizler, d c
Simon Kaufman, d c
Joseph iMcNaugher, d c
Thos J Blake, dis
Jas Middleburg, d c
Gerhard E Moran, d c
Constant Fry, d c
Lewis Kail, d c
John Dalzell, alien
John J Hackstine, d c
Francis Spect, d c
Ludwig Schuler, d c
John Steirhalm, d c
Samuel Dickey, d c
Henry Stebbing, d c
Herman Beck d c
John Carson, alien
John Farrell, d e
Fred Bluckbaum, d c
Robt H White, teacher
John White, d c
Baltzer Stephen, over age
David Moon, d c
Thomas York, d c
Charles Fisher, alien
Serren Yenson, alien
David W Morris, d c
Noah Myers, d c
Henry Walter, alien
Jacob Sturkle, d c
Fred Ibendahl, over age
Matthev/ Kimm, d c
Wm J Herron, over age
Augustus Walter, d c
William Conkle, d c
Hugh Knox, alien
Charles Frick, dis
John Wolf, d c
William P Torreuce, d c -
Lewis Shaffer, alien
Chas Geltman, d c
V B McGaben, over age
John P Wacker, d c
Thomas York, d c
Louis Kail, d c
Isaac Rhode, d c
Chas Hawthorne, engineer
George Stoolfire, d c
John Hartman, d c
Samuel McKibben, alien
Harmon Harsh, alien
Joseph Smith, d c
Peter Smith, d c
Moses Arnold, alien
Peter Shatz, d c
John Van Horn, d c
William Richey, alien
Martin Schafer, d c
Wm Fairley, alien
Philotus Dean, minister
Joseph Salim, d c
Fred King, alien
John Fitzsimmons, d c
Jos llookensteine, alien
Samuel Linham, alien
Leonard K Kuapp, d c
Arthur M'Ginn, d c
Robert Elton, d c
John Williamson, d c
Fred Schwartz, d c
Wm Fanghender, engineer
John L Kerr, pilot
Christian Kilf, d c
Andrew J Gordon, d c
A Gugenheimer, d c
Francis Ratzell, d c
Beuj F Woodburn, min
Jas P Fleming, p d
John W Duvall, eng
Alexander Mcintosh, alien
E!i Meanor, d c
William Morrison, d c
Wm H Edie, d c
John C Morrison, d c
Wm K Gray, d c
Charles Green, alien
Quinton Casselbery, tel o
John Hawthorn, alien
John Kennedy, ali6n
Robert Knox, alien
Wm Hawthorn, alien
John Graham, not a citizen
Charles Frinklebosh, d c
Robt Hawthorn, alien
Robert Johnston, alien
John Walkinshaw, alien
Philip Hoffman, d c
List of Exempts.
Jacob Meyer, d c
James Sterling, d c
John Hazlett, jr., d c
John Elliott, alien
William Bender, d c
John Titzell, d c
Patrick Cunningham, d c
Patrick O'Hanlon, alien, 14
Louis Glaser, d c
Francis Huggins, d c
years in the country
George Myers, d c
Jno Hoflfman, blind, right eye
James Hulliehin, d c
G H Bollman, alien
George Urban, d c
Robert Matthias, d c
Louis Richards, alien
Robert Maxwell, d c
William Varnum, d c
Isaac Collins, d c
Wm Boley, en e
Christian Wolf, alien
J V Link, alien
Henry Redman, d c
John Mitsch, d c
John Metzenbaker, d c
Casper Weyman, d c
George Jueugert, d c
Benj A Robinson, dis
George Wirt, d c
J. Baldinger, d c
Valentine Christman, d c
John Bleakley, dis
Henry Schulz, d c
E C Rotzsell, d c
J J McDermott, en e
W E Kahler, minister
Frank Pilgrim, d c
B F Adams, d c
George Nixon, d c
James Milligan, d c
Robt Armstrong, n r — paroled
J S Plerson, d c
Amos Suthen, dis
by rebels
Augustus Ferst, alien
John Beck, dis
Francis Thompson, d c
C R Carlyle, d c
Samuel Haney, dis
Anthony Enning, d c
James Colley, alien
Allen Faust, deaf
J N Ziegler, dis
James McElroy, d c
Herman Miller, do
J P Johnston, d c
Alexander McElroy, d c
John Kahner, d c
J S Willock, d c
James Coil, alien
James Haneyman, alien
James Bradley, alien
Samuel Palmer, d c
Francis Mackle, d c
Wra Olney, over age
John N Glogger, alien
Rinehart Buck, alien
A Levi, alien
John Gum, d c
George Miller, d c
John Woolen, dis
T J Munden, d c
John Boles, d c
John Thompson, dis
John Maclain, jr., d c.
Geo Kleggenhoffer, d c
S B Robinson, d c
Abraham Faust, over age
Andrew Klinance, d c
R C Stevenson, d c
Samuel Lambert, dis
Joseph Wolfe, d c
W L Harper, d c
Herman Handel, d c
George Repuch, d c
Samuel McCowan, d c
Jas A Thompson, alien
Thomas Cutler, d c
Charles F Tutter, d c
E F Boyd, d c
Peter Bradle, d c
W^illiam Cox, d c
J J East, d c
Louis Beckholt, alien
Richard Johnston, alien
Thomas Rhodes, dis
Samuel Hadfield, over age
J S Orton, dis
C Mclntyre, alien
William Curry, d c
James Felter, dig
W N Howard, d c
John McCune, alien
James Pauline, dis
Robert Hadfield, alien
Hurcules McCord, ^ c
John Bodarmy, dis
William Gullyes, alien
J G M'Connell. d c
Wm Bearhorst, dis
Robert Walters, dis
George Holdship, d c
Michael Sour, d c
W H Robinson, d c
P G Weichert, d c
J F Rabe, d c
James Robinson, d c
James Hill, d c
Joseph Champion, d c
R B Sterling, d c
George Killen, alien
James F Tompkins, dis
James Gault, d c
J C Stepheuson, d c
Conrad Ahliere, alien
Thos C Wilson, engineer
H A Coffin, d c
John Thoma, alien
Wm McFaddeu, alien
William Irwin, alien.
Joseph Thoma, alien
James Clark, alien
"William Merriman, d c
J H Tompkins, dis
List of Exempts.
r John Ralzer, d c
N H Plummer, s d
John Lehner, dis
j Frank Raumgardon, d c
Wm Lips, d c
H Hebrank, d c j
1 H Vor der Bruecke, d^c
George Link, dis
Wm Mittenzwei, s d
J Goerge Forester, d c *
C A Church, engineer
R D Brice, d c
1 John Wintergill, d c
Adam Weyman, d c
Dennis Riley, d c
J N Laborser, d c
George Geyer, d c
Joseph Gettler, alien i
Gregor Fox, d c
M Kappler, dis
Levi Schook, engineer \
J Q A Barnes, d c
Jacob Krumm, d c
Wm Evans, d c
Amslj Smith, d c
J A H Carson, d c
A Dougherty, dis
John Hughes, s d
Patrick Keating, alien
James Gibson, alien
Joseph J Ulam, d c
George W Jones, p m
Wm Scott, alien
John Snyder, d c
Lewis Schaler, p o clerk
Alex Patton, dis
David Challinor, d c
Henry Buddy, d c
John Beer, d c
Frank Plunkett, d c
Patrick Pierce, d c
Chas Stolzenbach, d c
John Herron, lost an arm at
Wallace Gardner, d c
Dominic Ihmsen, d c
John Whinton, d c
Robert Taw, d c
John Osingar, been in U. S.
Gustave Espy, lame leg
M Church, d c
since 1846 and says he is
Aug Ammond mail car
John Fink, d c
not a citizen
Michael Keck, dis
Henry Sounenschem, d c
N Keller, d c
T Carnahan, bad eyes
P Euler, d c
Thomas Wallace, d c
William Harris, d c
John Giser, dis i
Chas W Hamilton, d c
Wm Blackson, d c
Fred Shuttle, d c !
John A Wenzel, d c
Alex Dowden, d c
Phillip Zell, d c
Francis Blood, over age
S Vanderan, lost a hand
Dennis M'C-irthy, alien
Wm Smith, engineer
John Schuman, dis
P Helmlinger, alien
John C Miller, alien
John N Forger, d c
John Phillips, d c
Edward Antffony, alien
Frank Stewart, d c
T 0 Hughard, d c
Peter Bloohiuger, dis
B Rust, d c
John Lauth, d c
C J Schullz, d c
William Rosser, d c
Joseph Walton, s d
Andrew Nann, d c
Jones Jones, d c
Jacob Schook, engineer
Alexander Mowry, d c
Henry Ahlburn, s d
Wm B Edwards, arsenal
Christ Irwin, arsenal
Wm H Andrews, min
T J EUwood. arsenal
James Johnston, arsenal
Geo W Barr, d c
Robert Esler, arsenal
Mathew Jordan, d c
John Bair 1, d c
Wm Foster, alien
Francis Jeffrey, arsenal
Fred Blackhouse arsenal
Agustus Iloyer, d c
John Jackson, arsenal
Henry Becker, arsenal
Thos J Hunter, over age
Wm Kenworthy, d c
M Blankinpeler, alien
Boniface Hess, arsenal
Wm M'Conehue, arsenal
Kearnes Bracken, d c
Edw Ilorling, arsenal
John M'Kee, alien
Alex C Bell, d c
William Hall, arsenal
C C Middlebaugh, arsenal
Wm Brown, arsenal
Lewis Holland, arsenal
Jno R M'Laughlin arsenal
Under Cooper, alien
Wm H Huber, arsenal
Jos Matthews, arsenal
Samuel Colvin, d c
John Herman, alien
John Mullen, arsenal
James Cinnamon, d c
Henry Haer, arsenal
Robert Martin, arsenal
Charles De Knight, s d
Wm J Hastings, dis
John M'Dormott, d c
John Daniels, d c
Jackson Hull, d c
H W Myers, d c
Wm Deume, alien
Chas F Hughes, ra c
John M' Conaghy, arsenal
' John Dunn, d c
George Hail, arsenal
Jas R Murphy, d o
John B Earl, d c
Wm H Hulf, arsenal
Michael Mackey, arsenal
Adam Esler, engineer
Wm floffstadt, arsenal
Wm Montooth, arsenal
List of Exempts.
Thos Mulvany, arsenal
Geo Fox, arsenal
Saml M' Mahan, s d
Dennis Malonj, arsenal
David Freeman, dis
Patrick Martin, d c
R L Miller, minister
Daniel Farrel, arsenal
Patrick M' Quillen, d c
George M'Noelj, arsenal
Henry Frank, arsenal
Jacob Metz, arsenal
Alex Morietj, d c
John Foight, arsenal
John M' Whinney, arsenal
John T Means, d c
Daniel French, arsenal
Jos Montgomery, arsenal
Conrad Malcus, alien
Joseph Grim, arsenal
Wm Mitchell arsenal,
Michael J M' Cann, d c
Joseph Grier, arsenal
0 S MiddlekauflF, arsenal
John Mitchell, d c
A A Gilbert, arsenal
Michl Neckerman, arsenal
Pat Melville, arsenal
Hugh Grunt, arsenal
Melchl'ck Nailer, alien
Jas E M'Clure, arsenal
David Goff, arsenal
Henry Nailor, alien
Patrick M'Graw over age
F Ferdinand, d c
Henry Nasser, d c
Hugh Mackey, d c
Casper Gilbert, arsenal
N H Norfolk, arsenal
Patrick M' Quillen, alien
Adam Hoffman, arsenal
John Orth, arsenal
Mathew Riceards, alien
Peter Hoarr, arsenal
Wm Obie, m c
Wm Ryan, arsenal
Charles Haid arsenal
Augustus Pferdort, d c
Edwin Ruddenbaugh, arsenal
Charles King, arsenal
Jno E Patton, arsenal
Wm Stuchfield, m c
Peter Kirk, arsenal
Theo Powers, en e
Wm Smy.lstack, arsenal
Samuel King, arsenal
Wm Phillips, arsenal
Aug. i'^mith, arsenal
William Keenan, dis
John Rodolph, d c
Wm Sword, arsenal
Christ Knauer. arsenal
Thos Ross, arsenal
John Schofield, arsenal
George Krause, do
Samual W Reynolds, dc
John Scott, alien
Charles Kline, arsenal
Levi Remree, arsenal
Jas M Snowden, en e
Herman Keller, arsenal
Geo S Richmond, arsenal
Robt A Scott, dis
John Kerny, alien
Oliver P Woods, arsenal
John Stewart, alien
Thos Kennedy, arsenel
Robt C Woods, arsenal .
David Stofiel, d c
John P Knaur, arsenal
John Wells, arsenal
Edwin Sherrett, d c
Wm Kroning, arsenal
John Wolf, arsenal
John SnaflFer, d c
John Keplinger, arsenal
John Leese, arsenal
Henry Stimel, arsenal
Arthur Kelloway, arsenal
Jos B Thomas, arsenal
Geo Schluderberg, arsenal
Thomas Laly, arsenal
Thos Hopkins, alien
W M Wilson, arsenal
Uriah Laughlin, arsenal
C R Thomas arsenal
John y Wharton, arsenal
Michl Lovegate, ^^rsenal
Lewis Unverzaght, d c
Reuben Williamson, alien
Joseph Lemon, arsenal
W H Williams, d c
Moiety Fredericks, alien
Fredk Letzkus, arsenal
And. West, arsenal
John B Flender, arsenal
James Lyons, ar?enei
E W Wright, arsenal
T Fay. alien
John F Leipfarth, arsenal
Wm Vernon, arsenal
James Fenton, arsenal **
Chris Lenkhardt, arsenal
Robt Young, arsenal
John Featherline, alien
John Longstaff. arsenal
Jacob Young, arsenal
Jas Fondersmith, arsenal
J W Lewkins, arsenal
Nich Yerger, arsenal
Martin V B Fowler, arsenal
Francis M' Gowder, arsenal
Zach Zacharias, alien
Anthony Fisher, arsenal
Wm M' Cutcheon, arsenal
Joseph Zuck, m c
Oliver M'Shane, dc
Job Winfield, alien
David Deaker, d c
David Slack, alien
Isaac Williams, alien
John Bottles, d c
Wm Wilson, d c
August Rose, d c
Oswald Keller, d c
Isaac Hixenbaugh, d c
John F Reed, o a
John J Greot, en e
John Shomaker, d c
Evan Finch, d c
Thos Bevington, d c
Dominick Cunningham, dc
Herman Long, d c
Wm Barr, engineer
Nick Kountzler, d c
Jno G Herbel, d c
Louis Weber, d c
Chas Ohliger, o a
Evan J Davis, alien
Emanl Schell, o a
Jno Carrick, d c
Jno Stewart, alien
Thos Ward, dc
Jno Zweldinger, d c
Daniel Wenke, p ra"
Henry Hermire, alien
Stephen Struntz, d c
Jacob J Vandergrift, d c
John Wilson, alien
Jas Shepherd, alien
Matthew Berry, d c
Wash M'Kee, d c
Cornelius Hays, alien
Geo Duncan, d c
Wm Vogen. en e
A C Donalsoii, en e
Edward Moya, d c
Patrick Coyle, en e
Edward Cooper, d c
Daniel Gross, d c
Henry Bearman, d c
Leopold Och, d c
Fred Deither, minister
Charles Edwards, alien
Anth Sneizhour, alien
Anthony Urbans, d c
Jas B E^ans, d c
John M'AUister, alien
Joseph Pleger, d c
Timothy Heft, d c
List of Exempts.
Philip Osprion, d c
Christian Brill, d c
Sebastian Pope, alien
Chas Miller, d c
Dan Stewart, alien
B A Samson, s d
Alex M'Kee, d c
Thos Diiflfj, eng'r
Andrew Mulides, o a
John T Wright, eng'r
John W Gardiner, eng'r
Chas F Irvin, d c
Wm S Graham, eng'r
James Atkinson, eng'r
Joseph Goodwin, d c
Thos Miller, eng'r
James M Cornwell, s d
Joseph Hall, d c
Thos Blackmore, dis
Michael Brecht, dis
Chas Bausman, dis
Sidney J Brauff, dis
Jos Betsler, d c
Jacob Blatch, dis
Hugh Chambers, d c
Robt Creighton. d c
James Cready, s d
James Deithoon, d c
Timothy Doyle, alien
Hiram Daily,- dis
Wm Edwards, d c
John Forsyth, dis
Henry Fork, d c
John Antwerpan, d c
Asoph Broad, dis
Geo R Cochran, d c
Maloky Connelly, alien
Jas Carroll, n r
Henry Esplen, s d
Thos Ferguson, d c
P G Bell, minister
Saml Ramsey minister
J H Yemmonds, minister
Joseph Home, minister
Danl Roush, demented
Saml Bagaley, dis
Pius Souder, deaf
Jno P Beech, asstp o
P D Liscomb, o a
Henry Fern, alien
Geo Vaux, engineer
Isaac B Jacobs, d c
David Evans, alien
David Brenniman, pilot
Jno Brecht, d c
Milton Woods, eng'r
Edward M'Chamber, eng'r
Henry Faulkner, s d
Amos Bryan, dis
Wm Johnston, d c
Wm Howard, alien
Byron L Beden, eng'r
Thomas Everson, d c
R Fearbley, eng'r
Thomas Johnston, alien
Edmoad Hays, alien
James Rodgers, d c
Peter Householder, eng'r
James H Logan, eng'r
Jeremiah Mosher, ra c
Joseph Cadwick, s d
Morris V Miller, eng'r
Cornelius Murdock, d c
Benj Fowler, d c
Samuel M'Cune, s d
John T Reno, pilot
Joseph Harper, dis
Caleb Parr, d c
George Peyton, eng'r
Wm A Porter, eng'r
Wm Carmichael, alien
John Hollenback, d c
D R Jones, alien
David C Kerr, pilot
Geo Konn, d c
Wm Lenz, d c
David Lloyd, o a
Jacob Murphy, dis
Bernard Marl, d c
James M'Keever, alien
Thos M'Keever, alien
Jas M'Clelland, dis
Nelson J M'Kinney, dc
Wra M'Dowell, alien
Robt Neely, jr, dis
Andrew Oyer, d c
A O'Donnell, eng'r
] Isaac Phillips, o a
Jos Richards, d c
Geo D Sharp, s d
Wash Stanley, dis
Jacob Smith, d c
Frank Sprew, d c
Peter Slicker, d c
David Scott, alien
Philip Snewer, d c
Jacob Fracts, d c
Jones links, dis
August Vietmier, d c
Nich Wieland, d c
M Winterhalter, d e
Geo Yeager, d c
GeoK Gamble, s d
David Henderson, d c
Even Jones, dis
James D Koons, d c
John Murray, d c
M M'Grannier, dis
Wm Nesbitt, arm off
Leander Robinson, dep Reg'r
Alex Ilazlett, blind of one eye John Snyder, alien
W J Richardson, Register of
Allegheny Co
David Sobinson, s d
Wm M Simcox, s d
James Wallace, cripple
Wm Wirts, d postmaster
Wm Chew, cripple
Robert Miller, s d
EM M'Call, d c
J M Porter, s d
L M Stephens, s d
Hezekiah Vantine, alien
Danl Yancy, alien
Henry Seelhorst, alien
GW Hazlett, dis
List of Exempts.
Conrad Bricktior, alien
George Ball, alien
John Ball, alien
Wm T Barkley, dis
Ph'lip Babbinger, alien
John C Ehrner, d c
Ernest Egners, jr, d c
Wm Finley, alien
Hugh Garrigan, alien, 10 jears
in the country
John Sladden, o a
Sylvester Houseman, d c
Thomas H Gibson, minister
Lewis W Lewis, d c
Bostean Kirgner, d c
Lainhart Karl, d c
Jas A Brown, alien, 18 years
in country
James C Lewis, s d
John Stewart, o a
Stewart Smith, d c
John Dixon, d c
BW Rankin, dc
Michael Munhall, d c
Daniel V Day, o a
James E Huey, d c
Uriah Mains, dis
Wm Munkittrick, d c
Harlin Hopkins, minister
Chas C M'Connell, t o
Michael Powell, d c
John C Anderson, pilot
S T Kennedy, minister
John Camp, d c
Michael Campbell, d c
Fred Figer, d c
Lewis Hoburg, d c
Geo Hass, dis
Aaron Robbin, dis
George Contant, d c
Gottfried Fischer, dis
Christopher Grutz, d c
Budd Gaskill, d c
Andrew Hepp, alien
Andrew Hare, s d
John Johnston, dis
Summerville Keep, dis
Henry B Lyon, d c
Edward Miller, d c
James Murphy, d c
George Brawdy, o a
Peter Shultise, o a
H H Lewis, minister
J L Phillips, d c
John J Hanna, d c
Jonathan Clouse, d c
Samuel Clouse, minister
James Saint, d c
Enos Woodruff, minister
Geo W Bierly, o a
Wm Fitzgerald, o a
David Miller, d c
Andw J Brown, o a
Robert Haney, o a
John M'Intosh, d c
Jacob Leazer, d c
John Connelly, o a
Henry j\rClockey, d c
A B Leonard, minister
E W Gould, n r
Patterson Agree, d c
Samuel J Rankin, d c
WiUard Faber, d c
Robert White, minister
Michael Hickey, alien
Nicholas Held, alien
Patrick M'Guire, d c
Beiij W Stouifer, d c
Thos Stewart, d c
John Sweany, d c
George Murrin, d c
Robert M'Connell, d c
Wm Oakley, s d
Wayne Ramsey, d c
George Seller, d c
Jacob Schmidt, d c
Samuel Still, eng'r
Jesse Sutton, s d
John Thompson, dis
Joieph Yocum, alien
Matthew B Brown, d c
Augustus Widman, d c
Joseph Wittman, lost two fin-
gers of right hand
John M Smith, minister
Francis T Gressing, d c
William Conner, pilot
Nicholas Goshorn, d c
Joseph Newell, dis
Geo K Newell, dis
Bernard Winslow, d c
Joseph Cline, d c
William Shaura, d c
Wm B Younker, d c
C C Huey, dis
John Clinelogel, dis
Robert E Hopkins, dis
Frank A Meyer, dis
Benj F Peterson, dis
Wm A Adair, dis
C Fletcher Scott, dis
Jno Morgan Stewart,
Wm Stewart, d c
John Whalen, alien
Peter Younger, d c
Patrick M'Bride, d c
Peter Lemraon, alien
List of Exempts,
T S Tower, d c
James H Maflett, s d
Samuel Hendrickson, pilot
Abaer Peoples, eng'r
Samuel Nadler, dis
James Elliott, d c
John E Shaffer, p m
Alex Matthews, dis
John Carson, dis
Robert Stewart, d c
John M'Elhaney, dis
Charles Brown, d c
Matthew Laughlin, dis
Isaac B Coates, dis
Augustus Snyder, d c
D Davidson, dis
1 ■ "' "
Nicholas Fay, over age
Peter Carville, over age
Edward M'Vinna, alien
Michael Sosh, d c
Andrew Large, dis
John M'Gargan, alien
James F Calhoun, d c
Robert S Means, d c
James M'Clure, dis
Conrad Render, d c
Thomas M M'Gorran, d c
Conrad Young, d c
1 Alexander M' Clure, d c
John Cams, over age
John Young, d c
j William Morre, d c
James Lizesey eng'r
James More, alien
1 Thomas Devie, alien
Wm S B Hays, pilot
Samual Braddock, alien
1 Timothy Cadman, over age
James Rath, over age
Lot Yeats, alien
■ Charles J. Smyser, d s
Joseph Livingston, d c
Michael Deerfecta, dis
George Senker, d c
George Pite, alien
Thomas Hadon, dis
James Whigara, d c
Michael Thomas, alien
Thomas Sharp, d c
Christ Distna, dis
Walter Walday, alien
Elijah West, d'c
James Alnure, dis
John Earner, d c
John Wosly, d c
Jacob Boyer, over age
Robert Barker, alien
Ni-holas Coalman, d c
Henry Svvingler, d c
John Gross, alien
John Carey, alien
Phillip Trince, d c
Peter Hunter, d c
David K Calhoun, d c
James Clark, d c
John F Neal, d c
Robert R Calhoun, d c
Byron Cochran, s d
John Haywood, alien
John Haranet, d c
William Oliver, b c
Thomas Sickman, alien
William Cox jr, d c
George Wells, d c
William Collins, alien
Casper Meyer, d c
Thomas Clifford, alion
Christ Bakerrell, alien
Jacob ortz, alien
Samuel Parker, alien
James Wilson, d c
John Livingsten, d c
James Adams, alien
Martin Mullooly, d c
Patrick Munhall, alien
j John Baldridge, jr, tel op
Joseph M'Cune, d c
John Savage, d c
Thomas Britton, alien
John R Marti, dis
J D Schoolev, d c
Matthias Hanisman, dss
David M'Cune, dis
Killan Stahl"] d c
Jacob H Jones, ass't p m
John M'Cune, dis
J M Thomas, minister
Mathew Lawler, alien
Samual A M'Dowell, d c
D H Toomy, over age I
Joel Loveridge, dis
James H M'Kelvy, p m
David B Wallace, d c j
List of Exempts.
Hugh Atkinson, alien
Benjamin Kepp, d c
John Brooks, over age
William Lemon, d c
Dennis Kelihe, d c
Robert Arthurs, d c
John Fressel, d c
Thomas Sherridan, d c
Joseph Haney, d c
John Hackinader, discharged
Michael O'Connor, alien
George Ewart, d c
James Yost, discharged
Michael Flinn, alien
Owen M'Cabe, alien
John Murray, d c
James Lamont, alien
William J Clark, discharged
George Sheppard, alien
Hugh Orr, alien
William Barton, d c.
' Francis J Weaver, d c
John Grant, alien
William T Hartley, over age
Albert Ingexhart, d c
William Standing, alien
Edward Brooks, discharged |
Charles Wood, over age
John Brown, alien
William Murphy, alien
Samuel Douglass, discharged
Eirhart Danhorn, d c
Samuel B Harris, d c
Lewis Manning, d c
William Littsler, alien
Alexander Black, d c
Michael Conlin, alien
Michael Carney, alien
Robert Cunningham, d c
Joseph Rudge, alien
Hezekiah Ruton, d c
Bernard Reilley, alien
Thomas J Blerton, d c
John T Wamelink, d c
William J Maguire, discharged
Robert Beyty, alien
Isaac Nock, d c
Bernard Lebear, alien
Richard SiU, over age
Norris Pyle d c
Willian Garman, alien
David M'Clain, d c
James M Brown, d c
Owen Carney, discharged |
William Green, alien
John M'Curdy, over age
Simon Katy, alien j
James Dorly, over age
Luster P Chester, pilot
John Dunlap, over age j
James M'Vernon. alien
Freeland Chester, pilot
Francis L Young, d c j
John Vernon, alien
Jacob Taylor, d c
Thomas B Y'oung, over age |
Thomas Barclay, d c
Peter Reniers, d c
John C Cox, d c j
William H Duff, professor
Adam Seaman, dc
Edward Davis, over age i
William Metcalf, d c
William Gormly, school dir
William Evans, over age j
Thomas Welfer, d c
Allen Dunn, d c
William Davis, school dir
William Banker, alien
James Johnston, d c
William B Evans, discharged
Trovillo May, discharged
James M'Alise, discharged
David J Davis, d c
James Crosby, d c
William Birch, d c
George Hite, d e
James Davis, over age
Ernest Ritmiiier, d c
James Hughey, d c
Francis M'Donald, alien
Samuel D Herron, d c
William Jones, dc
Anthony Burns, alien
Henry Kamper, d c
John Jones, alien
William Moorhead, alien
Henry Mitchell, d c
Joseph Nixon, pilot
Alexander A Miller, d c
J Ludwig Koethen, d c
Joseph Russell, eng'r
William Mitchell, d c
James Breen, d c
Columbus A Ward, dis
David P Estep, school dir
W A Gildenfenny, dc
James Dugan, non-res
Samuel R Kiemel, d c
Edward M'Cullum, d c
Page Speakman, non-res
Thos Armstrong, alien
Armstrong Hoffman, d c
John W M'Cune, d c
Ellis Ball, dc
Michael Hester, over age
Alexander Miller, alien
Jas Barker, alien
Samuel Hardwick, alien
Samuel Nolder, dis
John Bishop, alien
James Hardwick, alien
Frank Patterson, s d
Dennis Cuddy, d c
James Harrison, d c
Daniel Qeery, d c
Moses Calhoun, d c
Philip Hodil, d c
Matthias Rudolph, d c
Wm Davis, d c
William Thomas, alien
John Reynolds, over age j
Richard Davis, alien
Sam'l Torrence, assistant p m
John Rankin, s d
John M Daggett, d c
James Jones, dis
John Riney, dis
H G Edmundson, d c
John B Kelly, d c
William Ray, dis
James Galloway, d c
John J Kingley, dis
Hugh Scott, dis
James Gillen, d c
Andrew Kelly, d c
Nathaniel Steer, dis
Theodore Gilmore, dis
Richard Kelly, d c
William Shoaf, d c
James Howell, dis
William Kelly, d c
Brisbane Wall, dis
Matthew Henderson, jr., d pm
P A Lytle, d c
John P Wilison, d c
Charles Henderson, alien
Andrew M'Clure, d c
James Wiper, dis
William M'Coy, alien
List of Exempts.
James Robinson, d c
Robert Whigraiui, d c
Joseph Barker, alien, G Wells
says he showed naturaliza-
tion papers and voted on
William Carter, alien
I G Hickmam, d c
Samuel Stewart, d c
j Robert Stewart, d c
Jotm Braidrighr, over age
j James Michaels, d c
j William Frederick, d c
1 Thomas Lynch, alien.
j John Dods, d c
j Henry M'Kee, alien
James M'Kee, alien
Robert Sneddin, alien
Joseph Lehitz, d c
Henry Nickle, d c
Charles Deer, alien
\ William Deer, d c
I James S Jordan, d c
James Westfall, engineer
j Michael Marigan, d c
i Patrick Conley, d c
i Richard H Gray, d c
I Benjamin T Cox, engineer
Abraham Bolinger, d c
August Bartels, alien
Alfred North, alien
Felix Murra}^ alien
Reagan Batt, alien
Edward Ashton, d c
Wm Clark, alien
John Cook, alien
Michael Burch, alien
John Bedser, alien
Francis Bissell, d c
William Dufif, d c
William Corkay, alien
John Ferguson, alien
James Frankauser, alien
George Fug, alien
Gotlieb Eidenger, alien
Marx Elcessor, alien
Thomas Edwards, alien
William llocksteen, alien
Peter Gelston, alien
John Gline, alien
Benj Waters, school director
James Jack, d c
George R Cox, d c
Jonathan Davis, d c
James White, d c
John M'Closkey, d c
Florian Rinehart, d c
James Mitchel, alien
Frank Graham, d c
Francis Cornell, d c
Joseph Perkins, d c
Noah Stahl, d c
Thomas Swan, alien
John Fogle, dc
Jacob Weisen, d c
John Hughey, d c
George Miller, over age
Rush White, d c
Jacob Speelman, d c
James H Kerns, d c
John Snyder, d c
James Mardle, alien
Frederick Grabel, d c
William Smith, d c
William Biddle, d c
David S M'Kee, d c
Frederick Brookmeyer, d c
Conrad Neal, d c
James Chrysta, d c
Thomas Shortley, alien
John Grouse, alien
James Nesbit, alien
Hugh Newell, alien
Andrew M'Cutcheon, alien
James M'Intyre, alien
George Sliker, alien
Henry Raha, d c
Johnsten Ross, d c
Martin Reigneker, alien
Wallace Radcliffe, d c
David Golden, alien
John Gearing, alien
John Hankel, alien
Charles Holwaden, alien
Nicholas Leech, d c
Harmon Keefer, alien
John Knipi)er, alien
Michael Callahan, alien
J F Kceler, over age
Thomas Klinefelter, eng'r
William Kepple, alien
Robert Long, c c
Frank Meyer, alien
j Archibald Gibson, s d
I Henry Eckert, school director
Mike King, alien
Isaac Peterson, d c
Archy M'Cune, alien
Alexander M'Michaels, d c
John M'Cue. alien
Patrick Green, alien
Philip Boli, engineer
John Davis, d c
Lewis H Near, d c
Michael M'i\enna., over age
Michael AVelsh, discharged
Michael Cox, alien
Samuel Kelley, d c
Joseph Ludwick, d c
Andrew Whirling, d c
John Lynch, over age
Samuel J Kerr, d c
Thomas R Kerr, d c
Bernard Hogadon, alien
Alexander Fife, over age
Lockhart Noysraith, d c
William Darling, alien
John Duncan, d c
William Holliday, d c
Jacob Ludwick, d c
James W Taylor, d c
N J Bigley, d c
Michael Moore, alien
J M Little, school director
James Logan, dc
Henry Lagaman, d c
Patrick Laneghan, alien
James L^'ons, alien
W S Livingston, minister
John Lowen, over age
J C M'Kelvy, d c
Ephraim Spark, d c
John Perchment, d c
John Petty, alien
John Smith, alien
John G Strubble, d c
James Stree, alien
William Sproul, d c
Gearge Shearer, alien
Julius Shuide, d c
John Barton, d c
Peter Worty, d c
George Youngling, d c
John Mellon, d c
James Cole^ jr., school director
Wm H Seamen, school director
List of Exempts.
James Garghty, d c
John Burford, d c
S T Cuthbert, d c
Wm Golding, an idiot
ThosH Golding, d c
DWG Bidwell, d c
j Wra Edwards, alien
Robt Trotter, alien
Wm Beardsley, dis
Jno B Seymore, alien,
Robt Stinson, engineer
Louis Worling, d c
J T Herbert, d c
John Cramer, alien
Wm Armstrong, alien
Peter Kelly, alien
A H Gross, s d
David Carmichael, alien
Philip Cash, d c
James Burke, alien
John Grey, d c
Henry Sirothoff, alien
John Wessen, alien
Henry Scbnellbach, alien
George Holler, d c
John Moore, alien
George Buck, d c
Joseph Maits, d c
Thomas J Snee, d c
John H Sowderbach, d c
A G Simpson, d c
Wm Glen, d c
Oliver Sheets, d c
William Cowan, d c
Jas W Skees, d c
Alexander Wadlow, sr,, dis
Alfred Wall, dis
Henry Beeker, d c
Rufus Brandon, over age
William J Beatty, alien
William Dickey, d c
JohnNosser, dc
Edward Curran, lunatic
Thos Curran, d c
Max Hageman, leg amputated
Phillip Mertz, d c
Henry Kimmel, d c
Fred Bogeman, alien
Wm Adams, d c
James Miller, alien
Samuel Bruce, alien
Henry Backer, alien
Simon J Turburg, alien
Alex Hilderbran, d c
J Jones, d c
Wm L Toland, ass't p m
John Lutz, s d
D Cunningham, over age
Lemuel Spahr, d c
James Duval, alien
Anthony Duval, alien
John Scanlon, alien
John Schmidt, alien
Peter Lightenthal, alien
William A Burchfield, min
JohnHannager, alien
Gilber Turner, alien
Robert Patterson, s d
James Murdock, d c
John Maits, jr, d c
George Bayer, d c
Leonard P Bayer, d c
John Lafferty, d c
L M' C Larimer, d c
Joseph Young, d c
William Snee, d c
J J Miller, d c
HL Marshall, sd
J D Murray, d c
C Coleman, s d
Adam Craft, alien
Jacob Frantz, s d
Michael Foulk, d c
C Gerber, over age
Thomas Hughes, s d
[Andrew Staley, d c
Thomas Staley, d c
Joseph Keeling, d c
Joseph Mahler, d c
Jas Wightman, alien
Wm Hartung, d c
Daniel Griffin, d c
Frank Armryan, d c
George W Chambers, d c
Louis Tiernan, d c
Peter Barok, d c
Jacob Hasenfratz, d c
Michael M'Swiggen, over age
John Harvey, d c
Frank Rogers, d c
Neal O'Neal, alien
Alfred Shettle, d c
Gregor Hide, d c
Jacob McAlister, alien
Frederick Nedhamer, d c
Alfred Harrison, d c
Louis Calmet, alien
Claude Budget, alien
John Bruce, alien
William Wylie, s d
John Lepro, alien
Hill Burgwin, d c
George Buck, d c.
Wm Woods, d c
Wm Boyer d c
John Sickman, d c
D C Hultz, d c
E A Wood, d c
Robert E M' Corkle, d c
P R Boyer, d c
David M" Alistsr, d c
Leonard Boyer, d c
Daniel Lecy, alien
Thomas Madden, d c
James Old, s d
William Potter, over age
William Scothorn, d c
Samuel Dickson, d c
John M'Caw, d c
List of Exempts.
Robert H Wills, s d
Samuel M'Pherron, d c
John Henderson, p m
Alexander Whitten, d c
David M'Clelland, d c
Francis Stroud, d c
Peter Seiferd d c
Samuel Mareshall, d c
Oliver P Henderson, d c
James Tirrell, d c
James Lemmon, d c
Matthew C Crawford, d c
Jacob W Thompson, d c
David Jones, alien
James C Campbell, d c
Phillip Skillen, alien
Frederick Hodil, d c
John Cable, d c
Wm Robinson, d c
Philip Hodil, d c
Edward Cable, d c
James Robinson, d c
Philip Hodil, d c
Dennis Cook, alien
James G Prigby, d c
John Hodil, d c
Wm Barkley, d c
Peter Quinette, d c
Ezekiel Gordon, pilot
David Boreland, d c
Alfred Quinette, d c
John Hutchison, over age
John B Beatty, s d
Thos D Patterson, en e
William Hart, d c
Alexander Bovard, d c
Absolem Pettigrew, d c
Joseph A Hancock, d c
Joseph Bestler, alien
Wm Noble, alien
Peter Hutchison, d c
John Elder, d c
James Campbell, d c
Michael Ritticer, d c
Levi Wetsel, d c
Samuel Campbell, d c
Andrew M'Feran
Christopher Distler, overage
Robert Miller, d c
Michael Lebald, d c
Charles Newmaster, d c
Cleman Tanner, d c
Conrad King, d c
John Bradshaw, alien
Henry Frederick, d c
John Herron, over age
Harrison Wible, d c
Joseph Fogel, d c
Jacob Barr, alien
Thomas D Stone, d c
Peter Fernof, d c
Michael Milbert, d c
Leonctious Bullion, dc
Robert Thompson, school dir
Levi Milbert, d c
John Bullion, d c
D Thompson, over age
Hamilton Beatty, arsenal
John Hoon, d c
John G Zimmerman, d c
Josiah Aber, school director
Peter Huffman, alien
Christopher Stokes, alien
Milton Bedell, d c
Irwin Hamilton, d c
Adam Shatz, d c
John Boyd, deserter
Thomas Gelitely, alien
John Sheplar, school director
John Cadick, alien
Frederick Lnits, d c
Robert Taylor, alien
Isaac B Coats, discharged
William Loutlit, alien
Henry Whi taker, d c
Edward Stokes, alien
A Gilbert Kirtland, d c
Reuben AVhite, d c
David Davis, d c
Edwin Oudy,d c
Joseph Wilson, d c
William Fortune, d c
Samuel Roberts, d c
Thomas Wakefield, d c
Henry Devore, d c
William Roy, d c
Harvey H Stewart, d c
Peter Dersam, d c
William Marshel, d c
Michael Walter, alien
Xavier Lander, d c
Gotlieb Hangstoter, d c
John Hartung, dc
August Jeckel, d c
William Stimple, d c
Adam Path, d c
Lorentz Walter, dc
Henry C Reineman, d c
Daniel Hahraen, alien
George Hetzel,d c
Joseph Schmidt, d c
Henry Steffler, d c
Louis Schad, d c
Henry Vogel, d c
I Birchel, con scruples
Gottlieb G Mayer, d c
John Kunkel, alien
Robert Brotherton, d c
William Hahn, d c
Frank M'Clelland, d c
William Creighton, s d
William Harper, s d
John Russell, s d
Isaac P Dunlap, d c
James M'Namee, d c
Christopher Shefler, d c
List of Exempts.
John Agnew, over age
John Benton, d c
John Bakewell, alien
Valentine Betz, d c
William Bennett, d c
Wm Crouch, d c
Watson Craft, ov^r age
Edward Davis, alien
John Veal, d c
Joseph Drake, d c
Benj Elliott, d c
Henry Elteuham, d c
Ferdinand Farrier, alien
Wm Fawks, over age
George Goodboy, d c
John Grass, d c
John GriflBth, overage
James Gibbs, d c
John F Wicks, d c
George Huey, d c
Benj Hunter, d c
Jacob Honing, d c
Henry B Long, d c
James Moore, over age
Jacob Mav, d c
Gilbert G Gordon, d c
Robert Hood, d c
Philip H Stevenson, school dir
Levi Stevenson, post master
James Aten, d c
i John M'Cutcheon, d c
David Harper, d c
Benjamin B Slay, d c
William Q Shrodes, pilot
James Ramsey, d c
Alexander Adamson, alien
George Archbold, alien
David Cooper, alien
John Cromby, alien
James Carter, jr, d c
William M Carter, d c
Matthias Manuel, over age
William Nicholson, d c
Thomas Herron, d c
Martin Dolen, d c
David Gilmore, school dir
James Wallace, d c
David R Moore, eng'r
Benjamin Willoughby. d c
Conrad Emeric, d c
! Jas M'Fadden, over age
John Creighton, d c
Frank Eberly, d c
William J Backhouse, d c
Samuel Oustot, d c
James M'MiUer, d c
Samuel J Ewing, dep p m
P S Jennings, d c
John Thompson, alien
Thomas H M'Clelland, p m
William Perry M'Cabe, d c
Joseph Fleming, engineer
William Frew, school director
William Linton, alien
E G D Mayes, di c
Wilson Ramsey, d c
George Rous, d c
James Quinn, secrt'd from dep
T F M'Cabe, d c
William Carson, alien
Jacob Richards, d c
William Hammond, alien
John Shanky, d c
Francis Koomer, eng'r
Frederick Nuhn, d c
Philip Sarver, d c
Jacob Jost, d c
I Ellas Reno, school director
James M'Anulty, d c
Henry J Ortman, d c
John Peach, jr, d c
John B Plappard, d c
Michael Ripple, d c
Wm Ripka, alien
Sidney Stewart, en e
Jacob Spirt, d c
Henry Shemik, dis
Matthew Schide, over age
Fred Travers, alien
Henry Voight, d c
George Seibert, d c
William F Stoddart, d c
William K Nesbit, school dir
William Ewing, dep p m
James Guy, d c
Isaac N deeraer, d c
Robert Parker, d c
John C Harper, d c
James White, d c
William BickerstaflF, d c
Francis Rodgers, d c
Thos Silk, d c
William J Shedden, engineer
David Singleton, engineer
Andrew Williamson, alien
Robert Miller, alien
J M Shane, d c
James R Dinsmore, d c
Randolph Clark, d c
James Mawhiney, d c
John Patterson, d c
James Sarver, d c
Jacob Sarver, d c
Daniel Willoughby, d c
Samuel Sawer, school dir
List of Exempts.
William Herron, s d
John Fulton, d c
M' Crea M' Whister, d c
David Johnston, d c
Wm C M Farland, d c
John M'Leastor, alien
Abraham Bell, over age
Robert M'Farland, asst p m
Gabriel Walker, d c
Matthew A M'Gregor, d c
Richard L Morrow, d c
Josiah Walker, d c
George Thompsen, dis
Cyrus R Potter, minister
Ezekiel Walker, d c
D M Cannon, d c
Samual Cavitt, d c
Joseph R Farmer, d c
Samual M'Cov, d c
William H Clark, d c
Joseph Wallace, d c *'
Samual Ste^venson, d c
John Whitman, d c
JohnHMiller.de j
Joseph r.indsej, d c
Oliver M'Leaa, d c '
George M M'Kee, d c
Alfred C Rineman, d c
Alex W Morrow, d c
John Tracy, alien
Joseph Rineman, d c
Adam Potter, d c
Alex Allison, d c j
Thompson JeflFrej, d c |
lasac J Stewart, d c
Thomas R Partridge, d c |
J P Hughes, d c
Jas M Lewis, d c
Jacob Gass d c
Robert Crawford, d c
Thomas Thompson, alien
Harrisor: Grubs, d c
William Crawford, d c
Aaron Grubs, s d
Cunningham Snickle, alien
William M Dean, alien
Samuel Schyler, d c j
John Curns, alien
Cornelius Smith, d c
Jacob Crees, d c j
Samuel M'Cory, d c
Daniel Snider, d c
Samuel Cress, d c j
1 George Fagains, d c
John Lindsey, d c
Abraham Fulkman, d c
Jacob Fisher, d c
David Forsyth, d c
Wm Neely, school director
G H Wallace, school director
John Fry, d c
John Smith, d c
George Sickels, do
Alexander Forsyth, d c
Jas Neely, school director
George Berger, d c
Phillip Fry, school director
Samuel iSTeely, d c
Samuel Wilson, d c
Edward Thompson, d c
James Sewright, d c
Thomas Robinson, d c
John Frazier, d c
Robert Kankin, discharged
William Roach, school director
W J Gilmore, school director i
Samuel Morton, discharged
David Donaldson, d c
James Duff, d c
David Higbee, school director
Thomas McMillan, d c
Thomas Duff, d e
James Fife, d c
Andrew M'Millan, d c
Richard H Pearce, s d
John Campbell, d c
;James Stoup, s d
John Dean, d c
Robert Campbell, d c
John Ross, d c
John Rigby, d c
Alexauder Speer, d c
James M'Caw, d c
Robert Scott, d c
Robert Chigeman, d c
Joseph R Hart, d c
Samuel M'Manus, dis
John G M'Cabe, d c
Joseph Huey, s d
Henry M'D Morrow, s d
Whiimer Stoner, d c
List of Exempts.
John J Warner, dis
James A Smith, d c
Thomas J Stevenson, p m
John Pratt, dis
Patrick Parcell, alien
Charles Lyster, dis
Casper Anay, alien
Adolph Ager, d c
Levi Spreity, d c
Patrick M'Merrell, alien
William S Jones, d c
John Esler, d c
Michael Carmody, alien
Thomas Coyle, alien
I John A. Irwin, dis
George Gobbet, alien
Wm Barnes, d c
John Snjder, d c
William T Anderson, d e
John C Anderson, dis
Samuel C Alter, s d
Joseph Burmaster. assist pm
Francis Brown, alien
Lafayette Lea, dis
Isaac Hultz, dis
Robert Gloyston, school dir 1 David Gill, d c
James Long, d c
John Hags, alien
George Linn, d c
Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process
Neutralizing agent: Magnesium Oxide
Treatment Date: Dec. 2003
1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive
Cranberry Township. PA 16066